RE: The last dark walk.

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Good afternoon Hannes,

So strange, as we also have rainy weather today, and maybe you sent it here 😀

It seems that nowadays they have apps for most everything, even telling you the number of days to your retirement. I suppose you look at it every new day 😜 !LOLZ

Yeah, I know that she is right as you and I are very similar when it comes to work. Once it is over and you are retired, you will still find other work besides the photos to keep you busy. A time to finally release the passions in your heart, as you will have the freedom to do anything that you like, as you will have the time to do it. You are also right, as I love to stay busy with the things that I like to do. 😉

You are certainly blessed to have so many countries around you, each with its own beauty and within a short drive. Our nearest other country is more that 2000 kilometers away. Zimbabwe and Namibia. I hope that you will get some beautiful spring colors 🙏

Thank you and may you also have a great weekend my friend 😊

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

the rain stopped in the afternoon - the clouds seem to have moved far to the south 😉

Luckily there's still no app that counts the days till I leave the earth 😂 !LOLZ

We need something to do, and as long as we love to do it we will not stop 👍

In 2000 kilometers I'll almost be in Madrid, Spain, and will have driven through Gemany, Switzerland and France ... Europe is a small place with quite small countries 😁

Next week will be very busy and till Wednesday I'll be out of the office and not back home till late. So I don't know if I'll be able to go online ... we'll see.

Wishing you a wonderful Sunday, my friend 😊🌞

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

now let me tell you that it rained very hard here last night. It was still all grey this morning, but it all cleared up this afternoon, and they say that tomorrow, the heat will start again 🤪

The Lord's wisdom, as if we had an app like that, then we would try to keep on changing the date methinks 😉 !LOLZ

Not so easy anymore my friend, age is starting to catch up to me much quicker lately. The muscles have started faltering, and I am still struggling with the iron issue. One day when you get to my age, you will know what I am talking about, but I hope that you will stay strong 🙏

Yeah, you have told me about this, and I still find it strange. some of our big city suburbs combined, is bigger than some countries in Europe 😲

Not a worry and please just take care of yourself.

Sunday is done and wishing you a great new week 😊

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

a week has gone by since your last reply ... it has been a really hard week for me and today I have my first 24-hour shift in March. Tomorrow morning I just have enough time for a shower before I have to leave for an important meeting in another office, and there's so much to do here 😅

One day there will be such an app, I believe, and if you have enough money you will also be able to change the dates, but people like you and me with no money will not even be able to buy the app itself 😂 !LOLZ

Oh, I already feel the age, and each day I feel it even more. But my little bone and join pain is nothing compared to your problems, my friend, I know, it still hurts though 🤣

When there's not much traffic and you drive the right speed, so that all traffic lights are green, you'll be within 10 minutes from one end of Klagenfurt to the other 😁

The new co-workers make great progress at work and I think in a few months they will take quite some work off of me, so that my work life will be easier and I can concentrate more on the important things in life which certainly have nothing to do with the office 🤣

I hope you have had a good week and a lovely weekend, my friend 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

I don't mind the week of absence, as I know that you have a lot to do. So sleep well tonight that you can be fresh for the meeting tomorrow 😉

I think we wouldn't want the app, as if we saw our death date appearing on the app, we will try to change our identities by suddenly having ID numbers of 20 year olds 😜 !LOLZ

No my friend, regardless of the severity, all pain is debilitating, so I am not much worse than you. We just have to carry on with life the best we can 🙏

When we drive on the highway with no traffic lights for 10 minutes, we will still be 30 minutes away from the city of Cape Town. So yeah, I know that your country is very small. But like I said, you are lucky to be surrounded by other small countries. We are surrounded by towns in the same country 😲

That is certainly good news, and I am glad that they are making great progress. Once that they can do all of the work that you do, then you can ask your boss for early retirement, or maybe one year sooner than the full term 🤪

Thank you and may by grace that you also have a great week my friend 😊

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

it was a pretty easy day (and night 😴), so I think I'm fresh enough for today 💪

Oh yes, being 20 again with the knowledge I have today, that would be awesome 👍😀
But we can't do much against getting older anyway, and maybe it's good that way 😜 !LOLZ

As much as I would love being in such a wide country as you are, as much I love being here where you drive for two hours to be in a completely different surrounding - from the mountains to the sea in 2 hours.

If the Hive moons and I still have enough, I might be able to retire earlier, but I believe I'll have to wait till I'm 62 😱

In an hour I'll leave this office, take a quick shower and drive to my meeting and hope to be able to return home earlier today, but I don't think so.

