Was Hive a Bad Name Choice?


Maybe not the best idea in hindsight.

As I drop in from time to time to see how Hive just keeps performing shittily while many other inferior projects go to the moon, I find myself trying to figure out where we went wrong. Of course, there are many answers to this, such as the fact that free money is printed everyday that large holders get to sell off every day to ensure that the market cap stays the same or goes down.


We used to be a top 50 coin. Hell, a top 30 coin at one point, I believe. But each day we creep further inter obscurity. It seems that daily we dip into the 200s rank and then briefly rise up to the mid 160s or so on CMC.

I think there is another huge reason for this.

No One Knows Who We Are.

Do a search for Hive in google. Now do a search for Hive Blockchain. Now do a search for Hive Token. You get the picture. We are virtually invisible because of the name that was chosen for this fork. Those guys at the other Hive Blockchain that sent the cease and desist letter didn't really need to do anything at all. They have all that matters; search results and name recognition.

It seems to me that this was doomed from the beginning. I mean, the logo looks cool and all.... But if you don't have an original unique name, then how can't you stand out. I propose that we change the name.

Rename Hive to Something Unique

It isn't as if anyone is going to be confused. Those of us who are already here will know what's going on, and everyone else has never heard of us anyway.

If we don't do something, we're just going to keep falling deeper into meh territory and complete obscurity. There is a reason why Steem is outperforming us, even though it is a centralized mess owned by a crook. It at least is slightly recognized in the crypto community. We have been lucky from time to time to get a mention from folks like Vitalik, but it just isn't enough.

Every day I consider powering down and selling everything with the feeling that this is all just a lost cause. In fact, the only reason that I don't is because I have this glimmer of hope that perhaps there is something happening under the scenes that I am not aware of. Something that is going to make this terrible multi-year avalanche pay off. And of course, with my luck the way it is; as soon as I sell, that's when Hive will bounce back to a dollar and beyond with lots of new investors and massive user growth.

What do you all think?

What should I do? Should I keep holding? Is something in the works that I should know about that is going to turn things around? Do you think a rebranding is in order?

Think about it rationally before responding. Forget about how much you've lost investing in this platform. Imagine that you have no stake here. Why would you invest or not invest in Hive?


i agree the name sucks - it is deep state social control - hivemind


you do realise the price of hive has just jumped 45% in the past 8 hours?

is this the worst timed blog post of all time?


I posted it on purpose while the price was moving up. I actually almost mentioned it in the post but got distracted and forgot.

We have these little pumps all the time which swiftly get pounced on and all gains are quickly wiped out within a day or two. Not only that, but we end up worse than before the pump.

Notice that when btc pumps, hive stays still (gains in usd value, but decreases in Satoshi value). When btc dumps, hive dumps even further. It is a wonder that we are still over 1 cent after years of this pattern.


i was up on my hive before this pump and if it ever holds above 30 cents i will have more than doubled my money, so not panicking yet!

and the pattern has drasticly changed recently



That is what I would love to see! Actually holding onto some gains. I would gladly eat my words if we could see some sustained gains over 30c. Sadly it has to move a LOT higher for me to make a profit. Dollars more.


Holy crap what did you pay? I averaged 15 cents...


I bought in just about precisely before the bubble popped in late 2017 (between 4-$7 per coin). I probably lost about 600k dollars.

The only consolation for the insane losses is the fact that I traded other crypto like BTC and ETH which I had mined and bought over the years. In all I probaby would have about 100ETH and 25 or so BTC had I ignored the hype around Steem at the time.

I would actually like to see some statistics based on USD buy in price on steem/hive. I don't know if there are many people on here that lost as much as me, or who bought as much at such a high price. I would put myself in the top 20 at least. Had I bought in at 15c, I would be holding about 4,230,000 HP right now. (putting me at #3 HP holder)... and people wonder why I complain.


Man that is A tough run...


