Hello beautiful people. There are difficulties we face as a people today and Africans face more, being strong while going through these is the height we can work towards today and achieve. This simply means that we are aware of the fact that life is a pendulum, it would not be straight all through, it would have ups and it would have downs.

There will be good times where we will flourish, where things will come to us easily and it will be so simple because it will give us some level of peace of mind. We will not fall sick during this period, we will be healthy, have enough money to eat whatever we want as well as go on vacations.

There will also be times when none of these good things will happen. There will be harsh business consultations and environment, insecurity from different threats, high levels of blood pressure, high cost of food and transportation, moral decadence, and the list goes on. All of these stare us in the face.


Some days, it will be an up day, and others will be a down day. Where do we turn to when something like this happens? Who do we run to when we find out that it's a down day? We have hoped in our governments, over the years, the administrations that have taken over have done little to solve the problems we face, are we better as a people and as a society? The answer is subjective, for those who are having a wonderful time, it is the best time in the world and the opposite is true.

We have hoped and wished to receive the support of our family and yes, they have done the bit they can, promises here and there that aren't fulfilled, assurances that kept us smiling, or blushing all night, only for a while. How better are we for it?

We have put our hope in our abilities, our talents, toiled every day, used the night to augment and submit proposals, studied, acquired certificates, seminars were attended and the list goes on. What have we got to show for it?

There was a particular program I saw on the television and the host was interviewing people walking on the street, a young woman came along and he asked her why people cheat. She laughed for a while and threw back her head. She responded that people were never satisfied, they continually sought what they felt would satisfy them.

Then it hit me like a brick.

Nothing can satisfy a man. Nothing.
If we chase and achieve all our goals today, we will manufacture new goals and begin to chase those. The only solution to this is to find contentment while remaining hungry!

Our desires are truly insatiable, and our dreams and aspirations cannot be achieved in our lifetime, when we make some progress, we can continuously invent new things, and make new technology and because of this ability, we will not stop, not in another ten thousand years. We have yet to learn everything we can about life.

Our true hope lies in the fact that we can find satisfaction in our contentment.

