¿Cómo hablar de tus problemas con alguien? / How to talk about our problems with someone?


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Todos tenemos problemas. Algunos son grandes, otros pequeños. Pero todos los tenemos. Y a menudo no queremos hablar de ellos con nadie. Los reprimimos en nuestro interior, esperando que desaparezcan. Pero no es así. Los problemas no desaparecen y, de hecho, pueden empeorar si no hablamos de ellos.

Puede ser difícil abrirse y hablar de nuestros problemas, pero es muy importante que lo hagamos. Cuando nos guardamos nuestros problemas, no damos a nadie la oportunidad de ayudarnos a resolverlos. Y no nos damos la oportunidad de descargar parte de la carga emocional que conllevan estos problemas.

Hablar de nuestros problemas puede ser difícil por varias razones. Quizá nos preocupa que nos juzguen o nos malinterpreten. Tal vez nos sentimos avergonzados por nuestros problemas. Tal vez no queramos cargar a los demás con nuestros problemas.

Sea cual sea la razón, es importante recordar que no estás solo en tu lucha. Todo el mundo tiene problemas y todo el mundo pasa por momentos difíciles. No eres el único que se siente perdido, confundido, asustado o abrumado.

Y cuando te acercas y compartes tus problemas con otra persona, te puede sorprender lo bien que te sientes. El mero hecho de hablar de tus problemas puede ayudarte a reducir su influencia. Y a menudo, otras personas han pasado por experiencias similares y pueden ofrecer una valiosa visión y orientación.

¿Cómo puedes hablar de tus problemas con alguien? He aquí algunos consejos:

  1. Elige a la persona adecuada: Elige a alguien en quien confíes y con quien te sientas cómodo. Puede ser un amigo, un familiar, un terapeuta, un consejero o un miembro del clero. Evite hablar con personas que crea que le juzgarán o le dirán lo que tiene que hacer. Lo que quieres es alguien que te escuche con apoyo y sin juzgarte.

  2. Prepárate: Puede ser útil escribir de antemano lo que quieres decir para que no se te trabe la lengua cuando llegue el momento. O puedes ensayar lo que quieres decir en tu cabeza unas cuantas veces antes de decirlo en voz alta. El simple hecho de pensar en lo que quieres decir puede ayudar a que la conversación sea más fluida.

  3. No lo cuentes todo de una vez: empieza despacio, compartiendo sólo un poco al principio. Está bien que te tomes tu tiempo para entrar en la conversación. No tienes que (ni debes) compartir todo de una vez. Comparte sólo lo que te resulte cómodo y mantén la conversación a un ritmo que os resulte cómodo a los dos.

  4. Sé sincero: Este es probablemente el consejo más importante de todos. Sé honesto sobre cómo te sientes y lo que está pasando en tu vida. No intentes restar importancia a tus problemas o hacer que parezcan más manejables de lo que realmente son. Cuanto más honesto y abierto sea, más útil será la conversación para ambos.

  5. Evita culpar a alguien: Cuando hables de tus problemas, evita culparte a ti mismo o a otros implicados en la situación. Esto sólo empeorará las cosas y probablemente impedirá que se resuelva el problema de forma productiva.

  6. Busca soluciones: El objetivo de hablar de tus problemas es tratar de encontrar soluciones. Así que asegúrate de hacer una lluvia de ideas sobre posibles soluciones con la persona con la que hablas. El mero hecho de plantear posibles soluciones puede ayudarte a sentirte más esperanzado y motivado para pasar a la acción.

  7. Sigue adelante: Una vez que hayas hablado de tus problemas y hayas ideado posibles soluciones, es importante que sigas adelante y pases a la acción. Esto puede ser difícil, pero es muy importante. Si necesitas ayuda para seguir adelante, pide apoyo a la persona con la que has hablado.

Hablar de nuestros problemas nunca es fácil. Pero es muy importante que lo hagamos de todos modos. Recuerda que no estás solo en tu lucha. Y pedir ayuda es una fortaleza, no una debilidad.


We all have problems. Some are big, some are small. But we all have them. And often, we don't want to talk about them with anyone. We bottle them up inside, hoping that they'll just go away. But they don't. The problems don't go away, and they can actually get worse if we don't talk about them.