Yeah dude.. At the time I was just convinced that it was going to blow up as a blogging/social media platform. You live and learn I guess.


i was too up until early 2018...then i started looking into a few dirty secrets...

with Hive I am hopefully more aware of some agendas and power grids, but still think there is huge potential, and at 30 cents plan to stay fully staked. If it gets up to $7 I would be more liquid. At what point will my think change? - I'll be reassessing it at each $ point, but certainly $5 would be a major one


Just popped back in here to comment on how the price is still above 30c... not bad dude! I wonder how long it will last, or how high it will go?


Yesterday was a big jump and today it is dropping back, but it's on an uptrend.

50 cents or 60 cents, no big deal, I'm aiming for $5!



Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Have been hodling since 2017. Have lost nearly 99% of my original investment having bought at the top. Perhaps that contributes to my cynicism, considering it may never hit a dollar again, let alone 5 or 6.


Right, I see now, 2017...

I started out on steemit in 2016 and got some big payouts, never bought steem, just earned it, then got totally pissed off with all the bullshit and took my money out while it was still worth something.

With Hive I bought a bunch cheap having seen Steem go up to 8 dollars, and am already well up.

I do think it will go over a dollar this year

So a very different perspective.


That would be cool. At least curation would be a bit better for us at $1 hive.


In my view, I do not think we need hive to be the first in some Google search. I can easily see that people are already earning a lot from this project

Secondly, It is not the sole responsibility of core Hive to bring it to top. It is the community, who should need to promote hive and create amazing content. I personally have just searched google about a lot of crypto related topics and sometimes about any other topic and saw that steemit was the first in the search results. Though a lot of people do not even heard of steemit and never tried to search specially about steemit but still they perform general searches on google or some other search engines and they see the pages from steemit


I'm not a fan of the name, but I like the idea. It might be unpopular to talk about here so feel free to decline answering, but are there other blockchain projects that are similarly oriented toward social stuff?

[Edit to say, I'm new here so to me, Hive isn't about drawing a profit, but about building a sense of equity in communities.]


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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Power Up Day - March 1st 2021 - Hive Power Delegation

Although the name really matter as you said in google search
if you type hive another company will appear
But in our hand to make the name heard everywhere
Remember Dogecoin "Dog" And where is it now

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I believe there is still so much happening within this space, it is hard to walk away from it. Is there anything within the crypto sphere that is better? Asides from price, are there any crypto projects doing better than hive?

But even if you don't believe in hive anymore, sub-communities are doing well within the hive community. They are worth looking into.

The choice is yours to make man. Maybe this isn't for you anymore.


Every coin I have ever owned is doing better than Hive. Even the ones I considered to be shitcoins.

You are right, though. It may not be for me anymore. I just can't seem to get the bad taste of continuous losses out of my mouth.


Try to search Hive on Presearch search engine. A decentralized, blockchain based search engine.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


That is great, but what about the public at large? Most people using the web search using google. We need the facebook, instagram and twitter users to see us.


the googles, facebooks, twitters & Co: maybe they will not count in the future as the main players, but who knows. I said good bye to facebook, never used twitter und google, well, right now I am looking for alternatives from the pioneers who avoid the big players. If there will ever be a new trend and you will be an early part of it, I would not count on those big players. They suck, if you ask me. But this is of course not an advise you were looking for. So my comment is nothing worth for you ... never mind.


You could be right. Perhaps those platforms will be irrelevant in the future. My thinking is that for now though, we could benefit from all of the eyes that land on those pages. In the big scheme of things we are still quite obscure. But these still are the early days, relatively speaking.


I myself do not find it interesting or needed to be seen by the many eyes. I guess that is the reason I came here, for I am appreciating the benefit of the few, the alternatives, the people who like the beginners atmosphere of something which ist not already massive or "main stream". Now, it depends what one defines by "beginning" and when one gets the impression it's not so much a beginning and a fresh space, where things can take place which do not strive for copy something existing but accept the present, kind of unknown, state of affairs. If I reduce these advantages into the focus of making money, it can only become disappointing.

