Three Words That Shape My World-[WE 156]

Greetings everyone, I hope you are having a good day and I wish you a good week. The topics for this week weekend writing contest are very interesting ones as always and I had so much fun reading.

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Today, I want to share my thoughts on the Topic that speaks about three meaningful words, what they mean to me and how they fit into my life.

Three meaningful words
Out of the many worlds provided I choose these three words. Patience, Love and Friendship.
I think these three words are connected in some way. Here is why:
Patience ➡️Love ➡️Friendship

I’m not owe to talk about patience because I found it every challenging to develop the level of patience that I have today and it took me a lot of time and hardwork. At some point I thought I could never be patient in my life cos I didn’t even have the patience to wait for an app to load talkless of being patient with those around me. Today, I have come to understand patience and how it works. I believe that good things come to those who wait and I’ve experienced it first hand. Over the years, I’ve come to learn to be patient with my family, my friends, strangers and even through difficult times and it really payed off.

Thinking about it, I don’t think I really comprehend what love is. Does anyone know what love is? Or how it feels? Maybe love goes way beyond the little tingles we feel or the joy we feel. I think love is also pain. Most people don’t understand me when I say love is pain but the answer is right infront of them. Love isn’t all about the words ‘I love you ‘ that we say all the time. To love someone means that you are willing to be there for the person through whatever may come. Even when the world is against that one person that you love you would still stand by them. I think this is love.

To love is to be patient. What do I mean? Loving means that you will be patient with the person. I have experienced love first hand from my family. There were times where I would do a whole lot of stupid stuff and get into a lot of trouble with my friends but guess what? It was only my family that was there for me. I wasn’t really a family person but from these experiences I came to understand how patient my family has been with me even with all that I have done. This is why I say love is patience.

Every friendship comes with its ups and downs. Even the best of friends have problems and I think it’s totally normal. Friends are meant to be there for us, guide us to the right path when we are going astray and tell us the hard truth that most people would not want to tell us in our face. This is what I consider friendship and I’m happy to have a few friends in my life. The number of friends you have doesn’t matter but rather, the impact they have on you is what matters. I bet no one wants friends who are of bad influence to them and bring nothing good to them. My parents are my friends, my siblings are my friends and my friends are my friends.

With friendship comes love and patience. We need to have some level of patience to maintain some friendships and when we come to realise that these friendships are worth it we are filled with so much love that our heart overflows.

So, we need to be patient as humans because to love comes with endurance and meaningful friendships come with patience and love.

I hope you enjoyed reading this, thank you for your time.

All images belong to me unless stated otherwise.