Wishing you an awesome start into the new week, my friend 😊🌞

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

I hope that you got through the day okay my friend 😊

Being 20 in a 70 year old body would surely be torture. I cannot imagine running around like a 20 year old, as some parts of my body will fall off 😜 !LOLZ

Yeah, things are so different between Austria and South Africa. We live in the Western Cape and if I take a 2 hour drive, I will still be in the Western Cape. If I take a 12 hour drive, then we can visit my wife's parents in the Gauteng province. If I drive for a few minutes, then I am at the sea 😉

I think that a Hive moon is close by, as the prices has already started climbing, and Bitcoin keeps on rising. Besides, 62 is not far away anymore methinks 😀

A rainy start to the new week and we love it. Like I said in the intro, I hope that your day turned out well.

Cheers and thanks.


Hi Zac,

I've got a few minutes off, so ... yesterday was another long and exhausting day, but it's over and today is a bit easier.

I meant being 20 again completely except my brain should know everything I know now - that would be great, but the opposite would be not so great, of course 😜 !LOLZ

Hihi, in two hours I drive from one end of our state Carinthia to the other 😆 but I would love to drive a few minutes to be at the sea 😀

You're right, 62 isn't that far away anymore, and crypto is rising. Hopefully the Hive will rise up to $ 10 or 100 🙏

We have overcast and rainy weather. In the west they say it will snow again - Winter isn't over yet, but the first Spring flowers are already blooming.

Wishing you a pleasant day, my friend 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Hi Hannes,

I am happy that you had an easier day 😊

That would be great that the brain would know all at 20, that you know now, but like you say, the opposite at +60 would get you into all sorts of trouble 😜!LOLZ

So maybe once that you are retired, then you guys can move to a place where you would be close to the sea, and the mountains. I think that you will really like it 😍

Well, think about this. If Hive moons, then you can move to the parents area, and you can build a holiday house for the family close to the sea 😲😲😲

Rained also here last night and this morning, but all cleared up now and the next 3 days are going to be in the low 20Cs, so it will be great. Once that the spring flowers start to bloom, then you know that summer is just around the corner 😅

Day was nice and hope that you will have a good one tomorrow 🙏

Cheers and thanks!


Good morning Zac,

the easy day was followed by a long and exhausting day, and today I'm having another 24-hour-shift.

Let the Hive moon and I will certainly have a house at the sea and a cabin in the mountains as well ... and I hope that my wife will want to move away from home 😆 !LOLZ

The weather has got quite nice here, but the forecast says it might rain and even snow again in the next days - we'll see.

Hope you're having another nice day and that a great weekend will begin for you tomorrow 😊🌞

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

Sad to see that the was again taxing your strength, and I really hope that the night-shift will pass peacefully 🙏

Just you wait, as I am sure that when the wife sees the holiday home at the sea, she will move in there and she will tell you to go and stay in the mountain cabin 😜🤪🤣 !LOLZ

Ach, we had a nice morning, but now also raining again over here. The weather is weird, and I will not be surprised if you get snow again. Last year, the citrus trees here also started to bloom earlier, and they struggled when 2 weeks of winter returned 😲

I hope that your Friday will be great my friend and may you also have a good weekend 😊

Cheers and thanks!


Good morning Zac,

another long day and night will end in an hour and I hope that it will be an easy Friday in my own office.

Oh yes, she would love to live at the sea, but I don't believe that she'd move far away from her family. We'll see when the Hive moons 😉

It's raining here too, but it's not cold. I have the weekend off and so I don't mind the weather. I think I'll search for some Spring flowers this weekend, but I'll decide tomorrow morning.

Once more I'm wishing you two guys a lovely weekend, may the sun shine, but not too hot 😊🌞

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good afternoon Hannes,

By now your Friday should be done, and I hope that you had a good day 👍

Well, one never knows what's going to happen in the future, but I hope that all of your dreams will come true my friend 🙏

The main thing is that it's your weekend off, and now you can relax for a change. I just hope that mother nature will not pull a trick on you again while you are searching for spring flowers 😜 !LOLZ

They reckon that we will a few clear and sunny days, so I think that the weekend will not be bad and I wish the same for your weekend 😊

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

it has been raining since Friday and I am in Slovenia just like I was yesterday. I haven't taken any photos yesterday, because it was only gray and all was wet... but just as I have arrived here in Kobarid after 2 hours driving through hard rain, it stopped raining. It's still too dark outside, so I have to wait till I can go for a little walk, and I do hope that I will not start raining again. The weather forecast says it will rain all day long everywhere, but you should never give up hope, right? ✌️😃

