I walk on water but I ain't no Jesus


I want to go back home, I need to go back home, this Abuja isn't for me at all. You know how I told you about my experience with the rides and how I was brave and went on the ride like a man? Remember that?? Today, I'm packing my bags and leaving this state, I have had enough.

Yesterday, my footwear finally split into two and I needed a new one. I asked the friend I was staying with if he knew any store I could buy something simple and cheap to wear in the meantime, emphasis on the cheap.

He told me he knew a good store where I could get quality footwear, I didn't want quality, I wanted cheap. We got dressed and I borrowed one of his to wear until I bought mine. We passed a bunch of roadside sellers but he didn't let me stop at any of those.

We finally reached a store that looked like it was made for the president, it was very beautiful, with white walls and fine tiles on the floor, it didn't look like somewhere cheap things were sold.

They had very nice shoes, cool sandals too, I was impressed. I tried out different ones until I found one I thought was perfect for me. If got time for the price, that's when things took a turn.

I initially had 3000 to spend for the footwear. When I asked for the price, the cashier said 25,000. The first thing I asked was if the palm was going to help me walk on water. Even Jesus did it and I'm pretty sure his footwear didn't cost this much.

I signalled my friend to come near me and then I knocked his head. I told him I wanted cheap and he brought me to a store where they wanted to rob me.

He said this was the cheapest store around. I decided to ask the attendant to find me something in my price range and she started laughing. I walked out of the store, leaving my friend and the people who were after my life. He told me there was another place we could check. I had done enough checking, I wanted to go home.

I stopped by the roadside to see if I'd find something I'd like but those people told me 12,000, how much is my leg?? The whole state was outside my house Don't be surprised it you see me on the streets of Abuja, walking barefoot.

I'll wait till I get home, I can use that 12,000 to buy a new palm, and hot bread from my favourite bakery


Who sent you to go buying anything in Abuja? 😂😂

It's a matter of time before you sell yourself to buy bread in that place.


Hahahahahah..... I swear, it is better to walk barefooted than buying those shoes at a costly rate.


Lol, that's how expensive some towns can be. They'll can charge you so much for an item that you would think they didn't hear you clearly


Even roadsides shoes cost that much? Wrong state for you then 😅 what are you doing there again? Remind us please.

You better go back to where you're from and to your hot bread favourite bakery 😅

how I was brave and went on the ride like a man? Remember that?

Was that the story? What I remember was you throwing up because you were separated from the ground for a few seconds 😏 so much for a bravery!

Seems your friend is rich though, he buys shoes from that store? Nice connection I think 🙄


😂😂😂😂😂shebi na you wan visit, they say if you are in Rome you have to behave like the Romans, you have to buy it like that ooo, the walk on water part got me😂😂
