Can Splinterlands get that flywheel going??


It's been talked about for the best part of a year.

Reduce the supply of DEC - Check.
More use case for DEC - Land.
Get people burning SPS for DEC - Almost.

This reduces the amount of SPS in the eco-system and drives up the price as people will need to buy more if they want to mint DEC.

Higher SPS price will drive up the value of assets already in the eco-system such as license's and land.

If the prices go up then people will start flowing back in.

So is it going to work???

Hard to say really. The game has been bleeding value and players over the past year but it does have a very committed core group of players and investors.

It wouldn't take much to drive up the prices of cards with a new batch of players as the older versions have very limited quantities and if land ever does go live then it will take a lot of those off the market and even better give value back to the older editions.

The price of DEC has been steadily climbing back towards the 0.001 mark and the start of the flywheel effect.


The big question will be whether land can get people excited about the game again or not. The newer editions of cards are massively overprinted at this moment in time with the current player base.

So if people don't get excited about land then they won't tie up large amounts of cards to work it.

Personally i have some land but it doesn't excite me at all in it's current form. I tried it out on the mav server and got bored after a few minutes.

But i do love the splinterlands eco-system so i hope that it appeals to other people. If it ever gets released....

The team has made the difficult decision to delay the release of land phase 1.5 that was initially planned to go out tomorrow. We are currently targeting Tuesday, November 28th, for the release as we want to wait until after the Thanksgiving holiday in the US when most of the team will be unavailable. We understand how excited everyone is for this release and how much preparation has been going into it for many players and we understand that many people will be disappointed by yet another delay. We are all land holders too and share your disappointment, frustration, and excitement.

It's been delay after delay up to this point which takes a lot of the good out of it for me.

On the plus side DEC is getting closer and closer to that flywheel moment and has tried to the magic mark a couple of times this week.


And the rebellion set has led to more SPS getting burned at the same time.


I can see the potential to drive up the price and get some positive action going. I'm just not sure whether it's going to happen or not.

I have a nice stack of SPS but won't be converting it below $0.10. There is too much potential for gain at it's current price.

Try for yourself.

If you haven't played the game before then now is the best time to join. Today is much better than tomorrow and a lot better than later.

Link to the game here,


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Creating excitement once again will build back the interest of people in the game.


We almost came close just days ago. If we can get a general cryptocurrency bull market going I think we will see it in action. BEER, !PIZZA, !LUV, !PGM


Well the supply of DEC is actully huge right now. Most likely it seems like people that are burning that massive inflation of rewards cards at the moment and not so much SPS. Getting ready for land. So the only thing it's doing is burning through old Chaos supplies still. There's such a freakin massive inflation of DEC and cards from that era it's absolutely ridiculous.


I got pretty fed up with the game for a bit, but things seems to be getting better. I hope that my experience is shared and we see more people getting back into the game.
