It is important to monitor our conditions in order to achieve better control of them.


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As a diabetic, I have learned over the years the importance of taking care of myself and keeping my condition under control. Being diabetic is not only a matter of taking medication and following a special diet, but also of paying attention to certain details that can make a difference in my health.

One of the health tips that I consider fundamental is the importance of regularly checking my blood glucose level. Often, people with diabetes may neglect this aspect, thinking that they are fine just because they feel good. However, the truth is that blood glucose levels can fluctuate and cause long-term damage if not kept under control.


Lack of blood glucose control can have serious health consequences. Among the risks of not watching this include damage to internal organs, vision problems, nerve damage, cardiovascular disease and even diabetic coma. Therefore, it is crucial to test regularly and follow my doctor's recommendations to keep my glucose in a healthy range. Poorly controlled diabetes can lead to hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia, which can be dangerous and potentially fatal.

In addition, another important tip I have learned is the importance of regular exercise and leading an active lifestyle. Exercise helps control weight, improve insulin sensitivity and reduce the risk of diabetes-related complications. Lack of physical activity can increase the risk of developing chronic diseases associated with diabetes, such as heart disease and circulation problems.


Regularly controlling our blood glucose level and leading an active lifestyle are fundamental aspects to keep diabetes under control and prevent long-term complications. Not following these tips can result in serious health problems, so it is important to take them seriously and follow your doctor's recommendations.

Being diagnosed with diabetes can be a significant life change. From constantly monitoring blood sugar levels to the need to eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly, diabetes requires a constant focus on self-care. However, there is one health tip I consider vitally important that often goes unnoticed: the importance of ongoing education about diabetes and how to manage it effectively..


Foto de Nadine Primeau en Unsplash

At times, I feel discouraged, worried, frustrated or tired from dealing with diabetes care on a daily basis. These overwhelming feelings, known as diabetes stress, have led me to neglect myself and take up unhealthy habits, stop monitoring my blood sugar and even miss doctor's appointments, a big mistake on my part.

Over the years, I have learned that diabetes education is critical to managing the disease and preventing long-term complications. Many people believe that once they are diagnosed with diabetes, the only solution is to take medication and follow a strict diet. However, the truth is that diabetes is a complex disease that requires an approach that encompasses diet, exercise, constant monitoring of blood sugar levels and stress management.

Continuing diabetes education is important because it allows us to stay informed about the latest advances in the treatment of the disease and gives us the tools we need to take control of our health. By knowing how diabetes affects the body, we can make more informed decisions about our diet, exercise and medications, which can significantly improve our quality of life.

This is is my second post and it is related to the topic:

One Health Tip: Over the years, we've fallen sick or gotten injured and over time we've learned some pretty handy skills when it comes to taking care of ourselves. So, what is that one health tip you think not enough people know about or that people overlook? How important is it? And what are the risks of not observing them?

The collage was made with the graphic editing program Canva, being the following fonts:


Photo by in Unsplash


Photo by Aarón Blanco Tejedor in Unsplash

The second and third images are my own and were taken with my Umiditgi F2 cell phone.

A big greeting to the entire Hive Learners community.


It takes enough willpower to follow the instructions of your doctor, some people just give I don't care attitude to their health. I am happy you have all these to make sure you stay healthy.


The doctor is a specialist for a reason, it is important to follow the indications if I want to improve and maintain my rhythm of life, you said it, you have to have a lot of willpower.


Keeping our health conditions in check is another way to stay healthy, you get to spot a disease before it becomes chronic.


From what you say, it is important to have medical checkups, not to see them as an expense, but as an investment. I am not talking about seeing public health specialists, because unfortunately this type of disease is not very well treated at the public level in my country.


Waiting for symptoms isn't before doing a check is not a good idea because sometimes this illness lurks around by the time it announces its presence, it might be too late.

Exercise is quite important as eating fruit, these things can prevent illness and save us paying doctors enormous fee for treatment.


Fruit is best eaten naturally and preferably for a diabetic raspberries, blueberries and blackberries. Prevention is important because together with the specialist allows you to plan your diet, and the application of insulin in case it is required.


Having to battle diebities is not so easy because one just have to be scared of every little thing that he ears. As you said, taking drugs without doing the correct thing will make the time it takes to get healed longer.

Am glad you are following the rules too even in being physically active


It has been difficult to follow the rules, but it is important that I do it to improve my health and therefore my quality of life and that of my family. Many times I have to have willpower, especially when passing by a pastry shop, avoiding buying sweets or having a soda. In addition, I have to measure my blood sugar levels with the glucometer regularly no matter how tedious it is, as this allows me to decide what foods I can or cannot eat according to my glucose level.
