Making the most of the quiet.


It's one of those rare times.


In a small house with two kids there are very few quiet times in the week.

Very few times where I can sit back and relax with my own mind and my own time.

And I'm a person who likes their own space. I've always had it and that's what makes it worth so much to me now when i have a few hours to myself.

My favorite time of the day is late at night when the two kids are down, my gf has just gone to bed and i have that last hour to myself.

I usually open up the laptop and play a few rounds of splinterlands, write a leo post or just read a few articles to unwind but the house is quiet and there is nothing happening outside the front door.

It's also the best time to watch a tv show or to open a book when there is nobody looking for anything off me. There are not many times of the day when nobody is trying to talk to me or to get something from me.

Not that I don't enjoy work or love my family but i'm a person who appreciates their own space as well. Space that none of the other will allow. Between a baby that needs constant attention. a toddler that wants constant entertainment and a gf that is at home during the during the day. They all need some time.

But there is peace right now.

The gf is gone to a yoga retreat for the day.
The toddler is down for his midday nap.
The baby is asleep in the pram.

So I can relax.
Laptop out, catching up on life.
Tv on, watching the British open.
Big mug of tea, Irish people love mugs of tea.
And something nice because i deserve it.

I'll make the most of it. Because it never lasts.

I can almost hear the baby stirring, then the toddler need to be woken and lastly the gf will arrive home and the peace will be shattered utterly.

But it's ok.

That's all part of life. and family life.

There will be peace again when the house is empty. I'll probably miss the noise at that stage.
