Building positive values in teenagers: what to put into consideration.

One of the greatest difficulties faced by parents and caregivers is the upbringing of a teenage child. This is because, at a certain stage of the child's development, crises begin to unearth within the child. At this period, the child is at an emotional and sexual war with his family and friends. He tries to find his identity and would prefer to take instructions from his peers than his parents. They see their peer groups as the primary unit of socialization and influence.

Most time, at this period of development some parents do find it difficult to put their child in the right direction for proper upbringing. While most parents dent their image because of their children. And Some can love and nurture them extensively.


The difference is in the style of parenting. Some parents believe that shouting at their children will help modify their attitudes while others engaged in a mutual discussion about issues. A child is more likely to be free with parents who show them love and affection to those who bully. This same principle applies to the school environment where students choose to like the teachers who play and make fun with them.

To make a teenager say the truth about a thing, such a child will ensure that he is safe and secure with you. Therefore, parents who have gained the trust of their children get to know more about them. The child will feel free to tell you the type of friends they go out with, as well as what's happening to him or her.

I see it as a failure of parenting when a child decides to share issues bothering them with people outside their family circle. The family is supposed to be the first point of solace for children.


As beautiful as they are, they need your love, concern and care. When they begin to get this attention elsewhere, they started seeing their parent as a threat to their enjoyment and freedom.

Make your teenage child feel safe with you. Ensure that you provide them with the necessary things they need. By doing these, you gained their trust and guide them to make the right choice for their future.

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