The Color that defines my personality"


I remember that day of the first consultation, Ileana, my psychologist, asked me to draw 6 drawings before entering, they gave me white sheets and crayons: the drawings had to be: my pregnant mother, an animal, my family, a house, a landscape , one free. Finished the drawings I gave them to her and after a few minutes observing she told me: obviously you are depressed... there is too much blue here...


At that moment I got upset. What do you mean too much blue? When is blue too much?..He is never exaggerated. Obviously she is the psychologist so she inferred: another piece of evidence is that you like blue (certified by a specialist) but there is a lot... you transferred the sadness. I started to think that I would have suddenly gone a little overboard with my favorite color. It was then that I remembered that when I saw the movie Intensely, sadness was blue and I did not agree with that.


Then we went to relax, he asked me to move to a beautiful place and I went to a beach with a sea (you can imagine the color) where the breeze brought me the song by Cristian Castro called A..., I thought about Picasso's paintings and his A stage… I suddenly asked myself, is Ileana right?
