SERIES REVIEW: The Midnight Club || To Us Now, And To Those Beyond [ENG-ESP]

The Midnight Club Poster by Olujay.jpg

My reasons for watching films are often centered on exploring the incredible stories from brilliant minds for the sole purpose of, well, entertainment. I do so in order to zone out from responsibilities, especially when overwhelming, to cool off and maybe be swayed away in a reverie of intriguing tales.

And so, on my quest to find films that may be worth my time (that I could use for something important), I hope to find the ones that are not necessarily trending but check certain boxes for me.

My streaming service of choice for now is Netflix, as they seem to have a much wider catalog for cinephiles like myself and everyone else too. And then, under the "recommendations" list, I found a couple of films whose presence was questionable, but then the title, The Midnight Club, somehow caught my attention.

From the looks of things and the conspicuously terrifying display image of a scary grandma, I made assumptions that the film was going to be one about horror stores, the spiritual conjuring of souls, and maybe demons too. I mean, there wasn't much to think about from the description I read, and, you know, the title gave away the same aura.

However, I had come on to Netflix with an open mind, so I just went on with it, hoping to find it engrossing.



Ilonka is an average teenager who gets the life-altering news that she has been diagnosed with thyroid cancer. And with her life cut short, she has only one objective: to survive.

Ilonka finds a hospice, called Brightcliffe, where kids with terminal illnesses are taken in (voluntarily) to live a life that is full of love and fulfillment, rather than expending one's last days seeking how to change the story. But her reason for finding and moving into Brightcliffe was because she had heard about a lady who was reported to have once been a patient of the hospice, and somehow, she got herself healed of the same sickness Ilonka is battling with.

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She quickly learns that the patients at Brightcliffe are all in a group called "The Midnight Club," where they meet every midnight to share made-up stories with one another. It was a way for them to bond and go through the last couple of days with one another. She joins them, and every night they do the same thing.

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However, Ilonka is still bent on the fact that there may be some means of healing that are untapped. She gathers more and more information every day, with the help of Kevin, a fellow patient, and together they try to unravel how that lady walked out of Brighcliffe healed.

Things go south quickly enough as Ilonka becomes obsessive over this healing stream, which is her reason for being there in the first place, and somehow it spreads to some other patients.



From the first episode, I had already begun feeling the urge to move on with something else as its tempo seemed to be a little slow for too long. This was particularly so because I had not seen anything out of the ordinary that was sufficient to keep me engrossed.

It wasn't a bad beginning, however. It just seemed like a normal story about a sick girl with thyroid cancer and chemo and all that. But it was just the first half of the film, and I had judged too early. The narrative began to change soon enough as the story unfolded.


The Midnight Club depicts the lives of terminal patients and how they have to perceive things in their lives that have abruptly deviated from what they could have been or what they may have imagined about them.

However, contrary to popular belief about terminal illness, which is to "fight" (in the hope of winning) with everything they have, the characters learn to embrace their final moments, focusing on truly living a life of love and fulfillment.

As the film progressed, I found myself engrossed in its story, with the whole thing turning out to be somewhat addictive. This was particularly so because there were some sort of "sub-stories" that I personally found to be entertaining.


As I previously stated, I found the series to begin with a slow tempo, but this quickly changes. I think the narrative changed when the first "sub-story" was told.

You see, the "Midnight Club" is basically a gathering the terminal patients do every midnight. And the majority of what they did was share stories with one another. The stories were mostly made up by the terminal patients. The stories are what I refer to as "sub-stories," and they were part of the whole story.

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These stories and some other reasons (that I'll get to in a minute) are the main reasons I stuck with the series. And because they were made-up stories meant to entertain and mostly to scare, they were frequently intriguing. In a way, the stories were reflections of the thoughts and recollections of the authors themselves.

The other reason was that there had been this unsolved mystery for years that needed some unraveling. I know it's cliche to do that and the usual way to keep the audience interested, but I found myself intrigued regardless.

However, there were some things that just didn't add up for me. Of course, I did know I was going to get some "spiritual" vibes, but there were some terrifying scenes that I found unnecessary. I found many of them repulsive, in a way, as I did not see the imperativeness for the filmmakers to want to force the scare factor. But, oh well. The other interesting elements of the story compensated for all that.