It can be hard to open up and talk about our problems, but it's so important that we do. When we keep our problems to ourselves, we're not giving anyone the chance to help us solve them. And we're not giving ourselves the chance to offload some of the emotional burden that comes with having these problems.

Talking about our problems can be difficult for a number of reasons. Maybe we're worried about being judged or misunderstood. Maybe we're embarrassed or ashamed of our problems. Maybe we don't want to burden other people with our troubles.

Whatever the reason, it's important to remember that you are not alone in your struggle. Everyone has problems, and everyone goes through tough times. You are not the only one who feels lost or confused or scared or overwhelmed.

And when you reach out and share your struggles with someone else, you may be surprised at how much better you feel. Just talking about your problems can help to lessen their hold on you. And oftentimes, other people have been through similar experiences and can offer valuable insight and guidance.

So how do you go about talking about your problems with someone? Here are a few tips:

  1. Choose the right person: Pick someone who you trust and feel comfortable with. This could be a friend, family member, therapist, counselor, or clergy member. Avoid talking to people who you think will judge you or tell you what to do. You want someone who will listen supportively and without judgment.

  2. Prepare yourself: It might help to write down what you want to say beforehand so that you don't get tongue-tied when the time comes. Or you could rehearse what you want to say in your head a few times before actually saying it out loud. Just thinking through what you want to say can help to make the conversation go more smoothly.

  3. Don't unload everything at once: Start slow by sharing just a little bit at first. It's okay to take your time easing into the conversation. You don't have to (and shouldn't) share everything all at once. Share only as much as you're comfortable with and keep the conversation going at a pace that feels comfortable for both of you.

  4. Be honest: This is probably the most important tip of all. Be honest about how you're feeling and what's going on in your life. Don't try to downplay your struggles or make them sound more manageable than they really are. The more honest and open you are, the more helpful the conversation will be for both of you.

  5. Avoid blame: When discussing your problems, avoid placing blame on yourself or others involved in the situation. This will only make things worse and will likely prevent productive problem-solving from taking place.

  6. Seek solutions: The whole point of talking about your problems is to try to find some solutions. So be sure to brainstorm potential solutions with the person you're talking to. Just coming up with possible solutions can help to make you feel more hopeful and motivated to actually take action.

  7. Follow through: After you've talked about your problems and come up with some potential solutions, it's important to actually follow through and take action. This can be difficult, but it's so important. If you need help following through, ask the person you talked to for support.

Talking about our problems is never easy. But it's so important that we do it anyway. Remember, you are not alone in your struggle. And reaching out for help is a strength, not a weakness.

Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor www.DeepL.com/Translator

Imagen hecha por @fclore22


It is pretty creepy the way everyone is ignoring what is happening to me and still going to Hivefest. Lay the dirty snatches out why dont ya. Fake it all you want creeps, its so obvious the blind eye you are turning. @fyrstikken told me what V2K and RNM was before they turned it on for me. Around that time he introduced me to @roelandp . I still have the emails between myself and @roelandp . This chain is centralized by design and @fyrstikken helped set it all up to fuck everyone, one by one, slowly into my situation. This is no joke you dumb mother fuckers, they shock you to your thoughts..... Hello????? It is in store for everyone you fools and your helping. Voices pulsed in your head and shocks to your thoughts??? Ignore me and help fuck innocent people for life? @roelandp and other top witnesses I know are involved with @fyrstikken.. Wait until people find out you conspired to enslave them with this shit. I am not crazy and you know it. they are doing this shit to me and told me what it mother fucking was BEFORE THEY TURNED IT ON! Your acting like naive children or maybe you are just part of the problem? You look like sociopaths. Everyone should unplug from HIVE until they are caught, .your. celebrating and ignoring my obvious, you look like fools. You know who is doing it....they are trying to kill me with it. The Havana Syndrome is real too you slave trading V2K, RNM enabling fuckers. Arrogantly play ignorant you Creeps, your setting the table for trafficking and total enslavement. I did not know I was circumvented until a year after I was..People here will be nice until it?s too late. There is no way to stop it once they have you. Grow the fuck up, this is not aliens, gods, celebrities or a medicate-able mental concern. It is 100% electronic and beast as fuck. You do not want this shit. https://ecency.com/fyrstikken/@fairandbalanced/i-am-the-only-motherfucker-on-the-internet-pointing-to-a-direct-source-for-voice-to-skull-electronic-terrorism ..... https://ecency.com/gangstalking/@acousticpulses/electronic-terrorism-and-gaslighting--if-you-downvote-this-post-you-are-part-of-the-problem


