Tranquillizing tranquility

Tranquillizing tranquility

Calmness suits more than fierceness
Not humping a frog but slow-motioned as a chameleon

A resolution felt after the climax
Peacing further at myself

I am neck-brake to the front
Blind to distraction

Expanding horizons
Hobbies and profession
Largely as life
Tranquillizing tranquility

Lazy nowadays to criticism
Lacking energy nowadays to argue

I just do what is best for me at a time
Who wins to prove a point?
You win
Take care then
We are good to go
Enjoyment galore then
Tranquilize your tranquility

Being Curious like Google search
Chatting like chat GPT
I just want to be a flying bird
I just want the Natinghale to sing a lullaby

I just want to check-rest
Knowing further than known
Seen clarity to clarify facts
Leaving my life
Tranquillizing tranquillity

There is time for all

For me as a step in the step
For my family in the convergence

For my love seen always at my back
For my money for the good it brings

For my positive productivity
Moving on one step at a time

Tranquillizing tranquillity




What a great poem, sometimes we despair over things that just aren't worth it, just let everything around us flow and things will come out little by little, thanks for sharing ♥
