President for a day: Let's do things differently.
Hello, everyone.
I welcome you to my blog. There are many countries, especially in Africa, that are blessed with enough mineral resources to sustain the people and give the country all the care and attention that it needs. These mineral resources are enough to go around, but bad leadership has made that impossible, as a lot of our leaders have made it a habit to take everything for themselves and their families and generations to come. Money meant for the development of the country is now being diverted to personal accounts, even while the masses suffer from these actions of those in power. They care less and still do it.
Almost all African leaders are the same as the next; they might even be worse than the previous. They have forced the masses into becoming adaptors, as even a protest and complaints cannot help. Nobody is coming to the side of the people; it is like a modern slave trade kind of thing, but this time around it is from our leaders. Despite making things so hard and nearly impossible to afford, they still go ahead and impose laws that do not in any way favor the masses. One thing I have to realize is that when there is bad leadership, it is actually the masses that pay the price, as the bad leader in power will feel very little impact of what he has brought upon the people and the country.
I think when it comes to countries with bad leadership, my country, Nigeria, should be topping the list; everyone once in a position of power only wants to take for themselves and their families and care less about the masses. Bad governance comes with an increase in suffering, stress, and pain for the masses; the issue of insecurity in the country skyrockets when those in power are selfish and only looking out for themselves, not minding what happens to those who voted them in. One of my problems with the masses is how quickly they forget what a politician put them through, and they rush to vote them in again.
If I were to be president for a day, there is very little I could change in such a short time; the issue of insecurity is what I will focus on. People can no longer go about their day-to-day activities without the fear of insecurities crossing their minds. When people travel, they don't just pray against road accidents but pray against encountering kidnappers and armed robbers. Kidnapping travelers has become normal, and no one is doing anything about it, not the security agencies nor the government officials. If I were president for a day, I would first of all tackle the issue of insecurity and make sure security agents do the job they are paid for and make the country safe for the people before doing anything else, that's if time permits, as it will not be easy.
Who doesnt know our country nigeria is topping the lost
We all know that.
Thanks for stopping by.
Yes sir