I remember being an early facebook adopter and it was fun to be there while it was new. Not even a thought came up that I could relate my fb-account into something money making. But when the millions were reached, it became uninteresting, boring, stereo-typish for me. So I left my account run dead. From the present perspective I think that I early enough escaped from building up a habit which is used to fast information-consumption and changed to a scene - Steemit it was - where the pace slowed down and was much more to my taste. Actually READING stuff and paying attention to selected blogs and people.

Money? I really don't know, it never was my intention, though it lured me in a way when we had a very exiting "all time high". But I let it pass from 10000 on my account to 1000. My conclusion: I actually did not need the money and it would have given me troubles, I would not welcome.

The early days of emerging crypto blockchains have already run their course and, as I suspect, there are countless providers competing with each other. But if you were to ask me what I think, I suspect most of them want to achieve a Facebook-like status and where that will exists at the outset, the content of what they want to create doesn't seem to matter. The main thing is mass, the main thing is passive income. A big production machine that is supposed to run and run forever for the sake of production.

But what's really fun, what really interests one, is not the money, it's the feeling of really being alive and discovering shores that one has not yet embarked on. The effect that you can make a lot of money at the same time is basically a side effect, but of course welcome to many. Personally, I'm not that interested in passive money-making, because nothing I'm not inspired to do myself can make me believe that the wealth I've gained in this way would be greatly appreciated by me, for example.

So, in order to earn from the big pie, my question to you would be whether you are able to maintain personal relationships with the big names of the scene or whether your lifestyle and time do not allow you to do so? What applies to the offline business world, to have contacts to the decision-makers and pioneers, certainly also applies to the online world. Where, if you ask me, it's a lot harder to get your foot in the door of influencers and the financially well-endowed because of geographical distances.

So are you someone who has the zeal, the ambition, to move in circles from which you hope to get early - but mainly trust-based - information that will help you financially? Then I would say: go for it.


I get what you are saying at do, on some level feel the same as you. I am a bit colored, however by the losses.

I think that what I imagined was that I could be part of the beginning of this new amazing thing, but also make a good chunk of money while I was at it. In fact, I didn't mind so much if I didn't make a profit, but I also did not expect to lose so much.

Ultimately, I committed the biggest sin in investing; I put in more than I was willing to lose. People don't like to admit it, but crypto investing is only slightly more clever than gambling.


crypto investing is only slightly more clever than gambling.


I would say it's gambling. The entire non-real economy market is a matter of hearsay, speculation on "future developments in the stock market", whether with fiat or other currency including cryptocurrency. You played the dice and lost. They say those who gamble should have the money to spare and not want to live on it. What would you have done with a surplus? Did you have concrete ideas about how you would have used such a surplus?

The game is nevertheless interesting if you love to play. But if you are not a gambler, then the anger comes over your own decision and what you believed in, how it looks. There is no one to blame, because the many players are an unpredictable quantity and only where desire turns into a self-fulfilling prophecy do those who have kept themselves on the board on the short-lived wave of demand and supply benefit.

I have experienced what it is like to go full risk and then go down with it. It is actually a cathartic experience, a valuable lesson you teach yourself. In the time when you go fully into a project with everything at your disposal, feelings of euphoria, enthusiasm and inspiration set in. You enter new territory and are at work there without a net or a double bottom. For me, when we were working so actively on our dream, it was a really beautiful time, even though everything was built on sand. Only I didn't realise that at the time. Now I could also say that this had been the price for a short period of really extraordinary experience. But as soon as all that fun doesn't happen anymore, when actually nothing of the beautiful working together, the joy of doing it, is left and you are stuck with wanting it to be like that again, it seems that you need more losses to make you realise that the happy state you entered without much effort cannot be sustained because you have lost your innocence, so to speak :)

I guess I'm pretty much beyond denying others their actions and decisions, everyone develops according to their spatio-temporal nature and needs experiences. So I wouldn't even say you committed a mistake or a sin, just richer by an experience. It will benefit you in one way or another. When the anger over the loss has subsided, and it will, sooner or later :)


I think it's hard to figure out an answer because only somebody who has invested and lost could feel what you feel. I would watch this year to see what is happening, things seem to get slowly better. But who knows....