Somehow I don't want to know what the future brings, but on the other hand I would love to know whether it's worth doing what I am doing 😂 !LOLZ

Wishing you a wonderful Sunday, my friend 😊🌞

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good afternoon Hannes,

I am sad to hear of your battles with the rain, and I really hope that you will get a chance to go for a walk. Right, as hope is our foundation and without it, we will be lost 🙏

Now you have got me, as nowadays I feel and think exactly the same. I think that it's all of the work that you and I are doing that befuddles our minds 🤪 !LOLZ

I hope that the rain will give you a break my friend.

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

never mind the rain, I've got a nice walk, although it started to rain again just when I got out of the car, and I've got quite nice photos, although the flowers were still sleeping early in the morning in the rain...

It's all for our kids - although there isn't much I can give, I hope that I can give them at least a few things to have a better future. When they have a good life I know that my life wasn't for nothing 😅 !LOLZ

It's still wet here and I hope you have a great start into the new week 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good afternoon Hannes,

I think that the lovely sleeping flowers were a good reason for you to get a bit wet 😉

You need not worry as you have done a lot for your kids over the years, and that they love you. That is the best gift of your life, and whatever you leave for them will only be the icing on the cake. They will forever remember you even if you leave them nothing, as money can't buy you love 😜 !LOLZ

Hope that you will have some dry soon, and hot here in this crazy weather. 28C today, and 23C tomorrow 🥴

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

another quick reply as it's going to be a busy day again...

I would have loved a bit of sunshine, but even these photos were worth getting a bit wet - thanks, my friend 😀

I know, but sometimes I really worry about their future. I don't mind my future so much, whatever may come, but times are getting worse as you know. So I do really hope everything will be fine for them ... and they love money, believe me 😜 !LOLZ

It's still wet here, but not too cold. Wishing you another lovely day, my friend 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good afternoon Hannes,

I must have replied to this and forgotten to click the reply button, or I have totally missed it. My sincere apologies and you know that it wasn't done with intent 🥴

The wetness never matters when it comes to taking beautiful shots like your two pictures 😊

I think that all parents worry about the futures of their kids, but from experience I can tell you that things will work out well for your two, as you guys gave them a solid foundation to build on. Love is the most important and there is nothing that you will not do for your children. They will remember that the day when they are as old as you are now. And if they love money, they will work hard to get it 😜 !LOLZ

Cheers and thanks.


Hi Zac,
you know that there's no apology needed 😉

The sun is shining warm today and I even can't remember how wet it was last weekend 😜 !LOLZ ... and I have so much to do 😅

You and I, we love our kids just as all parents should do, and we care for them, wherever they are and whatever they do, no matter how old they are 😀

Not much time today, and tomorrow is another 24-hour-shift on the plan. So I hope you're having a great day, my friend 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Hi Hannes,

thank you for understanding, as it is just one of those things 😉

You are also getting old, and they say that every year one's memory grows shorter, back to the baby size. Luckily the much work that you do, can still stimulate your memory 🥴!LOLZ

You will see the results of your love over time my friend, as my youngest is now 47 and the eldest is 50. Not kids any more, but still my children. So, wait until your two reach those ages 🙏

Ouch! It almost sounds like you are doing more shifts lately, instead of two per month ?
A nice cool day here and a nice warm day at your side, so all is well 😊

Cheers and thanks.


Hi Zac,

my brain sometimes feels even smaller, like a golf ball that was just hit hard by a golf bat 😂 !LOLZ

I'm looking forward to the day when my son retires and I will be about hundred years old - he'll still be my kid 😁

This month I have 4 shifts, next Tuesday is my last for this month 😅

Spring is almost here, but I wouldn't bet against someone who says it will snow again in April.

Hope you're having a lovely afternoon and evening, my friend 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Hi Hannes,

well, look at it this way, you are much better off than me with a golf sized brain, as mine is the size of a peanut 😜 !LOLZ

Oh yes, no matter how old a child gets to a parent they will always be their children. Until you get 100 years old, as then the children will look after you as their child 😆😆😆

Right on, so you have 4 shifts and that's quire a lot for a month. We used to work 2 day and 2 night shifts per month. I did that for 5 years, and then I was out of there. Never worked shifts again. You must be relieved that it's your last one for the month 😉

Crazy weather all over the show my friend 😲

Hope that you will have a very nice day.

