2008 Bitcoin was born amidst a financial crisis and in 2023 Bitcoin is thriving amidst a financial crisis

2008 Bitcoin was born amidst a financial crisis and in 2023 Bitcoin is thriving amidst a financial crisis.


Satoshi Nakamoto whoever he, she, or they are must be and is the cheat code to the world's financial system including both monetary and payment, and we all including the powers that be who would not admit it should be grateful for that, Satoshi Nakamoto the founder of Bitcoin and Crypto gave the world a huge gift when Bitcoin was created in 2008 and was launched a year after in 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin in the middle of a financial crisis back in 2008 when the traditional financial system failed and needed saving.

Am sure the Government, Central Banks, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and the United States Federal Reserve System (Fed) forget about that as they channel all their energy to hate and they have been fighting Bitcoin, Altcoins and the Crypto space, create different kinds of FUD news attack to bring down Bitcoin and the Crypto space in general but History repeats itself as the financial system is in trouble and in need of saving again as banks crashing down, Silicon Valley Bank collapse is the largest bank closure since the financial crisis of 2008.

Bitcoin once again is thriving in the middle of a financial crisis just as it was made during a financial crisis as an alternative to the failed financial system back then and the failed financial system right now, Bitcoin in the 2023 financial crisis is doing what it was made for to give people and the world a much better alternative store of value to Banks and failed financial system, who is having the last laugh now, talking to all the Bitcoin and crypto haters out there, Bitcoin adoption is inevitable.

Discord: onwugbenuvictor#3447
Twitter: @VictorOnwugbenu

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