I have started to cultivate my own garden πŸͺ΄πŸŒ±

Hello my Hive frens,

I hope you are all enjoying a good time on Hive and with your loved ones, and that your wallet is growing ...

While waiting for the crypto market to move, I have a new hobby, I have decided to move myself and to cultivate my own garden πŸͺ΄, so I can grow my own plants for real.

Unfortunately I live in a city and I don't have a land, so I have picked up some pots at the recycling center and I have started to plant my seeds in various pots (almost sixty pots). I have planted various seeds of everything that can be eat 🌱 : thyme, basil, onions πŸ§…, garlic, aubergine πŸ†, radishes, parsley, carrotsπŸ₯•, tomatoes πŸ…, celery, potatoes πŸ₯”, sweet potatoesπŸ₯©, beets, mint. But a lots of legumes are mising in my garden so I will go on to plant more.

Later, I will also plant some flowers to diversify my garden 🌷. I have read that it could welcome some insects πŸžπŸ¦‹ to protect your plants from unwanted visitors 😱

God gave us a very good earth 🌍 that we must cherish and I love to benefit and eat the fruits that our good earth can produce.

I water my garden once by week, I'm not an expert farmer and I'm just starting to practice, so if you have advices, your are welcome to comment ... I will share the growth of my garden in my next posts and present my plants one by one.

Warm days are coming so I invite you to do the same so you can benefit from our good earth and from the good sunny days that are coming :




I wish you all a good week on Hive !!!


You have a lot of pot πŸ˜€ good luck on your farm


Hello Alexandre, thanks a lot for encouragements. I hope you are enjoying a good day !
