THE DREAM SERIES(ENG/ESP)Vol.3: If I Had Three Brothers


I never understood why my parents chose to have only two children while I was growing up. Even now, I have chosen not to understand their reasons. Call me petty, but that's what it is.

I've always had a wild imagination, right from when I was just a teeny-tiny child. I've often wondered what it would be like to have brothers. It'll probably be wonderful, given how much pampering my mother gets from her younger brothers.

I told my friends about it, and most of them thought that I was feeling mushy about it because I never had brothers. Amy, who has three brothers, describes them as a pain in the ass.

She says they bullied her throughout her childhood and still tried to control her as an adult. She says that while she realizes that they love and care for her, they have a weird and wicked way of expressing it😀.

Here's the thing, I'd rather have my own brothers who'd trouble me and bully me than be an only child like I am today
Anyway, I want to share with you how I picture my brothers in my head every time I think of them.

The First child:

Native name: Eromosele-means "my prayer is answered."
Another name: Daniel
Job title: Real estate guru


Knowing who my father is and his passion for the story of Daniel in the Bible, he'd definitely call him Daniel. Daniel would be in his mid-thirties, married, with a five-year-old daughter and another child on the way. He'd be like my second father.

My father would be very proud of him. He is the god-fearing, polite son. He'd most likely be in the real estate business. Daniel would be my go-to guy for cash at all times, and I'd have a good relationship with his wife, Rachel.

Although things would start out rough since my brother was spending less time on the phone with me and more time with her, things would improve with time. So I would see her as a rival. Lol, I know it’s weird.

Daniel would blame my jealousy on my single life and would try to matchmake me at every opportunity he got. My niece, Adesuwa, would be the most precious one to me; my dad's first grandchild and my mum's whole heart.

The second child

Native name: Osarumwense—means "God has done me well."
Another name: David
Occupation: Medical Practitioner


Ese, the family genius, would be studying for his Ph.D. in Canada or the United Kingdom after earning a fully funded scholarship.

He'd have a long-term girlfriend with whom he'd been dating for up to three years. Even though he'd be away, their relationship would be just fine. I'd like his girlfriend, Stephanie because we’d be nearly agemates and we'd vibe pretty well.

I’d understand her loneliness, so I'd allow her to come to me whenever. We’d see movies whenever we could and shop together once in a while. I’d hope Ese marries her. He'd be lucky!

I'd understand her loneliness, so I'd let her come to me whenever she wanted. We'd go to the movies whenever we could and go shopping once in a while. I’d hope Ese marries her. He'd be lucky!

For some weird reason, Ese and I will not be as closely knit as I and Damien. Ese had always been the cold, reserved, uptight one, while I was the clear opposite. We’d get along just fine. I'd love him regardless. Plus, he’d be the reason I go to the bank every now and then to receive money in foreign currency via Worldremit.

Every night, my mother would get down on her knees and pray for all five of us (three boys and two girls), but she would always single out Ese because she was terrified of her son living miles away from her. She'd be joyful and proud of her kid, but she'd cry every chance she had about how much she missed him.

Thanks to Daniel and Damien, there was a plan in the works to fly my mother overseas to be with Ese for almost a month. I'd be warned to keep the details to myself because, as you well know, I'd be the family's loudmouth.

The third child

Native name: Nosakhare
Another name: Damien
Job Title: Tech Bro


This one?🤣
He'd be my go-to man. The one who knows everything about me and my secrets as if they were his. Come rain or shine, he'd be my shoulder to lean on. I'd lost count of the number of fights he got into while attempting to protect and defend me. People would have a hard time understanding our relationship because we'd be like a cat and a rat.

We'd be fighting and screaming our heads off one minute, and then we'd be playing games, laughing, and chatting the next. Damien is the tech guy, the one who will go to any length to Japa (migrate). Therefore, he does everything he can to be the best at his craft. He'd be working from home for up to four international tech firms.

He'd be like me, very independent. He'd moved out of our parents' house when he was 19. He'd be living alone, and I'd spend most of my time at his house, but I'd leave if any of his girlfriends came over.

