The plantation farm


The plantation farm

 Agriculture is an aged profession of early men and plantations are common from day one. 

The plantain and banana plantation should be a routine check normally. Nowadays, going through and around the farm to check the productivity of the farm is as important as planting.

At each productive section, close to forty bunches of both plantain and banana are harvested and sold at the local market and few are for consumption. It is another routine check but I wondered about the low productivity this time.


What can cause low productivity on this plantation?

The low productivity in plantations can be caused by various factors such as inadequate soil fertility, pest and disease infestations, unfavourable weather conditions, poor management practices, lack of proper irrigation, and inadequate access to technology or modern farming techniques.

Yes, I know I have been lackadaisical towards the maintenance of the farm and I think this has limited the productivity of the plantation.


  Addressing these issues is now my top priority and that will be done through corrective measures by proper management skills; checking the soil fertility and how to improve it, pest control is also important to put to consideration, and adopting efficient agricultural practices which I lacked will help enhance productivity on the plantations.

  Now that I have made the necessary arrangements to restore the plantation, how can you identify the difference between a plantain tree and a bananas tree and product in a plantation of such?

First, there are some things to put into observation.

Plantains and bananas are similar, but they have specific differences. Plantains are typically bigger, have thicker skins, and are starchier than bananas.

Plantains are usually used in cooking and are best eaten up when cooked, as they are not as sweet as bananas. Bananas, on the other hand, are usually smaller, have thinner skins, and are sweeter due to higher sugar content. While both belong to the same family, Musaceae, their culinary uses vary, with bananas often eaten raw and plantains commonly used in savoury dishes after cooking.


In Size and Shape, Plantain tree tends to be larger with broader leaves while Banana trees are generally smaller with narrower leaves.

Plantain fruits are larger, thicker-skinned, and often used in cooking due to their starchy nature while bananas are smaller, thinner-skinned, and typically consumed raw.

In terms of flower arrangement, the plantain tree usually has a more compact and erect flower arrangement while the Banana tree has typically a more drooping and elongated flower arrangement.

The stem of the Plantain tree may have a thicker and sturdier stem while Banana trees are generally thinner and more delicate term.
Observing these features can help you distinguish between plantain and banana trees.


Keep in mind that there are various cultivars within each category, so there might be some variations in appearance.

Thanks for reading through my blog.
Catch you later !!!

