If you won $43M, the Casino Claims it is a machine malfunction then offers you $2 steak dinner instead, what would you do?

New York woman hit for $43 million on the slot machine but the casino claims it was a malfunction & offered her a steak dinner instead “They claim she only won $2.25"

I know Life ain't Fair but the casino that just ripped this new york woman of her $43 million win claiming it was a machine malfunction and is offering her a $2.25 steak dinner in place of her $43 million win are just bloody criminals and if am the woman that got ripped off, I would not take it lying down except there is something more to the story that we do not know about like her family and loves lives being threatened or worst, because there is no way anyone in their right sense would walk away from $43 million that she won fair and square for a $2.25 steak dinner that she can get for her expect there is a gun to her head or something more.


One of the reasons why I said the casino owner or owners are criminals is this when that same machine was taking folk's money and making the casino money it was not malfunctioning but now that the woman has won herself $43 million it automatical became the machine they had that was malfunctioning if truly the machine was malfunctioning why did they not restrict every access to the particular machine or send to be repaired, it was after someone won a huge amount it became faulty, how convenient.

You do not need to carry a gun to rob a bank or kill someone or do something illegal for you to become a criminal, what that casino did to that woman is a criminal act in my books and it is unfair to the highest order, they are so evil and greedy that they didn't even offer her half of the money but a $2.25 steak dinner, Nah, I will sue the hell out of the casino if am the one, in fact, I will sue them for 5X the money I won for trying to pull a fast one on me and make sure the place closes down.

Discord: onwugbenuvictor#3447
Twitter: @VictorOnwugbenu

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Unbelievable! If that happened to me, I probably wouldn't do anything, but I would seriously consider showing up in the Casino owners driveway heavily armed, wearing body armor, demanding my money and threatening his children.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
