More Drunk Fans Isn't Always A Good Thing


I was always under the impression that getting more drunk fans was a good thing. The description for fans says that the total number of fans 'increase the number of Starbits you earn per mission'.

But as I learn more about the game and right now, I'm really going deeper into the Ego aspect of the game, I notice that having more drunk fans might actually hurt.

So take this screenshot where I have some 250 drunk fans. That has caused my ego to go up from 19 to 27. As far as I can tell, the ego formula is:

1-(Skill/Total Ego)

Ego comes from 2 sources: Missions and fans including drunk ones. So what is the real impact?

For the Record A Demo mission, the max Starbits dropped from 1,375 to 1,191. As far as I'm aware, the Starbits earned is a random number between the min and max of the mission so lowering the upper limit is a negative.

Those drunk fans will be waking up soon and it will be time to do another new mission then.
