Nature Powers Life

Hello Friends,

I have observed something very funny about our current generation. We do not really know and appreciate the free and easy things of life, because we think the most valuable things are always hard to find.

I can confidently say this because I have personally asked some of my friends and age mates about their views of nature, and their response entails they do not see it's value, because it's very common around us.

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View of a riverine area

But have we settled down to observe and look at the natural things around us? Infact, nature as I have always known is the source designed by God to continually power life.

How Nature Can Generate Inner Joy In Me

I am from a riverine area, and recently I started visiting the village more often than normal. I have not been here with my relatives for years, and coming back to see how much of nature surrounds them, I am just fascinated.

Nature in general consists of both the seas, the lands and the air, which are free gifts that existed even before man was created. How then are some not feeling this beautiful life.

In as much as all about nature are intriguing, I am more fascinated about the rivers and the seas. Hence, my purpose of talking about nature is to drive us to this point where we see how interesting and beautiful our waters are.

The river is not just beneficial to fishes and creatures underneath water, but it is actually a source of survival for creatures and plants outside water. No wonder the birds tend to hover above the waters all day long.

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View of the river from a boat

In this my locality, I would attest that our waters are very small when compared to the waters of some other regions. That's why we use smaller boats here, as it is most convenient and easy to make.

However, in days of heavy rainfalls and storms, this small boats are a threat to our lives. Infact, there was a time I was in one of this small boats, and a huge storm blew on us.

That day was a day I would never forget, because on that day I saw death, but I wasn't swallowed up by it. I got to shore and when I turned back to the water, I couldn't help but admire it regardless, lol.

This Natural Waters Are Inspirational To Me

There are days when the cares of life would overwhelm me, and I would be feeling both angry and worried at the same time. Although it might seem like the worst feeling, I am still able to find peace when I relax and look at the natural things of life.

Whenever I visit the village, I would usually be seen at the shores and banks of the riverside. I tend to just admire the waves of the river, the passing boats, and the peaceful sounds from the flowing water.

It works like magic, and before I would even realize it, my anger and worries are gone, and there's this flowing joy like that of a river in my soul, lol.

river view from the shore

Nature is peace, and I find inspirations from observing and admiring the free gifts of life that surrounds us in nature. Nature is just a reminder that within us is something supernatural, and it has the ability to connect us back to deeper realms.

Note: All Images are mine, and were taken with my Infinx Hot10 play 13M DUAL Camera.

Thanks for your time here.


Nature has given us nothing but peace of mind because without nature there won't be land, without nature there won't be water and water is not something anyone can do without.
I love everything that has to do with nature.


You are very correct my friend, nature actually brings peace of mind and joy too. Thanks for your time and support here.


You said the truth if something is very precious and we are getting it cheap then we don't give a value.

@sagarkothari88 vote


Such is life brother, it's funny how we do not give value to the things that are easy to get. Thanks for your support and time here boss.