To be honest, I wouldn't get along with any of them since I only want the best for my brother. Therefore, I screen every girl that comes to his apartment when I'm there, just like he vets the guys around me. Damien would be in his late twenties. This one is a player, so marriage isn't even on his radar.

He'd also have so many nice shirts that I'd gladly steal. He wouldn't be very good at cooking, so I'd do most of the cooking.
Also, this one is our mummy's pet. His relationship with our mom would be so beautiful to see.

He'd call her his baby girl and would stop at nothing to put a smile on her face. Heck, my mum would treat him like he was the last born and I'm not. But I wouldn't complain because he makes up for it with how much money he gives me for upkeep every month. LOL. So you see, I'd be living large.

The fourth child:

Native name: Ofure
Another name: Daphne


Daphne, my dearest sister. I’m not going to write so much here because this sister is not a product of my imagination. My sister was real, real for just eighteen years and some months. My brothers and I would miss her badly. We’d make jokes, laugh and cry about her time here on earth. We’d assure ourselves that she is at peace now.

The best part of it all would be that she passed away in my father’s arms. She wasn’t alone in her last moment. My mum was there, and so was my dad.

What more could I ask for? Besides having brothers who I can visit, brothers who would stop at nothing to provide for me, protect me, teach me, and have my back.

Don't get me wrong. I'm okay with the life I've been given. I've also come to terms with the loss of my only sibling. This is all a product of my imagination. However, if I do have siblings, boys or girls, they would certainly be the loves of my life.

Peace ✌



Nunca entendí por qué mis padres decidieron tener sólo dos hijos mientras yo crecía. Incluso ahora, he decidido no entender sus razones. Llámame mezquina, pero es lo que hay.

Siempre he tenido una imaginación desbordante, desde que era una niña pequeñita. A menudo me he preguntado cómo sería tener hermanos. Seguramente sería maravilloso, teniendo en cuenta los mimos que recibe mi madre de sus hermanos pequeños.

Se lo conté a mis amigos, y la mayoría pensó que me ponía sentimental porque nunca había tenido hermanos". Amy, que tiene tres hermanos, los describe como un grano en el culo.

Dice que la acosaron durante toda su infancia y que siguen intentando controlarla de adulta. Dice que, aunque se da cuenta de que la quieren y se preocupan por ella, tienen una forma extraña y perversa de expresarlo😀.

Esta es la cuestión, prefiero tener mis propios hermanos que me molesten y me intimiden que ser hija única como lo soy hoy
En fin, quiero compartir con ustedes cómo me imagino a mis hermanos en mi cabeza cada vez que pienso en ellos.

El primer hijo:

Nombre nativo: Eromosele-significa "mi oración es respondida ".
Otro nombre: Daniel.
Título de trabajo: Gurú inmobiliario


Conociendo a mi padre y su pasión por la historia de Daniel en la Biblia, definitivamente lo llamaría Daniel. Daniel tendría unos treinta años, estaría casado, tendría una hija de cinco años y otro hijo en camino. Sería como mi segundo padre.

Mi padre estaría muy orgulloso de él. Es el hijo temeroso de Dios y educado. Lo más probable es que se dedique al negocio inmobiliario. Daniel sería mi hombre de confianza para conseguir dinero en todo momento, y tendría una buena relación con su mujer, Rachel.

Aunque las cosas empezarían mal, ya que mi hermano pasaba menos tiempo al teléfono conmigo y más con ella, las cosas mejorarían con el tiempo. Así que la vería como una rival. Lol, sé que es raro.

Daniel me echaba la culpa de mis celos por mi soltería y trataba de emparejarme en cada oportunidad que tenía. Mi sobrina, Adesuwa, sería la más preciada para mí; el primer nieto de mi padre y todo el corazón de mi madre.

El segundo hijo

Nombre nativo: Osarumwense- significa "Dios me ha hecho bien ".
Otro nombre: David.
Ocupación: Médico


Ese, el genio de la familia, estudiaría un doctorado en Canadá o el Reino Unido tras obtener una beca totalmente financiada.

