Gastar lo que no se tiene // Spending what you don't have


Hola, querido hiver.

Este post es una reflexión en voz alta. Una búsqueda de no sé todavía el qué, y que necesita salir de mi cabeza.

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Hace varios días en un reportaje del noticiario en la televisión, un periodista salía a la calle micrófono en mano a preguntar a las personas que pasaban por su lado qué les parecía que haya personas que pidan préstamos para irse de vacaciones.

El resultado me sorprendió. La mitad de los entrevistados lo habían hecho este mismo año o tenían experiencia de años anteriores. Los testimonios eran de personas de todas las edades, de ambos sexos y por el acento se adivinaba que también eran de diferentes nacionalidades. Es algo generalizado.

Pedir un préstamo para disfrutar de algo pasajero en el tiempo y con nula durabilidad no me parece una decisión racional . Esta cultura de carpe diem exprimida hasta el límite es algo que choca demasiado con mis esquemas cognitivos. A ver, que quien tenga el dinero se lo puede gastar en lo que le dé la gana, faltaría más. A lo que me refiero es al que no lo tiene y lo pide prestado para fundirlo en apenas unos días y que para lo único que le sirve es para ilustrar recuerdos.

No sé en qué momento la sociedad en general se ha olvidado de que hace apenas cuatro décadas que España empezó a mirar hacia Europa. Hemos pasado varias crisis económicas y no aprendemos. Seguimos gastando el dinero que no tenemos buscando tener la casa más grande, el coche más lujoso o hacer el viaje más exótico.

Otras veces las autoridades negaban la mayor y nos podía servir de excusa. Cuán grave será lo que se avecina para el próximo otoño, que hace un par de meses que nos están advirtiendo tanto desde el gobierno del país como desde el europeo. Tengo las suficientes canas en mi cabeza como para saber que será peor de lo que nos cuentan. Pero no quiero hablar de política, sino de lo que observo en la sociedad que me rodea.

¿En qué momento me perdí la pieza que no encaja? ¿Tan rara soy queriendo dormir tranquila? ¿Es extraño no quererle deber nada a nadie? Ni juzgo ni pretendo adoctrinar en ninguna dirección. Solo son ideas e interrogantes que lanzo al aire. Si puedes aportarme alguna idea estaré encantada de conversar.

Aviso: Todo lo publicado en este post es de mi autoría, excepto los elementos en los que doy crédito a su/s autor/es. Por tanto, en caso de plagio o difusión sin mi permiso, ejerceré mis derechos de autor si así lo estimo oportuno.
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Hello, dear hiver.

This post is a reflection out loud. A search for I don't know what yet, and it needs to get out of my head.

Image Source

Several days ago, in a TV news report, a journalist went out into the street, microphone in hand, to ask people passing by what they thought about people taking out loans to go on holiday.

The result surprised me. Half of those interviewed had done it this year or had experience from previous years. The testimonies came from people of all ages, of both sexes, and you could tell from their accents that they were of different nationalities. It is widespread.

Taking out a loan to enjoy something fleeting in time and with no durability does not seem to me to be a rational decision. This culture of carpe diem squeezed to the limit is something that clashes too much with my cognitive schemes. I mean, whoever has the money can spend it on whatever they want, by all means. What I am referring to is the one who doesn't have it and borrows it to melt it down in just a few days, and the only thing it is good for is to illustrate memories.

I don't know at what point society in general has forgotten that it was only four decades ago that Spain began to look towards Europe. We have been through several economic crises and we do not learn. We continue to spend the money we don't have looking for the biggest house, the most luxurious car or the most exotic trip.

At other times, the authorities denied the truth and we could use that as an excuse. How serious will it be what is coming next autumn, which has been warning us for a couple of months now, both from the country's government and from the European government. I have enough grey hairs in my head to know that it will be worse than we are being told. But I don't want to talk about politics, I want to talk about what I observe in the society around me.

At what point did I miss the piece that doesn't fit? Am I so strange to want to sleep peacefully? Is it strange not to want to owe anything to anyone? I neither judge nor intend to indoctrinate in any direction. They are just ideas and questions that I throw into the air. If you can give me any ideas I'd be happy to chat.

