A Balance Between Courtship and Academics, IV.


...continued... from Part 1 and Part 2 and Part 3


4. Cut down on your other distractions:

The little things we do end up taking a huge chunk of our lives. We always claim we don't have much time for ourselves or our partners when little things that call for our attention can be channelled into creating more time for them.

We spend more time on social media than we spend with our partner. This is how to balance both. Cut down on those extra hours you spend trying to check out your Facebook feeds and Instagram handles and take a walk in a park with your partner. Little moments like this goes a long way to help to bond and also condition your mind to effective study with no distractions and feeling of guilt due to the neglect of your partner.

Even with a serious workload, there should be enough time in the day to handle studying and a relationship. Make those a priority over your Internet distractions.


5. Make studying a priority:

Sorry, people, someone had to say it. In the battle of books vs. boyfriend, the books have to win. There will always be days when you actually have to spend every waking hour working, and if your significant other doesn’t understand that, they might need a reality check. After all, he or she will have days where his or her studying has to win out, and you’ll have to understand then.

“It’s a constant struggle balancing the time you need to spend on classwork and with your significant other while still talking to other people, " This is a common question people ask, but as long as both people are on the same page, it's nothing that can’t be overcome. You need to find that understanding partner who will know the value of education rather than desiring more social time than your studies.

You’re all smart people, and I’m sure you all know better than to spend every waking moment with your significant other while your schoolwork suffers.

...The End...

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.


Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.
