My passion is to be alive - [EN - SP] - LOH 134

My passion is to be alive (1).png


Mi pasión es estar viva!

¿Qué te apasiona en la vida?

¡Esta es una pregunta que diferentes personas me han hecho, en diferentes momentos de mi vida y bajo diferentes circunstancias, y creo que siempre la respuesta ha sido la misma, mi pasión es: estar viva!

Amo vivir, amo despertar todos los días, y ver un nuevo día.

¿Qué todos los días no son los mejores? No, no lo son.
Pero para eso tienes un día nuevo, para intentarlo de nuevo.

¿Qué hay días que son una mierda? Sí, si los hay.
Pero para eso tienes un día nuevo, para intentar ser mejor y que el nuevo día sea de flores.

¿Qué hay días donde desearías no vivir? Sí, si los hay.
Porque la vida, a veces, es terrible y pensamos que la solución es no vivirla.

Pero tenemos que apasionarnos por vivir, por sentir; lo bueno y también lo malo.

No es necesario tener estas grandes pasiones que nos hacen creer que debemos tener. Siempre me ha parecido un poco gracioso cuando entrevistan a alguna persona y dice que desde que era niño le apasionaban los planetas, o algo así que eso ha sido su motor de vida y eso está bien. De verdad que sí, qué bueno, que desde que naciste sabes tu misión en este mundo.

Pero, para mí lo divertido es tener diferentes pasiones, lo que me apasionaba cuando era niña, no es lo que me apasiona hoy en día. Supongo que he tenido tantas pasiones en mi vida, que no puedo recordarlas todas.

Obviamente, hay algunas que se han quedado conmigo a través de los años, mi gusto por la música, el teatro, la lectura, la natación, la gimnasia rítmica (aunque no lo practico me sigue fascinando y pienso que es uno de los deportes más hermosos del mundo).

A veces, conozco a personas nuevas que me cuentas de sus grandes aventuras; que se han lanzado en paracaídas, o han hecho cosas superarriesgadas, y lo primero que pienso es: a mí me gusta estar viva, y no quiero arriesgarme.

Y es que me gusta salir a comer sola o con mis amigos.
Me gusta bailar en mi habitación, pero también en un club con cientos de personas sintiendo la misma energía.
Me encanta nadar y sentir que no peso.
Me encanta enseñar; a veces creo que aprendo más de mis alumnos que ellos de mí. No puedo pasar un día de mi vida sin un café.
Enamorarme una y otra vez. Tener aventuras dignas de un libro de romance.
Saber que mi familia está sana, feliz, sin problemas.
Me encanta soñar todos los días, pero aún más me gusta soñar despierta.

Tal vez mi pasión por estar viva, es que tengo miedo a morir. A no saber qué pasa cuando la muerte llega. Que triste sería que cuando eso sucede, ya no hay nada más. No hay otra vida, no se nace de nuevo. Que simplemente te apagas y ya, como un celular o un electrodoméstico que dejo de funcionar.

Pero bueno, no lo sabré hasta que ese momento llegue, y espero que pacen muchísimos años para eso.

Mientras tanto, aprovecharé el tiempo y la vida que tengo. Buscaré y encontraré más cosas con las que apasionarme y las disfrutaré hasta que consiga una nueva.


My passion is to be alive!

What are you passionate about in life?

This is a question that different people have asked me, at different times in my life and under different circumstances, and I think the answer has always been the same, my passion is: to be alive!
I love living, I love waking up every day and seeing a new day.

That some days are not the best. No, some days are horrible and full of shit. But, you have a new day to try again, do better, and be better.

That some days suck. Yes, of course, some days suck. But that's what you have a new day for, you just put yourself back on track and keep going.

That some days you think dying would be a solution to all your problems. I bet we all have had that thought, and sometimes, is terrible, and we think that the solution is not to live it.

But we have to be passionate about living, about feeling; the good and also the bad.

It is not necessary to have these great passions that society make us believe we should have perfect lives, and all our shit together.

I have always found it a little funny when someone is interviewed, and they say that since they were little they were passionate about planets, or something like that, and that has been their life engine and that's fine. It is really good, that since you were born you know your mission in this world.

But, for me, the fun thing is to have different passions, what I was passionate about as a child, is not what I'm passionate about today. I guess I've had so many passions in my life, I can't remember them all.

Obviously, there are some that have stayed with me over the years; my taste for music, theater, reading, swimming, and rhythmic gymnastics (although I don't practice it, it still fascinates me and I think it's one of the most beautiful sports in the world).

Sometimes, I meet new people who tell me about their great adventures; that they have skydived, or have done super risky things, and the first thing I think is: I like being alive, and I don't want to take risks.

The thing is that:

I like to go out to eat alone or with my friends.
I like to dance in my room, but also in a club with hundreds of people feeling the same energy.
I love to swim and feel that I don't weigh.
I love teaching; sometimes I learn more from my students than they learn from me.
I can't spend a day of my life without a coffee.
Falling in love over and over again. Have adventures worthy of a romance book.
To know that my family is healthy, happy, and without problems.
I love to dream everyday, but I like to daydream even more.

Maybe my passion for being alive is that I'm afraid of dying. Not knowing what happens when death comes. How sad it would be that when that happens, there is nothing more. There is not any afterlife, and you are not born again. That you just turn off and that's it, like an old cell phone or an appliance that just stops working.

But, we will know about that moment that time comes. For me, I hope it will take many, many years for that.

In the meantime, I will take advantage of the time and life I have. I will search and find more things to be passionate about and enjoy them until I get a new one.



Hello @natalialove. I think your passion for life is inspiring. When you say that:

"Maybe my passion for being alive is that I'm afraid of dying. Not knowing what happens when death comes. How sad it would be that when that happens, there is nothing more. There is not any afterlife, and you are not born again. That you just turn off and that's it, like an old cell phone or an appliance that just stops working."

Your concerns about the afterlife are ones that many people feel, think, and express. I believe there is an afterlife. What if our lives here on Earth is just a passing through, given to us for a time. From one realm to the other. We may or may not have our physical bodies. But it doesn't matter as long as our consciousness continues on in whatever form there is.

Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts. I appreciate it.

Take care and have a good rest of your weekend.