Yes, the unfortunate thing is that I am a bit biased because of my timing on buying in. If I had bought when Hive was cheap, I don't know how I would feel. It is hard to be objective sometimes.


Yes, being biased make decision making more difficult. How is little Ricky doing?


screaming and crying a lot... Hehe. But He is just fine. I hope he learns to play alone a bit more in the coming months. I am pulling my hair out trying to get work done!


Hahahahah he will grow, I wish you good luck and have fun, kids grow awfully fast


I think it is a legitimate question. In short term, change of blockchain (and token) name would create more problems than it would solve. In long term, if some serious onboarding - like bringing people banned from Youtube, Twitter and Facebook that so many dream about - is to be expected, perhaps change into something less associated with collectivism and denying of someone's individuality.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Yes, it is a bit of a rigmaroll to change it considering many variables. Perhaps we could leave Hive, but have some kind of nickname for branding purposes. I am not sure what that would be, though. Perhaps something Hive related that is more unique.

Kind of like how Twitter has tweets. Perhaps I am not making sense or am barking up the wrong tree. I think I am just getting desperate for solutions.


Regards to Little Ricky @nuthman :D

Anyway, for me not all people can blog and they can't do a long form type of posts so adoption and adaptation to this platform will not flourish like facebook but for only some that have a passion, persistence, patience, and all the factors to really make the value of hive go up.


I still believe that Hive has a ton of potential, it is only a matter of time. Precious time that takes so long to pass as we get older.


I wish I had seen this on time, Rick, in order to upvote etc.
I thought you took a break - which you did, and I can understand you are busy with the little one and all.
I agree with the issue you raised, it is true, I experienced the same - very confusing when you just search on google, but what can you do about it afterwards? Sometimes, just to check whether I hadn't posted something already, I do a google search on the name of the artwork I am thinking of posting. What comes up? Whatever I had posted on Steemit! But since the Hard Fork, the art I posted on Hive does not readily show on a google search (except wherever it can be found on my website, other art sites, peeps sharing it on their websites etc - but not Hive).
Does the hashtag #hive help when sharing on twitter? Or does it contribute to the confusion? @poshbot picks it up and adds the tweet to your post, but does it do anything tp promote us on the internet? After all this time, we should have gained some recognition on google. Heck,there are several Otto Rapp, and some of them maybe more deserving than me, found on Google, but put my name in and you will find several sites where I am on, most already on page one - including Steemit somewhere down the list, but no Hive!
OK, so just now, I tweeted this post:


Hey, sorry I missed this reply until today. Thanks for the Tweet!

I should probably take more advantage of Twitter. I have never built up much of a following on there though.

I must admit, I was feeling a bit down and frustrated when I first made this post. I am a bit better now!

Yeah the Steemit results piss me off a bit. As well as the fact that Steem is doing better than us pricewise ever though it is a centralized scam site now. Oh well, what can you do!


Hi Rick - On my Twitter account, I am preaching mostly to myself also, not much of a following. It is a bit better on Instagram. But since it is just a click, it is not an effort to maintain it. I have a second twitter account for my Visionary Art Gallery, so any relevant art stuff I am sharing on there (or on both). The cool thing about Twitter is that you can embed those tweets on your website or blog (wherever embedding is allowed). So my Visionary Art tweets are embedded here, and I assume I get a better audience indirectly on that site: VISIONARY ART ON TWITTER. If you have a Twitter account, here is how to embed your tweets: Embed Twitter Feed.
Cheers - and say hello to little Ricky!