Notice: Everything published in this post is of my authorship, except for the elements in which I give credit to its author/s. Therefore, in case of plagiarism or dissemination without my permission, I will exercise my copyright if I deem it appropriate.
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These days, taking out loans for holiday and for other things are pretty common. There are parts of our society that now thrives on social acceptance and appraisal through our lifestyle.

At the same time, there are many stories I heard about people not being able to pay off their loan and feel fine about it. I also think it's mainly because in many countries financial literacy isn't taught at schools and even not many of us are lucky to have parents with good financial knowledge. We often have to learn it in the most difficult way. I do not say all loans are bad, there are loans that are good especially when it is used to build a business or make more money. For such a consumptive spending that doesn't generate money, it is pointless to do so.


I am afraid there are few places that provide financial education. Most of us learn the wrong way, as you say.
Loans are not bad if they are about investing for the better. That's the point, from my point of view.
I'm writing from my house that the bank still owns a piece of (grrrr), and I had one when I bought a new car.
Asking for money to burn on the way out the door and only having debt is what I struggle to understand.
I'd love to be able to not pay and have peace of mind, haha.
Thanks for reading and commenting. 🤗


I would not sleep at night if I owed money! If I don't have it I don't spend it... and with prices rising for everything I oftentimes go without certain things that I just don't feel are worth spending the money on.


I do the same, I try to spend as little as possible by removing the superfluous. We have supposed needs that are artificial. You only need to think back to how we lived when we were children, and we've come this far!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. 🤗


I know a few people who take loans to go on vacations. It was never an option for me. I really don't like the idea of spending more money than needed for anything. I want that money that I would have to pay for my loan for myself. If I don't have the money to go on vacation, I will do just a little trip or stay at home and start saving money for the next year. The only exceptions for me are buying a house or a car. A house has a value that will probably increase in the years. A car is often needed to drive to work but it will lose value pretty fast. But I still don't like buying stuff with a loan.

Am I so strange to want to sleep peacefully? Is it strange not to want to owe anything to anyone?

No! I and my wife think the same way.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.


It is a relief to meet more people who feel the same way about money. In Spain it is a subject that is only talked about to boast about how much you have, even if you owe it all to others.
I'm not going on holiday this year. Everything is much more expensive than last year. We prefer to save that difference for what may come in the winter.
Thanks for your visit. 🤗


I'm also a bit scared of what may come in the winter. Let's hope for the best!


Yes, some people take out loans to satisfy unnecessary needs. I don't see people taking out loans to help the poor. If there are any, they are hiding. Now a days you can take even crypto loan... and people use them 🤐😒


Everyone is free to do what they want, but those same people are the ones who then demand to be helped when they have been careless and acted selfishly. 🙄
In the end, we will focus on continuing prudently and calmly. 😅


Yes, but in general, it's up to the person to decide whether they want to help or not.

See if someone demand - "GIVE ME MONEY" 🤣😁 I'll not help him 🙂 in this type of situation.
If he humbly asked for help - "Hello, my dear friend. I need $20-50 to pay my down payment. Can you help me? You can't? Thank you anyway."


Here we have a proverb that says "before the vice of asking, the virtue of not giving". 😉


Been in debt for many years for many reasons, but not for buying luxurious cars or going on exotic trips. Now that I am no longer in debt except for a small hypotheca I feel much better. I notice the inflation, but it does not affect me so much. I have no car, and all the people think I am crazy....but they worry about their mortgage going up 60 dollars as they did not choose vijo/steady rates.... I guess you will have to learn the real value of money and funds the hard way....all of us and many are gonna stumble over the next 18 months and I will be buying their dip.


Oh, I understand you so well!!! I could pay off the remainder of my mortgage tomorrow, that's peace of mind.
Loans are not bad. They are useful to cover an unforeseen event, to buy a house, to boost a business,....
I'm afraid so, many are going to learn economics by the worst method. I won't be happy, but I won't feel sorry for them either.
Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts with me. 🤗


This was a great reflection on loans and I understand your opinion completely. Great post!


As I say in other comments, loans are not bad. But they should be used with a clear mind.
Thank you for reading and commenting. 🤗
