How Hard Is It To Say ‘I’m Sorry’?


Hello everyone,
It’s a brand new week and I hope we are all pumped up to make the week an effective one. I hope your week turns out to be a fruitful one.

The topic for the first edition of this week’s contest is one that majority of us are facing difficulties with in our daily activities.

image designed by me on canva

I am sorry, just three simple words when used on their own but hold a lot of power when used together. These three words have the power to ruin relationships and mend them but , a lot of us take it for granted. We’ve been taught at such young ages the value of these three words. Some call them magical but to some of us, it doesn’t hold much value.


In our day to day activities, we come into contact with different people from different backgrounds. In our interactions with these people, we might say stuff that do not sit well with them in one way or the other. As humans, when we find ourselves in such situation the least we can do is say sorry. We know sorry cannot take away the amount of pain we have inflicted on the person with our words but it’s better than just acting like it’s nothing.


Personally, I am someone who doesn’t really find it hard to apologize when I’m wrong. In my point of view, sorry is the only way one can save most relationships. Either in our boy -girl relationships, friendships or with our family.
Saying sorry from one’s heart and showing remorse will go a long way to prove to the other party that you actually regret what you’ve done.

Also, there may be situations where you know you haven’t done anything wrong but the other party tries to gaslight you. If I find myself in such a situation, I wouldn’t allow anyone gaslight me into apologizing for something I didn’t do wrong.
In other situations, I just apologize for peace to prevail. It doesn’t hurt to say sorry but saying sorry for something you’re not guilty of is totally not right.


There are people out there who find it very difficult to apologize when they are wrong. Maybe they feel they are too big to apologize or their ego would not allow them do that.
What they fail to know is that , not accepting their wrongs and apologizing would not do them any good but rather, ruin their relationship with others. They as individuals would not even have peace within their hearts.


So, if you are someone who finds yourself in this caliber of people please try and make some changes in your life.
Sometimes it is hard to apologize but it must be done.

In all, I think sorry shouldn’t be a work we as humans should find difficult to say. In all we do, we should try to humble ourselves and apologize when we go wrong. What’s the essence of life when we can’t even apologize for the wrong we do?

I hope you enjoyed reading this and have also learnt something from this.
Thank you.


it’s better than just acting like it’s nothing.

I hate it when people do this, they offend you and act like its nothing, it try to cover it with something else instead of admitting they are sorry, straightforward.


We just have to accept that that’s just how some people are and move on with our lives.


Telling people you are sorry doesn't make you less person even when you are right and the other person is wrong it just shows how mature and how you value your relationship.

If we fight i will use I'm sorry to get you angry 😂 because I'm use to it already i don't care who's right hehe 😅 I'm sorry anyways.

But then you offend me you you don't beg me this afternoon ooo i just want to remind you

Thanks for sharing have a good day.


Please avoid me.😂

You want me to beg you? What did I do wrong?😂


I am sorry... The magical word with less value (I've given you another topic, come and pay me) 😂

What I'm most agreeing to is the fact that one shouldn't just say sorry with no remorse or signs to change. It would be worthless that way.

Say sorry and mean it!


I am sorry... The magical word with less value (I've given you another topic, come and pay me) 😂

How much can a rich woman like you possibly want?

What I'm most agreeing to is the fact that one shouldn't just say sorry with no remorse or signs to change. It would be worthless that way.

This is very true. Most people say sorry because they feel they just have to say it.