You see, I found most of the stories these kids (the terminal patients) told to be really engrossing, particularly for their vastness and their intriguing visual representation.

One of the patients told a story, and I appreciated the effort put into making the visuals look immersive as they told the story. Also notable are the lighting choices used to depict emotions, as well as the use of camera angles, smoke, and other effects to convey the message she was conveying.

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Another patient told a story that was somewhat gory and there was no sugar-coating it. They were all depicted properly to carry the audience along well.


Each character had a certain tonality to their personality that made them entirely different from the others. They all had peculiar illnesses attributed to them and therefore required excellence in performing them. This is why I commend all eight of the actors who played the terminally ill kids.


I especially loved the performance of Ruth Codd. She played the role of an amputee with bone cancer. In reality, she is an amputee, but that's not what's special about her. It is the way she powerfully delivered the exact representation of her character's personality: a nihilist who is tough and often sarcastic, but deep within, she deeply loves the ones she cares about and hides it.



The series ended on a cliffhanger, indicating that a sequel is likely to happen. But this will depend highly on how well the series does. Netflix is very well known for cutting off shows, especially when they have low traction.

Whenever (or if) a sequel is released, I am definitely checking it out, as there are so many unanswered questions and unexplained happenings that need some settling. I am hoping they set things right in the sequel.

Nonetheless, this is a series I would suggest to anyone at any time, especially for the brilliance of the subtleties in the storytelling.

I will give it a rating of 𝟠/𝟙𝟘.




Mis razones para ver películas se centran a menudo en explorar las increíbles historias de mentes brillantes con el único propósito de, bueno, entretener. Lo hago para desconectar de las responsabilidades, sobre todo cuando son abrumadoras, para refrescarme y quizás dejarme llevar por un ensueño de historias intrigantes.

Por eso, en mi búsqueda de películas que merezcan la pena (y que pueda utilizar para algo importante), espero encontrar las que no son necesariamente tendencia, pero que cumplen ciertos requisitos para mí.

Mi servicio de streaming preferido por ahora es Netflix, ya que parece tener un catálogo mucho más amplio para los cinéfilos como yo y como todo el mundo. Y entonces, bajo la lista de "recomendaciones", encontré un par de películas cuya presencia era cuestionable, pero entonces el título, El club de medianoche, de alguna manera llamó mi atención.

Por el aspecto de las cosas y la llamativa y aterradora imagen de la pantalla de una terrorífica abuela, supuse que la película iba a ser una sobre tiendas de terror, la conjura espiritual de las almas, y quizás también demonios. Es decir, no había mucho que pensar por la descripción que leí y, ya sabes, el título delataba el mismo aura.

Sin embargo, había llegado a Netflix con la mente abierta, así que seguí con ella, esperando encontrarla absorbente.



Ilonka es una adolescente normal y corriente que recibe la noticia de que le han diagnosticado un cáncer de tiroides que le cambiará la vida. Con su vida truncada, sólo tiene un objetivo: sobrevivir.

Ilonka encuentra un hospicio, llamado Brightcliffe, donde los niños con enfermedades terminales son acogidos (voluntariamente) para vivir una vida llena de amor y plenitud, en lugar de pasar sus últimos días buscando cómo cambiar la historia. Pero la razón por la que encontró y se mudó a Brightcliffe fue porque había oído hablar de una señora que, según se dice, había sido paciente del hospicio y, de alguna manera, se curó de la misma enfermedad con la que Ilonka está luchando.

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Rápidamente se entera de que los pacientes de Brightcliffe forman parte de un grupo llamado "El Club de Medianoche", donde se reúnen cada medianoche para compartir historias inventadas entre ellos. Es una forma de establecer vínculos y de pasar los últimos días juntos. Ella se une a ellos y cada noche hacen lo mismo.

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Sin embargo, Ilonka sigue empeñada en que puede haber algún medio de curación sin explotar. Cada día reúne más y más información, con la ayuda de Kevin, un compañero de fatigas, y juntos intentan desentrañar cómo esa señora salió curada de Brighcliffe.

Las cosas se tuercen rápidamente cuando Ilonka se obsesiona con esta corriente de curación, que es su razón de estar allí en primer lugar, y de alguna manera se contagia a otros pacientes.



