Hello beautiful people. In life, you are bound to meet with people who do not share the same view point or values with you. People come from different backgrounds and the environment also affects how they behave and how they understand what is happening in the society.

Two people can grow up in the same environment and still have different personalities, different understanding of concepts and look at life with a different eye than you do. These people may be your family members, friends or even partners.


You may believe in being polite, in being kind and being good to people while someone else will believe that doing that will that will make you to be taken for granted.

Once you understand this background we have laid, then you will see how people can attack you and fight with you over things you don't expect them to pick an offence from.

The easiest way for people to fight with us is mostly through their words and sometime when the issue escalate, it turns into a physical fight. When a person is using words to hurt you or make you feel less, they are only exposing their hurt as well and you don't need to respond in like manner.

You must choose to overlook their words, that is how you turn the other cheek. This is always the best course of action you can take, two people cannot hurt each other with words and expect their relationship to remain the same.

You may end up reconciling but the hurtful words you have spoken to each other will be remembered for a long time and it will after the understanding, the love, the closeness you always.

Deciding to overlook the words of the person trying to hurt you may initially look as if you are weak or passive, but the truth is that it is usually opposite, you are restraining yourself to avoid reacting aggressively which can lead to more damage in the long run.

You must choose to remain calm and composed. That calmness will give you an edge so that you can look at the situation and find the best way to respond to it without causing more problems.

Turning the other cheek is one of the best way to dissolve a potential problem that has been brewing for a long time, it also shows that you are a kind and thoughtful person who thinks before they speak of act. This will help you to put yourself in the shoes of the person acting and see what they are doing from their point of view.


The person that is lashing out at you may be transferring an aggression from another issue entirely to you, you may not be the cause of their problem but because they cannot control their emotions, they pour it out on you.

When they have finished with what they have to say, they will realize that what they have done was wrong and they have offended you deeply, because you didn't react or respond to them in like manner, they will feel ashamed of their action and for those who have a good reasoning, they will come back to apologize to you either immediately or later when they have calmed down.

Some people may be too ashamed of themselves and how they behave and try to make it up to you by doing things you love or getting you gifts in a way to say they are sorry for their actions.

Now that you understand how to dissolve issues, you can see that turning the other cheek is a powerful took in your arsenal to handle confrontations with people ranging from your family to your friends and to your loved ones. People are always in a hurry nowadays, they do not take their time to understand the people around them and that's why you see fights and quarrels everywhere but when you are always in control of your reaction, you will be a master of your fame.

...to be continued.


