Fungi Friday | Proses Macrolepiota



Welcome to the Fungi Friday community this Friday I have prepared one type of mushroom that I found in the garden under the shade of the trees so yesterday I was looking for a mushroom object and found one of the mushrooms growing on the ground then I took my cellphone to take a picture of this mushroom umbrella and a little dark with a gray color and also grew a few other mushroom stalks around it after I tried to look for it but because under the tree there was a little less sunlight especially around there was a lot of dry which affected the growth of mushrooms because hand mushrooms grow a lot in places where there is rotten wood and humid air.

The scientific name of this mushroom is Process Macrolepiota, which is a fungus that often grows in dry areas. As for places where large trees are found and there are no fields, I also found this fungus around my garden where the air is humid, so this is a mistake. one type of mushroom or I found in a hot engine like yesterday if it rarely rains it's a little difficult to find the object of the fungus especially the mushrooms that grow there are not too old so mushrooms like this can generally be found in places where there is a lot of wood- Dry wood is humid and also in plantation areas overgrown with large trees and areas where the air is humid.

After taking a few photos of this type of mushroom Process Macrolepiota, although my photos are not very good but I have tried to take them using my cellphone and added a macro lens here I have tried to take good photos because the light is very low and the device I use still limited so here are the results of my mushroom photography today at the awesome Fungi Friday community, below are some photos of my mushrooms.

Macrolepiota procera, the parasol mushroom, is a basidiomycete fungus with a large, prominent fruiting body resembling a parasol. It is a fairly common species on well-drained soils. It is found solitary or in groups and fairy rings in pastures and occasionally in woodland. Globally, it is widespread in temperate regions.

My contribution to #FungiFriday by @ewkaw!










That's my short article about mushrooms in the Fungi Friday community, see you next Friday, thank you very much for your attention.


Mushrooms are very unique, adding to my insight about mushrooms.
