My Daily Story 11/2/2024 : I took my children out to celebrate the Chinese New Year.



Hello everyone.
Yesterday we were still celebrating the Chinese New Year after we finished gathering our families for breakfast. My husband and I invited each other to take the children outside to play. Starting with going to the temple to make merit, then taking my daughter to the shopping mall. This one makes the children very happy. While sitting in the car on their way to the shopping mall, the children laughed together. Sing songs together and watch cartoons in turns having fun. But before reaching the shopping mall, my youngest daughter took a nap for a while, and when we reached the shopping mall she woke up feeling energetic. This time I took the kids to get some ice cream.
When she finished shopping, the overpriced debt department was the clothing department. Today we went shopping for new clothes. My daughters were excited to see all the different colors of children's clothing. They went around and picked out their favorites. The little children received two beautiful dresses each. Both of them hurriedly went to try on new dresses in their room. They looked very happy, and I was happy too.







After finishing buying clothes, this time we took the kids to find something to eat. This is a small shopping center, not very big. Therefore, restaurants rarely have children wanting to eat burgers at McDonald's. But my youngest daughter happened to have a slight cough so we didn't go to eat hamburgers, so afterward we went to a sushi restaurant. After eating, he took the children to eat ice cream. The father forgot that his own daughter had a slight cough. After eating the ice cream, we went for a walk outside of the mall. There will be a fountain and space to walk outside as well. The children played with the little cat for a while, waiting for the rain to start falling, then we walked into the department store again. We walked until we reached the place where the Chinese New Year festival was held. I took the kids to take photos and play in the area for a while, then it was time to go home. When I asked the kids if they had fun, they said they had a lot of fun today.Thank you to friends who stopped by to read the article and see the photos that the leading people shared today. I hope you all enjoyed it and see you in the next article.
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Thank you very much.