Tendría una novia de larga duración con la que llevaba saliendo hasta tres años. Aunque él estaría lejos, su relación estaría bien. Me gustaría su novia, Stephanie, porque seríamos casi compañeros de edad y nos llevaríamos muy bien.

Entendería su soledad, así que le permitiría venir a mí cuando fuera. Veríamos películas siempre que pudiéramos y compraríamos juntos de vez en cuando. Espero que Ese se case con ella. ¡Tendría suerte!

Comprendería su soledad, así que la dejaría venir a mí siempre que quisiera. Iríamos al cine siempre que pudiéramos e iríamos de compras de vez en cuando. Esperaría que Ese se casara con ella. ¡Tendría suerte!

Por alguna extraña razón, Ese y yo no estaremos tan unidos como Damien y yo. Ese siempre había sido el frío, reservado y tenso, mientras que yo era todo lo contrario. Nos llevaríamos bien. Le querría a pesar de todo. Además, él sería la razón por la que iría al banco de vez en cuando a recibir dinero en moneda extranjera a través de Worldremit.

Todas las noches, mi madre se ponía de rodillas y rezaba por los cinco (tres chicos y dos chicas), pero siempre destacaba a Ese porque le aterraba que su hijo viviera a kilómetros de ella. Se mostraba alegre y orgullosa de su hijo, pero lloraba cada vez que podía por lo mucho que lo echaba de menos.

Gracias a Daniel y a Damián, había un plan en marcha para que mi madre volara al extranjero para estar con Ese durante casi un mes. Me advirtieron que me guardara los detalles porque, como bien sabes, sería el bocazas de la familia.

El tercer hijo

Nombre nativo: Nosakhare
Otro nombre: Damien
Título de trabajo: Hermano técnico


¿Este? 🤣
Sería mi hombre de confianza. El que sabe todo sobre mí y mis secretos como si fueran suyos. Llueva o haga sol, él sería mi hombro en el que apoyarme. He perdido la cuenta del número de peleas en las que se ha metido al intentar protegerme y defenderme. A la gente le costaba entender nuestra relación porque éramos como un gato y una rata.

Estábamos peleando y gritando como locos un minuto, y al siguiente estábamos jugando, riendo y charlando. Damien es el chico de la tecnología, el que hace todo lo posible por japa (emigrar). Por lo tanto, hace todo lo posible para ser el mejor en su oficio. Trabajaría desde casa para hasta cuatro empresas tecnológicas internacionales.

Sería como yo, muy independiente. Se habría mudado de la casa de nuestros padres a los 19 años. Viviría solo, y yo pasaría la mayor parte del tiempo en su casa, pero me iría si viniera alguna de sus amigas.

Sería como yo, muy independiente. Se había mudado de la casa de nuestros padres cuando tenía 19 años. Viviría solo, y yo pasaría la mayor parte del tiempo en su casa, pero me iría si viniera alguna de sus amigas.

Para ser sincera, no me llevaría bien con ninguna de ellas, ya que sólo quiero lo mejor para mi hermano. Por lo tanto, investigo a todas las chicas que vienen a su apartamento cuando estoy allí, al igual que él investiga a los chicos que me rodean. Damien tendría unos veinte años. Este es un jugador, así que el matrimonio ni siquiera está en su radar.

También tendría muchas camisas bonitas que yo robaría con gusto. No sería muy bueno cocinando, así que yo haría la mayor parte de la cocina. Además, éste es la mascota de nuestra mamá. Su relación con nuestra mamá sería muy bonita de ver.

La llamaría su niña y no se detendría ante nada para poner una sonrisa en su cara. Mi mamá lo trataría como si fuera el último nacido y yo no lo soy. Pero no me quejaría porque lo compensa con la cantidad de dinero que me da para la manutención cada mes. LOL. Así que ya ves, viviría a lo grande.

El cuarto hijo.

Nombre nativo: Ofure
Otro nombre: Daphne.


Dafne, mi querida hermana. No voy a escribir tanto aquí porque esta hermana no es producto de mi imaginación. Mi hermana fue real, real sólo durante dieciocho años y algunos meses. Mis hermanos y yo la echábamos mucho de menos. Hacíamos bromas, reíamos y llorábamos sobre su paso por la tierra. Aseguraríamos que ahora está en paz.

