Two-Tailed Ants Fight In Insect World


Hello everyone!

One day I went to the garden behind the house I wanted to take pictures of insects around the place because there are bushes that usually have a lot of insects and other photo objects, such as wildflowers, after the characteristics of the object that fit to see there are ants that was walking in a row and I saw 2 ants were struggling version of the insect world, finished it was a good photo object because the ants were struggling and it looks like they are not too serious in doing all that, yes let's say they are having fun again or again celebrating something. Different natures are different ways of living life, including in the world of insects, we see that they are very friendly and harmonious with each other, if we meet in the street these ants do not forget to shake hands, like humans who do not forget themselves.



Therefore, it may be normal in the world of insects, which they commonly live every day, making colonies, establishing nests, raising queens, giving birth to generations of successors, and defending territory from enemies who may at any time attack, and endanger survival. colony life and also queen. If we look at the ant nest palace is made very magnificent, and requires thousands of working ants, who work day and night, and they already know their duties, because they are the colony of the ant kingdom that must maintain the survival and success of the ant kingdom.




But sometimes there is also a friction of misunderstanding between the members of the ants, and they will find a way out in a male way, which is a fight to maintain self-esteem, but only the two of them are involved, because the other working ants are busy with their respective activities. , yes it is done in the way of individual ants, but it is not too long, after being satisfied with the duel, they will disband and continue their work and obligations, all that is normal in the world of insects, maybe they are ants who have a dedication to such a great queen , so their egos are not number one, but the survival of the worker as worker ants is the number one unit.





Looking at the world of insects is interesting, and every day there are unique things that happen in their small world, we humans need to take care of it all, not because for the sake of humans destroy the wild nature of the world of insects that they themselves are very good at taking care of, enjoy nature with way not to ruin it, happy new year, thank you all, so much from me this time, hopefully this year is better than last year.



REGARDS @neoseven


Sungguh sidom yang sangat indah sobat.
