Focus to achieve your Goal this year.


Hello guys, you will agree with me in the day-to-day life we in one way or the other have one opportunity or the other. But what matters the most is where you as an individual put your focus. Is it on something negative or positive? Whenever I walk in different parts of my city; I always notice the different kinds of businesses. Most times I pause and think, that’s someone’s dream and someone’s unique idea; and that it is also someone’s million-dollar opportunity. And we all have significant opportunities and ideas surrounding us.

But the best opportunity and ideas are just hidden near you. All that is needed is for you to ask yourself this question every day “where should my focus be?”. Wherever you focus your attention, you will create strength and momentum. What is momentum? as defined by the goggle dictionary.

Momentum: Momentum in a very simple way is a quantity of motion. Momentum is about every activity that involves motion.

Follow me as we look at a few characteristics of momentum:
It is single-minded
It is unwavering in the pursuit of a goal
It has a passion that knows no limits
It demands a concentrated and a definite sense of destiny
Lastly, it has a boundless vision and commitment to excellence.

Concentration is what can open the door to greater accomplishments. This is the first law of good success;
Concentration- is to bend all the energy to one point, and go directly to that point, looking neither left nor right.

guys, there are two quick ways to disaster: which are taking nobody’s advice and taking everybody’s advice. Just learn to say no to the good so you can say yes to the best. Do not be a person who is uncertain about the future and hazy about the present. Make something your specialty: you cannot find it until you define it. To finish a race start on the track. The aimlessness of most people’s life shocks me. As a lack of focus, they delegate the direction of their lives to others who do not live life like that. Instead, learn to define yourself, to content yourself with some specific thing and definite work; dare to be what you really are, and also learn to accept with a good grace all that you are not.

Take authority over something meaningful this year, we shouldn’t let it be like last year. Remain blessed and stay safe.
