The Scary Postpartum Motherhood Experience I Had//La aterradora experiencia de maternidad posparto que tuve


This journey of motherhood has been filled with so much joy, especially with the fact that my baby has smiled more recently (I love it), but the intense stress and pain associated with it, is serious.
I have shared here my story about the long hours of labor I had and how hectic it was for me to have my Son, the series of near-cases of depression that followed, and how I pulled through every one of them.

I noticed a few days after delivery that, I started to forget things a lot. Someone would mention something to me and in the next few minutes, I have completely forgotten what was said. I began to get worried but I calmed myself again with soothing words.

[Image taken with my mobile phone]

However, my heartbeat increased on a certain day when I was trying to boil water and I forgot about it totally until the water dried up completely. My husband kept on asking if I was cooking something because he was perceiving something but I said No because I honestly couldn't remember and to make matters worse, I was not perceiving any smell too.

Since he was no longer comfortable, he walked to the kitchen himself and that was how he found out I had forgotten the water I was boiling to the extent that the water completely dried up in the kettle.

I brushed this off as a normal mistake that could happen to anyone until it happened again after a few weeks. This time around, I was trying to boil water again and until the water dried up and the kettle started to burn off I did not remember. It was my Mum who noticed and called my attention to it. At this time, I was so scared as I said, something was wrong.

I was worried and I kept on saying something was wrong with me, my husband noticed and immediately ran to hold me. He said, Baby, you are fine, you are only overwhelmed with the new load of responsibilities and that is why you need to take it easy on yourself. My Mum was around for a few days so I seized the opportunity to relax as much as I could.

I am now trying to take every day as it comes, with no pressure at all as a similar experience as mine, I would like to know the comment section.

Spanish Translation.

Este viaje de la maternidad ha estado lleno de mucha alegría, especialmente por el hecho de que mi bebé ha sonreído más recientemente (me encanta), pero el intenso estrés y el dolor asociados con ello son graves.
He compartido aquí mi historia sobre las largas horas de trabajo de parto que tuve y lo agitado que fue para mí tener a mi Hijo, la serie de casi casos de depresión que siguieron y cómo superé cada uno de ellos.

Unos días después del parto noté que comencé a olvidarme mucho de las cosas. Alguien me mencionaba algo y en los siguientes minutos, olvidé por completo lo que se dijo. Empecé a preocuparme pero me tranquilicé nuevamente con palabras tranquilizadoras.

Sin embargo, los latidos de mi corazón aumentaron cierto día cuando estaba tratando de hervir agua y lo olvidé por completo hasta que el agua se secó por completo. Mi marido seguía preguntando si estaba cocinando algo porque estaba percibiendo algo pero le dije que no porque sinceramente no lo recordaba y para colmo tampoco percibía ningún olor.

Como ya no se sentía cómodo, caminó él mismo hasta la cocina y así fue como descubrió que había olvidado el agua que estaba hirviendo hasta el punto de que el agua se secó por completo en la tetera.

Lo descarté como un error normal que le podría pasar a cualquiera hasta que volvió a suceder después de unas semanas. Esta vez, estaba intentando hervir agua nuevamente y no lo recordé hasta que el agua se secó y la tetera comenzó a quemarse. Fue mi mamá quien se dio cuenta y me llamó la atención. En ese momento, estaba tan asustado cuando dije que algo andaba mal.

Estaba preocupada y seguía diciendo que algo andaba mal en mí, mi esposo se dio cuenta e inmediatamente corrió a abrazarme. Él dijo: Bebé, estás bien, sólo estás abrumada por la nueva carga de responsabilidades y por eso debes tomártelo con calma. Mi mamá estuvo aquí por unos días, así que aproveché la oportunidad para relajarme tanto como pude.

Ahora estoy tratando de tomar cada día como viene, sin presión alguna como una experiencia similar a la mía, me gustaría saber la sección de comentarios.


Hi, I am Tobi, a writer, speaker, relationship blogger, and lover of good music. I love making friends and learning from people. If you want to hear me speak on relationships and general life issues, you can find my YouTube channel where you can watch any episode for free, please do not forget to subscribe, friends. I sincerely appreciate every love I get from here, Kindly do well to keep them coming.


Todo el proceso de embarazo y parto es difícil cosas como esa y otras pueden pasar. Es bueno que tengas el apoyo de tu esposo


Agradezco eternamente ese apoyo, agradezco el comentario, querido amigo, que tengas una linda semana.


I can tell you that I hear this kind of situation from lots of moms, so I think you can try to take it easy because it’s not that weir. Body and mind have gone through a lot, and it needs time to ease again, to back to normal. You are ok, you only need to give a break to your exhausted body and accept the love and support from your family. I really hope everything turned out well soon. Send you a big hug!!


Postpartum is a rollercoaster of sensation both physically and mentally. It's a time when we need support the most


I tell you, we indeed need all the support we can get at this point.
