Hello beautiful people. An identity is very important and whenever I talk to people, I always try to find out how they see themselves and what their identity is, who they believe they are in their heart, and the projection of this identity to the world around them.

Identities cannot be hidden for very long. It is the collection of distinct qualities, beliefs, personality traits, and unique appearance, including expressions, tone of voice, mindset, etc, that characterizes a person or a group of people.

We are most often characterized by our identity, what people think about us 90% of the time is based on what they see as our identity, how they think about us, how they see us, how much recognition they give to us, and how they understand what we do.


In essence, our identity is far more recognized than any other thing, even our intentions, we may have a different intention but people will not see that we will be judged by our identity first.

Let's assume you have identified someone as a thief and a liar, when that person comes out to say the truth, you will not be able to believe it because you have identified them with a particularly different character. Their ability to convince you will take multiple trials and a lot of goodwill before you will be able to see or identify them differently.

It is safe to say our identity clears the path to our successes or our failures. What you ultimately become is based on the identity you carry and what people see about you, until you check thoroughly what you are identified as, you will not be able to shake someone's opinion of you.

In society today and at large, people respond to other people based on their identity, imagine a situation where a rich man dresses as a poor person, that identity quickly translates to how he is treated especially if he isn't popular. But let a popular person dresses poorly, he will still be seen as a rich popular person. That's the distortion that happens with identities.

We must carefully craft ours so that it will be something we can defend anywhere and anytime and we would not have to pretend about it. People pay attention to and value someone who has a remaking identity.

You want to be such a person who is remarkable because the opposite is a problem as well. What that means is that when you have an identity that is debatable, dubious, and questionable. You are setting yourself up to be easily forgotten and recognized.

Therefore, I urge you, to become a successful and iconic identity, raising a banner of Royalty as the kings and Queens that you are, you need to check thoroughly, look with self-examine mine, and modify as necessary every aspect of yourself and your daily life that falls the test of value and royalty.

Become a force to reckon with wherever you go! There is no other powerful force aside from your remarkable identity.

