An endless hunger.


There was no stopping it now, all efforts to stop the beast had failed. We were the last stronghold for all of humanity and failing meant its doom. Argo had warned us but everybody called him a mad man, driven to the edge by his inventions. I believed him from the start but then again I was just one person. The whole world believed him now but it was too late, Heron was here.

About 8 months ago, mad scientist Argo had warned of a planet consuming celestial entity headed straight for ours. The world laughed, I didn't. He had been wrong about his earlier predictions so why believe him now but I knew, I knew Argo was no fool.

"I fear child that our whole race might end because of how ignorant we have chosen to be"

"How sure are you about this being, about this....."

"Heron, I named him Heron after our god of destruction, I've never been so sure of anything else my entire life"

"How do we stop this Heron?"

"We can't, we can only hope we have enough time before it gets here to change it's trajectory"

"But why us, what does it want?"

"Heron knows an endless hunger, it moves round the universe consuming life as it goes and with it's current trajectory, we are on its path, the way we're going, only a divine intervention can save us".

That was the last conversation I had with Argo before the government put him away for trying to start a panic, they should've listened. Three months ago, we got and early sign of Heron's coming, an abnormality in the Earth's rotation. It wasn't like anything we've seen before. Trust us to run back to Argo but it was too late, we had driven him to real madness, all that isolation and the thought of the Earth's demise got to him.

No one knew what to do, the government tried it's best to keep everything at bay but for now long? Heron was finally here, we could see it from the clouds. Our weapons didn't work on it, everything we threw got sucked into it like we were feeding it. An entire race was to be wiped out without a fighting chance.

The air became thing, the lands became dry. There was nothing else to be done. I closed my eyes and prayed to my god, I was meeting him soon. After all the noise, all I heard was silence.


Underlying every part of creation is a movement of destruction. In this story that movement becomes uncontrollable. Return the silence. Thank you for writing this story, @nelson-george. We're glad to see your comments on the other posts.


I love your scifi stories. I was going to ask if they always had happy endings but this one took a turn. How do you come up with these, it's brilliant


I love your story. Your conversation with Argo before being locked up. and the reception of an early signal about the arrival of Heron , abnormality in the earth's rotation..... Have a happy day.


No one prays to have Heron before them..yet, someone saw the signs and was called's sad and also heartbreaking...A tale well told, one that leaves you wanting the completion of this story... Thanks for sharing ❤️


That would be terrifying to be stuck on a planet that was going to be eaten by another one! This reminds me a little bit of the movie, Don't Look Up.