Desde el primer episodio, ya empecé a sentir la necesidad de seguir con otra cosa, ya que su ritmo me pareció un poco lento durante demasiado tiempo. Sobre todo porque no había visto nada fuera de lo común que fuera suficiente para mantenerme absorto.

Sin embargo, no fue un mal comienzo. Parecía una historia normal sobre una chica enferma con cáncer de tiroides, quimioterapia y todo eso. Pero era sólo la primera mitad de la película, y había juzgado demasiado pronto. La narrativa empezó a cambiar muy pronto a medida que se desarrollaba la historia.


El Club de Medianoche describe la vida de los pacientes terminales y cómo tienen que percibir las cosas en sus vidas que se han desviado bruscamente de lo que podrían haber sido o de lo que podrían haber imaginado sobre ellas.

Sin embargo, en contra de la creencia popular sobre la enfermedad terminal, que consiste en "luchar" (con la esperanza de ganar) con todo lo que tienen, los personajes aprenden a abrazar sus últimos momentos, centrándose en vivir realmente una vida de amor y plenitud.

A medida que avanzaba la película, me encontré absorto en su historia, resultando el conjunto algo adictivo. Sobre todo porque había una especie de "subhistorias" que personalmente me parecieron entretenidas.


Como dije anteriormente, la serie comenzó con un ritmo lento, pero esto cambia rápidamente. Creo que la narrativa cambió cuando se contó la primera "subhistoria".

Verás, el "Club de Medianoche" es básicamente una reunión que los pacientes terminales hacen cada medianoche. Y la mayor parte de lo que hacían era compartir historias entre ellos. Las historias eran en su mayoría inventadas por los pacientes terminales. Las historias son lo que yo llamo "subhistorias", y formaban parte de la historia completa.

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Estas historias y algunas otras razones (a las que me referiré en un minuto) son las principales razones por las que me quedé con la serie. Y como eran historias inventadas para entretener y, sobre todo, para asustar, a menudo resultaban intrigantes. En cierto modo, las historias eran el reflejo de los pensamientos y recuerdos de los propios autores.

La otra razón era que desde hacía años existía un misterio sin resolver que había que desentrañar. Sé que es un cliché hacerlo y la forma habitual de mantener el interés del público, pero a pesar de ello me encontré intrigado.

Sin embargo, había algunas cosas que no me cuadraban. Por supuesto, sabía que iba a recibir algunas vibraciones "espirituales", pero hubo algunas escenas terroríficas que me parecieron innecesarias. Muchas de ellas me parecieron repulsivas, en cierto modo, ya que no vi la necesidad de que los realizadores quisieran forzar el factor miedo. Pero, bueno. Los otros elementos interesantes de la historia compensaron todo eso.


La mayoría de las historias que contaban estos chicos (los pacientes terminales) me parecieron realmente absorbentes, sobre todo por su amplitud y su intrigante representación visual.

Uno de los pacientes contó una historia, y aprecié el esfuerzo realizado para que los efectos visuales resultaran envolventes mientras contaban la historia. También son notables las opciones de iluminación utilizadas para representar las emociones, así como el uso de los ángulos de la cámara, el humo y otros efectos para transmitir el mensaje que ella estaba contando.

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Otro paciente contó una historia un tanto sangrienta y no hubo ningún tipo de endulzamiento. Todos fueron representados adecuadamente para llevar al público bien.


Cada personaje tenía una cierta tonalidad en su personalidad que lo hacía totalmente diferente a los demás. Todos tenían enfermedades peculiares que se les atribuían y, por tanto, exigían excelencia en su interpretación. Por eso elogio a los ocho actores que interpretaron a los niños enfermos terminales.


Me gustó especialmente la actuación de Ruth Codd. Interpretó el papel de una amputada con cáncer de huesos. En realidad, es una amputada, pero eso no es lo especial de ella. Es la forma en que representó con fuerza la personalidad exacta de su personaje: una nihilista que es dura y a menudo sarcástica, pero que en el fondo ama profundamente a los que le importan y lo oculta.



La serie terminó con un cliffhanger, lo que indica que es probable que haya una secuela. Pero esto dependerá en gran medida del éxito de la serie. Netflix es muy conocido por cortar series, especialmente cuando tienen poca tracción.

Cuando (o si) se lanza una secuela, definitivamente la veré, ya que hay muchas preguntas sin respuesta y sucesos inexplicables que necesitan ser resueltos. Espero que en la secuela se arreglen las cosas.

