Cine TV Contest #39: The Favourite



Hello friends, welcome to my blog, when we talk about rivalry I could not help but think of this movie "The Favourite", which portrays the struggle of two women to conquer power, using all their wiles and manipulations possible. This film directed by Yorgos Lanthimos, tells us the life of the last queen of the House of Tudor, Anne. With a cast of extraordinary actresses such as: Olivia Colman (Anne), Rachel Weisz (Lady Sarah) and Emma Stone (Abigail), this film for me is a masterpiece because it shows us the rivalry of two women to obtain economic and political power, which allowed them to change their destinies in an era where women had no power, unless you were the queen.

Hola amigos, bienvenidos a mi blog, cuando hablamos de rivalidad no pude dejar de pensar en esta película “The Favourite”, que retrata la lucha de dos mujeres por conquistar el poder, usando para ello todas sus astucias y manipulaciones posibles. Esta cinta dirigida por Yorgos Lanthimos, nos cuenta la vida de quien fuera la última reina de la Casa Tudor, Anne. Con un elenco de actrices extraordinario como: Olivia Colman (Anne), Rachel Weisz (Lady Sarah) y Emma Stone (Abigail), esta película para mí es una obra maestra porque nos muestra la rivalidad de dos mujeres por obtener el poder económico y político, que les permitiera cambiar sus destinos en una época donde las mujeres no tenían ningún tipo de poder, a menos que fueras la reina.


I liked the character of Lady Sarah, for being a strong character and ahead of her time, in the eighteenth century, women were only an ornament at court for their husbands and were only seen as an object of exchange for political and diplomatic deals in marriage arrangements in the courts. Sarah was Anne's best friend since childhood and her mistress, she was the woman who wielded power in the shadows, taking away the queen's need to deal with the problems of government. Abigail is Sarah's poor relative who comes to ask for her help after her family is ruined, but she sees in Sarah the opportunity to climb up the ladder and regain her economic status.

Me gustó el personaje de Lady Sarah, por ser un personaje fuerte y adelantado a su tiempo, en el siglo XVIII, las mujeres solo eran un adorno en la corte para sus esposos y solo eran vistas como objeto de intercambio para tratos políticos y diplomáticos en arreglos matrimoniales en las cortes. Sarah era la mejor amiga de Anne desde niñas y su amante, era la mujer que ejercía el poder en las sombras, quitándole a la reina el tener que lidiar con los problemas del gobierno. Abigaíl es la familiar pobre de Sarah que llega para solicitarle la ayude luego que su familia queda arruinada, pero ve en Sarah, la oportunidad de escalar y retomar de nuevo su status económico.


The intrigues of Abigail, to win the queen's favors, will make Sarah react, creating between them a rivalry and power struggle to see which of the two will get the queen and the court at her feet. The influences of both women will not only rival the queen's favors, but also the political and military destinies of the time. The queen, a woman who does not understand politics and ill, will depend on these two women for the important decisions of the state. Sarah will fight in her own way to keep her queen's favors, while Abigail is driven only by ambition and the opportunity to be a relevant woman at court again.

Las intrigas de Abigaíl, por ganarse los favores de la reina, harán que Sarah reaccione, creando entre ellas una rivalidad y lucha de poder por ver quien de las dos se queda con la reina y con la corte a sus pies. Las influencias de ambas mujeres no solo rivalizarán con los favores de la reina, sino con los destinos políticos y militares de la época. La reina, una mujer que no entiende de política y enferma, dependerá de estas dos mujeres para las decisiones importantes del estado. Sarah luchará a su manera para mantener los favores de su reina, mientras que Abigaíl, solo la mueve la ambición y la oportunidad de ser una mujer relevante en la corte de nuevo.


A film based on real historical facts, the film masterfully combines, with a bit of black humor, the vicissitudes that each of these women (Sarah and Abigaíl), each in her own style and way try to get Anne's favors, which she uses to her advantage. One will get what she wants, but will realize that it is not what she expected and the other will accept her defeat with elegance, knowing that she did the best for her country. Watching the way both women unravel in the plot is fascinating, the subtle details to move in politics without being in it on the part of Sarah and Abigaíl in the state decisions was the smart way to dodge the social norms and of the time.

Una película basada en hechos históricos reales, la cinta combina magistralmente, con un poco de humor negro, las peripecias que cada una de estas mujeres (Sarah y Abigaíl), cada una a su estilo y manera tratar de conseguir los favores de Anne, cosa que ella aprovecha a su favor. Una conseguirá lo que desea, pero se dará cuenta de que no es lo que esperaba y la otra aceptará su derrota con elegancia, sabiendo que hizo lo mejor por su país. Ver la manera en que ambas mujeres desenvuelven en la trama es fascinante, los sutiles detalles para moverse en la política sin estar en ella por parte de Sarah y Abigaíl en las decisiones de estado fue la manera inteligente de esquivar las normas sociales y de la época.


Finally, the film shows us the rivalry between women, who want to dominate to influence their environment and escape from the canons established by the social norms of the time, using their wiles and manipulations of all kinds. The power to be free to do as they please, but also to obtain political and economic benefits. In the end, in my opinion, none of them managed to gain everything they wanted.

Para finalizar, la cinta nos muestra esa rivalidad entre mujeres, que quieren predominar para influir en su entorno y escaparse de los cánones establecidos por las normas sociales de la época, usando para ello sus astucias y manipulaciones de todo tipo. El poder de ser libres para hacer lo que les plazca, pero también para obtener beneficios políticos y económicos. Al final cada ninguna consiguió ganar en mi opinión todo lo que quería.

Official Trailer


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If you want to participate in this contest this is the link


I really didn't know about this movie, I think I'll participate in this event later, since I recently uploaded a new post in a series, but it wasn't for this community event, Emma Stone is one of my favorite actresses

I really like how he describes it and the trailer is great, two girls doing whatever it takes to be in power, this happens in real life with governments and many more issues but that's another topic, I congratulate you, good luck with your participation

As an extra piece of information! I like your separator, I'm a fan of separators and I use floors a lot, mine was also created in canva !PIZZA


Hello, thank you, I'm glad you like it, the movie is from 2018, it was nominated and won several awards. Emma is a great actress, like Rachel, both stand out on this tape. Cheers :)


Now we need a sequel called "The gayvourite" where they turn into guys and marry.

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