La abuela hechicera de María Jerusalén (relato) / Maria Jerusalem's sorceress grandmother (story)


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La abuela hechicera
de María Jerusalén

Esa tarde al volver de su trabajo en el astillero, María Jerusalén no halló a su abuela hechicera aunque la buscó por todos los rincones de la casa, en los cuartos, por el patio poblado de matas, en el lavandero, en la cocina donde la sibila solía pasar las horas guisando e inventando menjurjes milagrosos para ofrecérselos a los navegados que venían de más allá del mar en busca de sus infalibles pócimas.

Luego preguntó a los vecinos del puerto sin que nadie supiera darle la más mínima información. Ni siquiera su comadre Cerafina, la invidente de facultades sobrenaturales, pudo proporcionarle ninguna pista ya que cuando intentó hacerle una consulta al oráculo de los naipes un viento intempestivo venido de norte a sur hizo temblar la mesa, apagó las velas de los candelabros y levantó el blanco mantel de flores a crochet haciendo que las cartas se dispersaran volando.

A eso de las nueve de la noche empezó a caer una llovizna apacible que apenas mojaba las calles y sacaba destellos de óxido al metal de los barcos inmemoriales haciéndolos brillar, a lo lejos, como formidables diamantes. Sentada ya en la mecedora de la desaparecida matrona, María Jerusalén esperó meciéndose en la oscuridad con terrible impaciencia, dándole tiempo al tiempo, rezando sin esperanzas en voz imperceptible para que la anciana reapareciera.

Mirando por la ventana entreabierta siluetas impalpables que después de acercarse a ella se esfumaban ante sus ojos, repasó mentalmente una y otra vez los hechos de la mañana cuando se separaran. Como todos los días María Jerusalén se sentó en la mesa y esperó a que la vieja ama le sirviera el pan, la tortilla de huevos y el ponche de sábila. Al terminar el desayuno, como todos los días, la maga le tomó las manos, se las puso en el pecho y le dijo: siempre, hija, estaré contigo. Como todos los días María Jerusalén se fue a su trabajo en el fondeadero y por más esfuerzo que hiciera por encontrar algún detalle que le diera luz a la desaparición de su abuela no pudo encontrar ni siquiera una rendija de claridad que la pudiera tranquilizar.

A las diez y siete minutos se echó sobre los hombros un manto impermeable, salió bajo la lluvia que había arreciado y llegó al jardín donde la maga trabajaba afanosamente con sus hierbas. En el momento que cortó una cayena amarilla escuchó el doble clamor de las campanas de la capilla. Toque de difuntos, se dijo. Le sobresaltó aquel toque pausado, de dos campanas lánguidas en la soledad de la noche y un aliento gélido la caló haciéndole saltar su corazón como una rana asustada en un nauseabundo estanque.

Entró de nuevo a la casa y ansiosa se preparó un té caliente con la flor del hibisco. Pero no pudo dormir porque temblaba. Con la infusión ardiente que desprendía un interminable caracol de humo aromático en sus manos, aún se hallaba aterida de frío. Temblaba el miedo dentro de su cuerpo por esa larga espera entre las tinieblas de insomnio.

A la medianoche, bajo la luz de un relámpago, María Jerusalén vio venir a su abuela vestida con algas, cargando una pesada ancla sobre sus hombros y en ese momento el diluvio se desprendió del cielo haciendo que los diques se rompieran desbordando las aguas convulsas de sus entrañas y hundiéndola sin compasión en el vientre naufrago de la tierra.

Maria Jerusalem's
sorceress grandmother

That afternoon, upon returning from work at the shipyard, María Jerusalem did not find her sorceress grandmother, although she looked for her in every corner of the house, in the rooms, in the patio covered with bushes, in the laundry room, in the kitchen where the Sibila used to spend hours cooking and inventing miraculous concoctions to offer them to the sailors who came from beyond the sea in search of her infallible potions.