It is pretty creepy the way everyone is ignoring what is happening to me and still going to Hivefest. Lay the dirty snatches out why dont ya. Fake it all you want creeps, its so obvious the blind eye you are turning. @fyrstikken told me what V2K and RNM was before they turned it on for me. Around that time he introduced me to @roelandp . I still have the emails between myself and @roelandp . This chain is centralized by design and @fyrstikken helped set it all up to fuck everyone, one by one, slowly into my situation. This is no joke you dumb mother fuckers, they shock you to your thoughts..... Hello????? It is in store for everyone you fools and your helping. Voices pulsed in your head and shocks to your thoughts??? Ignore me and help fuck innocent people for life? @roelandp and other top witnesses I know are involved with @fyrstikken.. Wait until people find out you conspired to enslave them with this shit. I am not crazy and you know it. they are doing this shit to me and told me what it mother fucking was BEFORE THEY TURNED IT ON! Your acting like naive children or maybe you are just part of the problem? You look like sociopaths. Everyone should unplug from HIVE until they are caught, .your. celebrating and ignoring my obvious, you look like fools. You know who is doing it....they are trying to kill me with it. The Havana Syndrome is real too you slave trading V2K, RNM enabling fuckers. Arrogantly play ignorant you Creeps, your setting the table for trafficking and total enslavement. I did not know I was circumvented until a year after I was..People here will be nice until it?s too late. There is no way to stop it once they have you. Grow the fuck up, this is not aliens, gods, celebrities or a medicate-able mental concern. It is 100% electronic and beast as fuck. You do not want this shit. https://ecency.com/fyrstikken/@fairandbalanced/i-am-the-only-motherfucker-on-the-internet-pointing-to-a-direct-source-for-voice-to-skull-electronic-terrorism ..... https://ecency.com/gangstalking/@acousticpulses/electronic-terrorism-and-gaslighting--if-you-downvote-this-post-you-are-part-of-the-problem


It is pretty creepy the way everyone is ignoring what is happening to me and still going to Hivefest. Lay the dirty snatches out why dont ya. Fake it all you want creeps, its so obvious the blind eye you are turning. @fyrstikken told me what V2K and RNM was before they turned it on for me. Around that time he introduced me to @roelandp . I still have the emails between myself and @roelandp . This chain is centralized by design and @fyrstikken helped set it all up to fuck everyone, one by one, slowly into my situation. This is no joke you dumb mother fuckers, they shock you to your thoughts..... Hello????? It is in store for everyone you fools and your helping. Voices pulsed in your head and shocks to your thoughts??? Ignore me and help fuck innocent people for life? @roelandp and other top witnesses I know are involved with @fyrstikken.. Wait until people find out you conspired to enslave them with this shit. I am not crazy and you know it. they are doing this shit to me and told me what it mother fucking was BEFORE THEY TURNED IT ON! Your acting like naive children or maybe you are just part of the problem? You look like sociopaths. Everyone should unplug from HIVE until they are caught, .your. celebrating and ignoring my obvious, you look like fools. You know who is doing it....they are trying to kill me with it. The Havana Syndrome is real too you slave trading V2K, RNM enabling fuckers. Arrogantly play ignorant you Creeps, your setting the table for trafficking and total enslavement. I did not know I was circumvented until a year after I was..People here will be nice until it?s too late. There is no way to stop it once they have you. Grow the fuck up, this is not aliens, gods, celebrities or a medicate-able mental concern. It is 100% electronic and beast as fuck. You do not want this shit. https://ecency.com/fyrstikken/@fairandbalanced/i-am-the-only-motherfucker-on-the-internet-pointing-to-a-direct-source-for-voice-to-skull-electronic-terrorism ..... https://ecency.com/gangstalking/@acousticpulses/electronic-terrorism-and-gaslighting--if-you-downvote-this-post-you-are-part-of-the-problem