Lo mejor de todo sería que falleció en los brazos de mi padre. No estuvo sola en su último momento. Mi madre estaba allí, y también mi padre.

¿Qué más podría pedir? Además de tener hermanos a los que puedo visitar, hermanos que no se detendrían ante nada para mantenerme, protegerme, enseñarme y cubrirme las espaldas.

No me malinterpretes. Estoy bien con la vida que me han dado. También he asumido la pérdida de mi único hermano. Todo esto es producto de mi imaginación. Sin embargo, si tuviera hermanos, niños o niñas, serían sin duda los amores de mi vida.




To begin with, I am very sorry that you lost your sister, I can imagine how painful it was, sometimes we dream of having had more siblings, I had 3 and I am the 4th,but as I am the youngest I wanted a little brother, however, if you ask my brothers, they would say that is enough hehe,you have a very good imagination and a good way of writing.

I find it necessary dear @omosefe to remember to put in the title of your post the feeling or emotion you want to tell us about, as part of the rules of the community.

It has been a pleasure to read you, a hug in the distance 🤗.


To begin with, I am very sorry that you lost your sister, I can imagine how painful it was.

Thank you🙂🙂

sometimes we dream of having had more siblings, I had 3 and I am the 4th,but as I am the youngest I wanted a little brother, however, if you ask my brothers, they would say that is enough hehe,you have a very good imagination and a good way of writing.

Thank you so much 😁😁

I find it necessary dear @omosefe to remember to put in the title of your post the feeling or emotion you want to tell us about, as part of the rules of the community.

Ohhhhhhhh, I'd have to go over the rules again to understand better because I really don't. Thanks for pointing it out.


I'm so sorry you lost your only sibling @omosefe
My sincere condolence
When I started reading this, my thoughts were "you don't know how stressful having brothers can be o" but as I read down I realized I thought wrong.
Although my brothers can be annoying and controlling, they're always there when I need them and I think everyone should feel the love from brothers.
So sorry dear.


I'm so sorry you lost your only sibling @omosefe
My sincere condolence

Thanks dear @orah14, it's been 8 years and I'm learning to live with it.

When I started reading this, my thoughts were "you don't know how stressful having brothers can be o" but as I read down I realized I thought wrong.
Although my brothers can be annoying and controlling, they're always there when I need them and I think everyone should feel the love from brothers.

Awwwww, God bless your brothers for always being there for you. Thank you for your comment.


Hi honey. I’m sorry for your loss. ❤️❤️❤️
Having siblings with whom you have a good relationship is literally a life hack because they are your solids and will always be there for you so I completely get you.
And I love your mind, your imaginary family is so perfect.
Sending you all the love in the world. 😘❤️


Hi honey. I’m sorry for your loss. ❤️❤️❤️

Thanks b

Having siblings with whom you have a good relationship is literally a life hack because they are your solids and will always be there for you so I completely get you.

Exactly. It'd always be like there's a manual to read and learn from. Plus, thanks for sending me all the love in the world, I am most definitely not sharing.


I've often wondered what it would be like to have brothers. It'll probably be wonderful.

I wouldn’t be so excited about having brothers if I were you lol. Amy is right, we’re a real pain in the ass sometimes. And I don’t know whether it was just me, but growing up, I used to fight with my big sister who was just 3 years older than me everyday. We’re practically buddies now though so maybe it was just childhood running it’s course

I lost my sense of differentiating between reality and imagination at some point reading this. It just felt like you were no longer imagining things in your writing. I’ll keep saying this: You’re good!


Lmao. Regardless, I want my own brothers.

I lost my sense of differentiating between reality and imagination at some point reading this. It just felt like you were no longer imagining things in your writing. I’ll keep saying this: You’re good!

Thank youuuuu!


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You're welcome @omosefe, it's well deserved! Congrats on your constant involvement on Hive 😊👍🌹


You're welcome @omosefe, it's well deserved! Congrats on your constant involvement on Hive 😊👍🌹
