God and man


Today i would love to talk about Gods blessing for men

It is the blessings of God that was deposited in a man
that will make him a great instrument.

As God gets to bless a leader, it will also determine the type of nation that nation will be like. the leaders are inspiration to their followers

As a leader ,be fearless and embrace God..
Sometimes it is easy to do good and still stay holy because it's rewards are also epic too ..
When a good person rules a nation with a faithful and God fearing heart , the people in that nation rejoices because evil will be limited.

Greatness is Gods will and blessings to every leader who fears and follow him,
So they don't have to looks too high to attain it..
As long as they denounce fear.

Hard work does make great people and men ,and humans should learn to always accept the part of working hard to get good things for themselves.

Plan for the best and you will have more than that especially when you associate yourself with taking risks with guidance from Gods word

Take risk and never be discouraged, even the scriptures encourages taking risk and removing fear in mind.
Isaiah 41vs10
The pursuit of a man is and mind of a man determines his Plan, meaning, you should pursue your plans and set goals too.
