Whenever you see a grown-up, know this simple fact.

Good day, lovely people, I hope you are having a splendid day. I just want to share my thoughts on this issue that has crossed my mind for some time now.

Growing up as a child has never been easy especially when you do not have an elderly person to guide you through some decisions and make you make the right choice in life.

Many people encountered problems while growing up not because they lacked mentorship, but because the choice they made turned out against them.

An adage that says that experience is the best teacher is best applied to a growing person. Life is a hub of experiences bundled up to make a complete man shape the way he lives.

Most times, as an adult you have a duty of putting through to young people what they should expect in life as they are growing up. This will build confidence in them and give them stamina against the toxic waves of life caused by fellow humans.

Many people succumbed to the pressure of suicide because they lack the agility to yield to the dark side of life when it struck.

Therefore this write-up will seek to unravel experiences accumulated in a grown-up person over his years of existence on earth. Whenever you see grown-up adults know that they have experienced either or all of the following.


One of the inevitable things to happen to a person is a disappointment. Most times we hang our hope on humans and in the end, they fail us, and we feel somehow. Disappointment is a very terrible thing to happen to a person. Experiencing disappointment can be devastating because of the hope attached to it. The worst of it is that if your only hope of survival was on the person or events or investment and it turned out to be something else. Therefore, it's not advisable to put hope in men because they can fail.

Heart Break.

Very few grown-ups escaped this. But the majority who have experienced it can attest to the simple fact that it's always unbearable and can affect a person's mental health. In heartbreak, you feel like a loser, and the urge to pay back is always vociferous. The beauty of heartbreak is that you can have the ability to move on with life. After some time. Giving your heart to someone who toils with it can be disappointing.


Every person can relate to the fact that they had failed at some point in their lives. Failure for humans is an undeniable fact that no matter how you try to prevent it from coming it will still find a way to creep in. When a person fails, it is not because of poor planning nor is it carelessness on the part of the person but because failure is part of human existence.

Success Story

Every grown-up has a story to tell about his journey so far on earth. These stories when put together forms a complete human, spirit soul, and body. This story is what others learn from. While some are giving their success stories in the past others' success stories are told in the present.


Just like in failure, grown-ups have experienced a series of mistakes in life. Mistake happens as a result of decisions taken that turns out to be away from what was imagined. A man who makes a mistake can easily learn from it. But a man who is afraid of mistakes may unlikely grow. Choice is a factor that influences mistakes. While it is in the place of humans to make choices, it's out of their place to determine the outcome thereof.

On the whole, An Adult is a fully packed individual with loads of experiences either negative or positive which forms his existence and relationship with one another.

Whenever you see a grown-up just know that life has taught him lots of lessons.

Thanks for stopping by.



Hello dear @newbreed, it is a pleasure to have you here in the community, sincerely we have seen how you develop a lot of feelings in your publication and leave us wanting more, we liked how you are talking about various negative feelings and their effect on physical and mental part that causes.

We would like to give you a small recommendation for an effective development of your publication, first, focus on a specific feeling or emotion, capture it in your title and you can achieve a better visualization of the content.

If you consider something like: "Disappointment and other challenges on the road to adulthood" you draw attention and invite us to analyze a specific feeling.

Thank you for your publication and we hope to continue having your content, best regards and happy evening.
