NFT Tunz - Introducing Founder Tokens


We are excited to announce more information on our Founder Token NFTs and how they will benefit you as investors and the artists on our platform.
The best thing about what we are doing at NFT Tunz is to invest heavily in the artists that join us. Whenever an artist mints their music, we then buy into their career by purchasing large quantities of their nft drops, which not only rewards them for their creativity, but you as a Fan Token Holder.

FOUNDER TOKEN holders will get drops for as long as the internet exists!
Our 2022 edition tokens will get you weekly drops for all of 2022. We will then issue new yearly 'Fan Tokens' 2023,2024 etc.
There will also be exclusive drops for our forthcoming DISCORD Live Concerts which feature our NFT Tunz artists.


We are changing the way artists play with and share their music.

Introducing NFT Tunz Founder Tokens


Gold Founder Token - 100 @ $100 each

The Gold Founder Token will reward the owner with a 100% chance of a weekly NFT Tunz music drop from our catalogue of artists music, forever. We are actively investing in our artists music to support them in their NFT journey, and in turn, rewarding you, the GOLD Token investors with ongoing drops of music to add to your collection.


Silver Founder Token - 250 @ $50 each

The Silver founder Token will reward the owner with a 50% chance of a weekly NFT Tunz music drops from our catalogue of artists music, forever. We are actively investing in our artists music to support them in their NFT journey, and in turn, rewarding you, the Silver Token investors with ongoing drops of music to add to your collection.

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Founder Fan Token - 10,000 @ $1 each

The Fan Founder Token will reward the owner with a 1% chance of a weekly
NFT Tunz music drops from our catalogue of artists music, forever. We are actively investing in our artists music to support them in their NFT journey, and in turn, rewarding you, the Silver Token investors with ongoing drops of music to add to your collection.

We are constantly developing the project and changes will be updated via our Discord

NFT Tunz



This is an awesome community project. respect to the creators for valuing creative talent, and providing a platform nurture and grow that talent

Awesome new NFT app starting on the #Hive #blockchain I minted My latest NFT release here #posh

— audiohive (@audiohive1) November 25, 2021

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Hey thanks for the shoutout!
We're glad you're loving the platform.


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