No obstante, esta es una serie que sugeriría a cualquiera en cualquier momento, especialmente por la brillantez de las sutilezas en la narración.

Le doy una calificación de 𝟠/𝟙𝟘.


ɪᴍᴀɢᴇs ғʀᴏᴍ ɪᴍᴅʙ

Interested in more of my reviews? There's a truck-load, but here are a few.

ɪ ɪɴᴠɪᴛᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛᴏ ᴊᴏɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴜɴɪᴛʏ ɪғ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ sᴇᴇ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ғɪʟᴍ ʀᴇᴠɪᴇᴡs ʙʏ ᴀᴡᴇsᴏᴍᴇ ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀs.

ℍ𝕖𝕪, 𝕚𝕗 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕖𝕟𝕛𝕠𝕪𝕖𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕥, 𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕕𝕝𝕪 𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕒 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥, 𝕣𝕖𝕓𝕝𝕠𝕘, 𝕠𝕣 𝕦𝕡𝕧𝕠𝕥𝕖. 𝕀𝕥'𝕝𝕝 𝕤𝕦𝕣𝕖 𝕓𝕖 𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕚𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕.

𝒮𝑒𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓃𝑒𝓍𝓉 . . .


This is the Flanagan series that I liked the least. I saw it as a whole, there are some sub-stories that I liked, but others I didn't like. I wasn't entirely satisfied, but it's a good series.


Flanagan is an amazing writer, but I have never really considered his works. This one only happened by chance.

The series does not exactly fit into the genre of horror, and this may be why you did not find it to be Flanagan's best, as he has been very known for being the big brain behind many incredible horror films.


The midnight club indeed! Sounds really intriguing, I'd also have had the mind of something scary looking at the name of the movie, hehehe.

The movie seems interesting but then I don't like series movies as I use to especially those ones that are still in motion, haha. Well, I loved reading this review but I don't feel like seeing the movie though, I'd love to hear it as a story just like the midnight clubbers, lolz.


You would have thought the same about the film, right? Thank you! I am not alone on this boat then. Whatever that is done at night isn't to be taken lightly, let alone the middle of the night.

The reason I follow seriesseries is that I sometimes long for something with more depth into its characters and extensions to the story being told. Series give enough room for all that.

There was a time when I never really liked to follow series. But then, I got bored with the short lifespans of films with about 2hr runtime. And then I started to enjoy series more.


Yes I thought of it that way too, midnight never seems to making a meaning of something fun and lively, lolz.

Oh yes, that's right, I do enjoy series because of that one reason but you know I hardly see movies lately and seeing one and finding out it is yet to be completed is something that kills my morale, hehe.

Well, I still see them but it has to be the one that has a complete series and that is why I go for the ones that are old.


I can totally relate to how you feel about series that are yet to be completed. You may end up feeling like you shouldn't have started the series in the first place because you'd be left anxious about the next part. And that sucks. However, for me, I have developed this resilience to not bother much about that. It has happened so many times that I just got used to it, so much so that I instantly move on.


Hmm, good for you then, me I will sha try to be like you, but it's not going to be easy. I remembered when I saw a series that I really enjoyed then, into the badlands and I found out it was not complete, the thing pained me ehn and since then I just ask a lot of questions about a movie before opting in to watch it.

Well, I think the thing is since I don't see movies too much, I just prefer those ones that are not too long..


I can totally relate. You could just stick with your short films, since that's what suits you.

I never saw Into The Badlands, though.


Yeah, I will, hehe but that doesn't mean I won't see series sha, you know I'm a big fan of kdramas too, hehe. If I see a complete series, I'm surely going to opt for it, hehe.

Oh I see, wow!!! Is there any reason why you didn't see that movie?


Haha...the only reason I didn't watch Into The Badlands is simply because I didn't know about it.


Oh wow, that movie was really good for, I can't really say but I think you would have enjoyed it too.


Is it a movie or a series?

I may check it out, actually, because of Hope.


It's a series
That's nice, I'm kind of sure you will enjoy it, hehe 😃


By the way, have you seen the new dreemport challenge for the month of December? Oh Joe you should check it out if you haven't, this challenge is one where we will be getting our best dreemer of the Year and I know you might be thinking is not for you but then it is for you and everyone actually.

