Hello beautiful people. There are many people who are very kind and loving and this makes them the soft hearted kind of people who believes loves conquers all and kindness can cover all offences and wash away all transgressions.

If you are aware or have become aware of the fact that you have a fragile heart - a fragile hearted person easily opens up to welcome everyone, easily makes friends with people and believe everything they say and do as the truth without scrutinizing it deeper and they easily fall in love with all their heart - the challenge they face is that they can easily get hurt and heartbroken by the person or people they profess love for. Be slow to love and do not give up on love because of your experiences.

Don't be in a hurry to profess or fall in love with anyone until you are at least sure of their motives and that their show of benevolence is actually who they are not what they become to get you to fall for them.


Don't start any love affair with someone you just met and barely know, due to your softhearted nature, you will most likely see anyone as a shinning Knight or a beautiful damsel depending on the gender. A week is too short to fall in love for you, you must guard your heart and intentions for a while.

Allow people be who they are before you accept them for who they are. Chill and wait to see how they transform for the next 3 month as a minimum time for friendship to bloom.

Take that time to study and check boxes on behavior and other requirements before you can go ahead to accept or profess your love. Don't allow yourself to be carried away so easily, do not be in a haste to open up to someone who hasn't been your friend long enough to earn your trust.

Allow some time so that your feelings and inferences can grow naturally, this doesn't mean you should shut them out completely from you life, you can still be in touch with them but keep them at arms length, let them know they are not wasting their time by communicating properly with them and making sure you are up front about not getting entangled so quickly.

Give them the benefit of getting to know you as well, both of you can enjoy being friends while this is happening, you consider yourselves are prospective and nothing else. This way you are guarding your heart against hurt. You are setting boundaries that will come in handy later on, such person will not in anyway try to hurt you or make sudden moves because you will not allow such.

You can always fall in love later on in any friendship, especially time tested friendships and also that circumstances have proved them worthy of your love and opening your heart.



It’s so important to make sure that you know whoever you want to fall in love with because most people come in a certain way to fit the criteria you want in a partner and after they get you , all hell break loose


🤣 Hell will really break lose if they get you. Its better to just be careful and not just be vulnerable to just anyone. Thanks for reading.


Yeah exactly
You’re welcome


I am absolutely agree with you on this @oredebby. It went give people their distance instead of allowing them hurt us over and over again, nice encountering your post


Absolutely. You can't just open up your heart to virtually anyone so they wont break you easily. Thanks so much for coming around.
