A Bit Of Trouble Opening The Pack Today

It happens from time to time but today's pack didn't display and I couldn't see what cards I got. But that's no bother because the cards still come through, you just have to dig a little deeper.

A R191 sneakry was the only rare card today. I believe I have copies of the rest so no help to the original scores today but at least the card total scores will improve.

Rankings have gone up a lot to 449 and that shows the difference doing that one last mission at the end of the day does for me in terms of rankings. I need to get 50 more unique cards to actually make a stable difference based on what I looked at but by the time I do that, the competition would ahve progressed as well.

Ego is now at 7% without drunk fans and it is increasing every day. Sooner rather than later, it will reach 10%.