So do not hesitate and just click on this link to get a clearer picture of what you need to know about the challenge and here is the prize pool post, hehe


I actually have been getting those notifications talking about all these challenges, but for some reason, I end up not participating. Now that you pop it up and are inviting me, I might as well check it out.

For being the best Dreemer of the year, that's out of the equation for me. Nonetheless, I will try to participate and catch up on all the fun.

Thank you for carrying me along.


Yes I noticed that, it was just that collaboration with scholars and scribes community you tried participating in and you did really well with it. The challenges are not really as hard as it appears, all you have to do is get a clear understanding by asking questions and then just have fun all the way.

And this challenge is one of the easiest of them all but then this will still be challenging because the prize pool is really huge and so many people will want to be a part of it and that is what we actually want and that is why I'd so much love it if you consider being a part of the challenge, I will try my best to share more information with you as I can, I'm sure you will have so much fun with the challenge 🥰.


I'd love to, Hope, but I really don't think I can participate. I may have sufficient energy, but I don't have much space and time and to follow through.

Thank you for being there.


I totally understand it Joe, it's okay. Just focus on your schooling first then maybe after that we can talk of you being seriouser here, hahaha.

You are always welcome dear, I'm happy I'm here 😃


I'm trying to be seriouser here o

Let's see how this new month goes


Wow, you know I'd love that 😌. Well, let's see how it goes, I wish you all the best.

How is school sef, when are you writing your exams or what are you preparing for?


Thanks for supporting me jare...

Exams are in January, actually. So the semester is already overwhelming.


For supporting you? Hmm, I'm a little lost.

Oh, is that a good thing? I can't tell, haha, but I think it is right?
Why is the semester overwhelming?


What I mean by overwhelming is that my plate is always full every now and then. But I am managing, somehow.


Okay, that explanation helped 😃. Well, I hope you clear up your desk soon. But don't push yourself beyond what you can, just do your best.


Don't worry about me. I'll be okay. You take care of yourself as well.


Hahaha, leave me to do what I want to do jhur 🤣🤣, no problem, I will take care of yourself 😜


I find the story very interesting, it has a lot of potential to develop a good plot, you have given it a pretty good rating. I will have to take it into account since I like this kind of stories. Thanks for sharing your opinion


The series does have a good plot. There are just certain discrepancies in the film that I personally did not like. However, overall, I liked the film.


I was super intrigued by this series because I am a huge fan of the director, but I must say I was very disappointed because I don't consider this show a proper horror production.

His previous works ARE proper horror stories but not this one. In fact, The Haunting of Hill House is, for me, a horror masterpiece, but this series was so soft in its horror that I didn't even finish watching it. I really hope this director can find his way back into proper horror. He is one of the best in that genre, if not the best.


I am not one to watch many horror films, but with the fee that I have seen and enjoyed, I can say a thing or two about them. And I would also say that this film sure does not fall under the category of the great horror films. So yeah, it's not Flanagan's best work.

Nonetheless, putting the borrow aspect aside, it sure is a pretty intriguing show.


Debería llamarse el Clud de los Desahuciados.(Sin ánimos de ofender a Nadie). Siempre estuve pensando que saldría algún fantasma o espíritu que hiciera revelaciones importantes de la trama pero nada. Aún así estuvo divertida verla. Ionka tenía mucha fe en recuperarse y la que se recuperó fue otra. Gracias x el review


No estoy exactamente seguro de lo que quieres decir con Clud de los Desahuciados. Pero puedo relacionarme con lo que debes haber sentido acerca de esos fantasmas que no hacen nada importante en la película.

Ilonka tenía fe, pero yo diría que estaba demasiado obsesionada con eso. Y casi se puso en un peligro terrible.

Veo que ya has terminado con esta serie. ¿Qué serie estás siguiendo ahora?


Con desahuciados quiero decir que todos los chicos que viven en ese lugar tienen algún tipo de cáncer en fase terminal. Y bueno, actualmente estoy volviendo a ver Stranger Things de lo mucho que me gustó. La academia Umbrella también es buena y tienes que ver Locke & Key.


Oh, I understand much better now. I loved Stranger Things too. And it's worth researching. Likewise Umbrella Academy.

I have seen Locke & Key, but I didn't give it much thought. Now that you mention it, I might consider it.
