No means of transportation should be undermined. A case study of the prevailing situation in Nigeria


Good day all, I hope you are having a fun-filled day. The universe is aware of the flood situation facing Nigeria. The debilitating effect of it cannot be overemphasized. According to reports, the flood has claimed over three hundred lives and billions of properties destroyed.

This situation has gotten to the level that canoes are being used as a means of transportation in hitherto land areas. This has affected the movement of people and goods. Even farmlands are badly affected too, and the resultant effects might lead to the rising cost of food items in the nearest future.

Transportation as we all know is the transition of people and goods from one location to another via land, water, and Air. In most cases, land transportation happens to be the most used at a particular location. Lots of people developed a phobia to use air and water transportation due to the perception they about them.

However, with my focus on land transportation. We have various vehicles we use while commuting on land, examples are, cars, bicycles, tricycles, motorcycles, etc. Among these, one can categorically classify a user based on the class of society he/she belongs. In other words, we see car owners as wealthy people while tricycle and motorcycle owners as poor or belonging to the low echelon of society.

Nevertheless, the same classification applies to water transmuters. It's to some extent sickening and crazy why people are put in different classes because of material acquisition.

Every means of transportation is indispensable and rightly fitting for a specific situation. Boats that lots of people looked down upon are what the same people are using to access flooded areas. Most times, the motorcycle is used to wade off traffic, and the tricycle can help in a very special way.

The point is, that society should wade off this character of demeaning and looking down on people who use a common means of transportation for they have their specific function on a rainy day.

Who would have thought that boat will be a major means of transportation in some part of the country.
Thank you all.

