Amazing Nature Contest - October 2021 - #03 - Enjoying the mountain scenery with the family - Disfrutando del paisaje serrano en familia -


Good evening dear friends, nature lovers!

Muy buenas noches queridos amigos amantes de la naturaleza!


On Sunday we celebrated Mother's and Family Day in Argentina, and we took advantage of the day to go for a family outing. With my wife we chose to go to the mountains to breathe some fresh air and above all in search of peace and tranquility.

El día domingo se celebró en Argentina el día de las madres y de la Familia, y aprovechamos el día para pasear en familia. Con mi esposa elegimos irnos a las sierras a respirar un poco de aire puro y sobre en todo en busca de mucha paz y tranquilidad.


For days we had been talking with my wife about the plans for this day. The first option we thought of was to go to the beach to recharge our energies with that wonderful immensity that is the sea. Looking at the forecast we saw that the weather would not be appropriate, so we chose to go to the mountains.

Hace días que veníamos hablando con mi esposa sobre los planes para este día. La primera opción en la que pensamos era irnos hasta la playa para recargar nuestras energías con esa esa inmensidad tan maravillosa que es el mar. Mirando el pronóstico vimos que el clima no sería el apropiado, por lo que elegimos ir a las sierras.


After an hour's drive the sierras were waiting for us with good weather, ideal to enjoy with our little daughters. This time we decided to go in search of unfamiliar places, since for some reason we always end up going to the same places, so it was a day of adventures.

Al cabo de una hora de viaje las sierras nos esperaban con un buen clima, ideal para disfrutar con nuestras pequeñas hijas. Esta vez decidimos ir en busca de espacios no conocidos, ya que por alguna razón siempre terminamos yendo a los mismos lugares, por lo que fue un día de aventuras.


After searching for a few minutes we found a beautiful place by the river where there were not too many people, which guaranteed us tranquility and silence to listen to nature, to listen to ourselves.

Después de buscar unos minutos encontramos un hermoso lugar al lado del río en el cual no había demasiadas personas, lo cual nos garantizaba tranquilidad y silencio para poder escuchar a la naturaleza, para escucharnos a nosotros mismos.


How to describe the place we found, the tranquility of the place and how much our little ones enjoyed exploring the riverbanks and connecting with the environment in which we were. On the way we took the opportunity to take some nice pictures and immortalize this wonderful moment we were sharing as a family.

Como describirles el lugar que encontramos, la tranquilidad del lugar y lo mucho que disfrutaron nuestras pequeñas explorando las márgenes del río y conectando con el medio en el que estábamos. En el trayecto aprovechamos para tomarnos unas lindas fotos y dejar inmortalizado ese tan maravilloso momento que estábamos compartiendo en familia.


The little ones were tempted to swim in the river but we were not prepared and the day was quite cool, which did not prevent us from exploring this beautiful area.

Las pequeñas estaban tentadas con bañarse en el río pero no fuimos preparados y además el día estaba bastante fresco, lo cual no fue impedimento para poder explorar esta hermosa zona.



The sierras are a place where nature is everywhere. We found beautiful forests, rivers, streams and we can also see lots of animals and plants, many of them fruit trees. Today we took the opportunity to observe the great variety of birds around us.

Las sierras son un lugar donde la naturaleza brota por todos lados. Encontramos hermosos bosques, ríos, arroyos y además podemos divisar gran cantidad de animales y plantas, muchas de ellas frutales. El día de hoy aprovechamos para poder observar la gran variedad de aves que había a nuestro alrededor.



This is how we spent Mother's Day with our family, enjoying nature, connecting with each other and with the environment we were in. We were able to receive the warmth of the sun, breathe fresh air and feel that soft cool breeze that made us feel more alive than ever. We could hear the birds singing and the river flowing through its irregular course.
Today was a special day.

Así fue como pasamos el día de la madre en familia, disfrutando de la naturaleza, conectando entre nosotros y con el medio en el que estábamos. Pudimos recibir el calor del sol, respirar aire puro y sentir esa suave brisa fresca que nos hacía sentir más vivos que nunca. Pudimos oir el canto de las aves y del fluir del río por su irregular recorrido.
Hoy fue un día especial.


A big hug to all of you!

Les dejo un gran abrazo a todos!

Original content of @pablo1601
Nikon Coolpix P900 camera


A trip to nature with the family 😍 I remember these from all your former posts .. great to see another one ^^ .. I wish you, your family and all your beloved ones the very best in the future 🤗


hello dear @adalger! You know that I am away from home so much during the week that when the weekend comes I just want to share it with the family and make up some of the lost ground during the week and if it is with a walk in those places where we seek to find the tranquility and peace that we can only achieve in these places even better.

That day I took a lot of pictures with my camera and smartphone and if you saw how the girls entertained themselves you would be amazed. They played, explored and walked a lot, without thinking about watching cartoons, or listening to songs on youtube and I am very happy that they can enjoy the outdoors.

And the important thing is that they not only enjoy it, but they also learn to take care and respect the place we visit. Today's kids are aware of the importance of taking care of our environment.

I am slowly getting back to posting regularly and obviously it includes my participation in this beautiful community.

Thank you very much for your great generosity!



Como siempre destacándote con tan bellas flores mi Pablito che, que bueno que n ese lugar pudieron pasar un dia diferente y sin tapabocas.


Buen día querida @zhanavic69 !La verdad que un lugar muy lindo y tranquilo.

Por aquí ya se puede andar sin tapabocas al aire libre.

Te envío un gran abrazo