She then asked the neighbors of the port without anyone knowing how to give her the slightest information about her. Not even his comadre Cerafina, the blind woman of supernatural faculties, could provide him with any clues since when he tried to consult the oracle of cards, an untimely wind coming from north to south shook the table, extinguished the candles in the chandeliers and lifted the white crochet flower tablecloth making the cards fly away.

At about nine o'clock at night a gentle drizzle began to fall that barely wet the streets and made the metal of the immemorial ships sparkle with rust, making them shine, in the distance, like formidable diamonds. Already seated in the missing matron's rocking chair, Maria Jerusalem waited rocking in the dark with terrible impatience, giving time to time, praying hopelessly in an imperceptible voice for the old woman to reappear.

Looking through the half-open window at impalpable silhouettes that, after approaching her, vanished before her eyes, she mentally reviewed the events of the morning over and over again when they separated from her. Like every day, Maria Jerusalem sat at the table and waited for her old mistress to serve her the bread, the egg omelette, and the aloe punch. At the end of breakfast, like every day, the magician took her hands, put them on her chest and told her: always, daughter, I will be with you. Like every day, María Jerusalem went to her work at the anchorage and no matter how hard she tried to find some detail that would shed light on her grandmother's disappearance, she could not find even a sliver of clarity that could reassure her.

At seven minutes past seven she threw a waterproof cloak over her shoulders, stepped out into the rain that had grown heavier, and reached the garden where the mage was busily working with her herbs. The moment she cut a yellow cayenne she heard the double clamor of the chapel bells. Death knell, she told herself. She was startled by that slow touch, of two bells languid in the solitude of the night and a cold breath filled her, making her heart jump like a frightened frog in a sickening pond.

She went back into the house and she anxiously made herself a hot tea with the hibiscus flower. But she couldn't sleep because she was shaking. With the fiery brew giving off an endless snail of aromatic smoke in her hands, she was still freezing cold. She trembled with fear inside her body for that long wait in the darkness of insomnia.

At midnight, under the light of lightning, Maria Jerusalem saw her grandmother come dressed in algae, carrying a heavy anchor on her shoulders and at that moment the deluge fell from the sky causing the dikes to break, overflowing the convulsive waters of its entrails and mercilessly plunging it into the shipwrecked belly of the earth.

                    English translation: Google translator

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It is pretty creepy the way everyone is ignoring what is happening to me and still going to Hivefest. Lay the dirty snatches out why dont ya. Fake it all you want creeps, its so obvious the blind eye you are turning. @fyrstikken told me what V2K and RNM was before they turned it on for me. Around that time he introduced me to @roelandp . I still have the emails between myself and @roelandp . This chain is centralized by design and @fyrstikken helped set it all up to fuck everyone, one by one, slowly into my situation. This is no joke you dumb mother fuckers, they shock you to your thoughts..... Hello????? It is in store for everyone you fools and your helping. Voices pulsed in your head and shocks to your thoughts??? Ignore me and help fuck innocent people for life? @roelandp and other top witnesses I know are involved with @fyrstikken.. Wait until people find out you conspired to enslave them with this shit. I am not crazy and you know it. they are doing this shit to me and told me what it mother fucking was BEFORE THEY TURNED IT ON! Your acting like naive children or maybe you are just part of the problem? You look like sociopaths. Everyone should unplug from HIVE until they are caught, .your. celebrating and ignoring my obvious, you look like fools. You know who is doing it....they are trying to kill me with it. The Havana Syndrome is real too you slave trading V2K, RNM enabling fuckers. Arrogantly play ignorant you Creeps, your setting the table for trafficking and total enslavement. I did not know I was circumvented until a year after I was?..People here will be nice until it?s too late. There is no way to stop it once they have you. Grow the fuck up, this is not aliens, gods, celebrities or a medicate-able mental concern. It is 100% electronic and beast as fuck. You do not want this shit. .....


Me agrada esta abuela bruja, me gusta cómo desprendes sentimientos y dibujas imágenes en la lluvia y en la noche.
Un relato intenso @oacevedo, un abrazo.
