Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains


The city of metropolis had a man named Adam as its own organism in the center of his beating heart. He was unique in the fact that he had an instinctively independent nature filled with unsuppressed energy like a bright light coming to life from his very existence. Although the city was cramped with so many towering buildings and crowded with the fast movements, Adam was quiet and made himself unburdened by the invisible chains that held everyone captive.

As a child, Adam could remember it crystal-clear: he always found himself surrounded by nature and he felt a great connection to it. For a long time, he could experience the dual nature of the city and its natural crevices by discovering the hidden spots of greenery tucked in the city's chaos. Nonetheless, his parents were heavily engaged with that city's inflexible doctrines, hence they begun training him at the tender age to always follow what the society told him to.

Yet irrespective of Adam’s best efforts, a bid to be astonishing was not in the cards. Every fiber of his being rose in revolt against the restricted life of society and only looked towards something bigger. As he was growing up, that yearning for liberty only increased especially when the circumstances prevented him from easily controlling his own destiny which would be an outrageous decision that would be the best course of action.

On the verge of despair over the injustice and tyranny that dominated our city, Adam by accident found a bunch of rebels that decided to punch back at the suppressors. He felt an affinity towards their belief system. Consequently, he joined their camp. Finally, he found what he never had before— a cause. They stood together like a fortress, working as one unit to fight against the common enemy which was their society's injustices, risking their lives to establish a society with freedom as its highest ideal.

However, the free society paid a high price for it. Cities' rulers were ready to sacrifice anything to safeguard their grip on power, dealing with the revolution with ferocious competence that is nothing short of absolute mercilessness. Hard on the heels of the mighty storm Adam realized that he was now the hostage to his own fears and insecurities, asking himself if the struggle for the freedom price with killing was worth it.

Instead, despite the all-encompassing dreariness of the situations, Adam persisted to be hopeful. Unrelated, the steadfastness of spirit, he stimulated his comrades, heading their last, to the death stand up against their oppressors. Under the fire of brawl and with watchtower flames blessing them, Adam realized the key point he had missed before for so long.

It turned out that the real independence had nothing to do with the lack of manacle, but with the courage to breakdown any restrictions on it. This was a pivotal decision, a mental state from which no violence could break my resolve. It is like when the light appears at the end of the tunnel to Adam, the main character of this story, he knew that he was finally free from the devastation of the city he once lived in.

The era of the town of the city had come to an era of peace after the rebellion Despite the pain of the past, they were no longer prisoners of a past bound by chains to slavery system which they were for so longAnd at that moment when Adam gazed out at the far horizon, he knew with sobering certainty that his struggle for every core tenet of freedom wouldn't end until the conclusion of time. However, he also knew that without flagging, he would keep making the world a better place for every person who wished upon a brighter tomorrow

Ps : taken by me


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Okay I will try my best 🥹