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

it's 7am, the church bells ring and in a couple of minutes a colleague will come, so I can go 😀
I will not turn to the right towards home, but rather left towards Slovenia. I want to take some photos after not taking any since last weekend. I haven't even turned the computer on at home during the week.

My brain is golf ball sized now, but I bet when I'm in your age it will be as small as yours, if not smaller 😂 !LOLZ

It's a bit overcast today, but I think it's gonna be an okay day.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend, my friend 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good afternoon Hannes,

So now the church bells are your signal to stop working and to go. What a great way to dismiss you 🤪
By now you have been to Slovenia, and I really hope that you got some beautiful photos. Not to worry about the computer, as nature is more important ❤️

I think that it really matters when one's brain become pea sized, as then we will climb over the fence when the gate is open 😜 !LOLZ

Same wishes to you my friend, and let's try to make the best of it 🙏

Cheers and thanks.


Good afternoon Zac,

have I told you that I have been searching for my car keys while holding them in my hand ... not only once, but a couple of times, so my brain is already pretty small, I believe 😂

It's nice and warm today after a figgy morning. At 13 C it's a pleasure to sit in a T-shirt on the balcony writing my reply to you, and after it I hope to get a lovely sunset.

Some photos from yesterday...

... and some from today's foggy morning...

Hope you're also enjoying a wonderful Sunday, my friend 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

yes, we had this discussion before and you might remember that I put the car keys into the fridge. I also thought I was going blind in the shower, when my wife came to take my glasses off. So I think that we are pretty normal for our ages 🥴 !LOLZ

Beautifull and stunning and magnificent are these photos of yours and you can certainly feel very proud of them. If I had sights like that around here, I would be there every day. Marian also loves them.

Btw. 13C is nice and warm for you, but for us, we would freeze there, and you will boil over here. Our favorite weather is 20-24C, as anything below is cold and anything above is boiling 🤪

Sunday was good and I hope that you will have a good new week.

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

I shouldn't have taken some work home with me yesterday, but I did and so I went almost straight to bed after it 😅

Whenever I tell the story to my colleagues they all lough, but no one tells a similar one himself - so I think I'm not very normal ... but I don't care, as you know 😂 !LOLZ

Thanks, my friends, I would also be there every day, but I have to wait for 3 years to have the time to do so 😥

My favourite temperature is also at about 20-25C, but down till about 10C it's still nice 😆

The week started well with a lot of work, and today I'm working my last nightshift for this month. The next two weekends I have free, so I hope for nice photography weather, and I should do some work or improvements to my van too ... I'll see.

Wishing you a wonderful Tuesday, my friend, and also an even better Wednesday, since I don't think that I'll go online before tomorrow evening 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


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Or what the judge called a “restraining order”

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Good afternoon Hannes,

I think that it is bad to take work home, as it scuppers one's personal life, but as long as it's for the benefit of others, then it's okay 😉

Well, look at it this way, there is normal, and then there is another normal. The latter normal is for you and me, as we regard the normal, normal as abnormal, if this makes sense to you 😜 !LOLZ

Remember when you still had to wait for 7 years ? And then it quickly changed to 5 years? Well, another 3 years will also pass, and then on the last day, we will discuss how quickly the time passed right here in the replies 😊😉😲😁

At 19C it starts getting cold here and 10C it starts to freeze. But the great news for you is that today is the Equinox and that is the announcement of Spring in the northern hemisphere 🤪

Great that you have 2 weekends free, as mother nature is waiting for you to come and get some lovely spring shots. I have forgotten about the van, and hope that it is still going well 🙏

Thank you and I also wish you the best for the rest of the week my friend 😊

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

I don't do it often, but sometimes I have to complete a task for the next day, and sometimes I don't want to stay at work ... so I take work home 😅

I think we are the normal ones and all the others are not normal at all 😂 !LOLZ

At the moment every day and week goes so fast. It's Wednesday already this week and when I go home today there are only two days left till weekend.

Hihi, we have been talking about this before - at 10C you had a thick coat on while I would be walking in t-shirt and short beside you 😆

The van is fine, but it's waiting for an appointment at the van doctor's - our friend doesn't have time at the moment, but he'll fix everything when we change from winter to summer tires in a couple of weeks.

Hope everything's going well and you have an awesome Wednesday, my friend 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

ah! So you don't like to stay at work, as there is more freedom at home, that's good unless you have to sit up to midnight to get the work done 😉

Nope, normal is boring, and I would much rather call us abnormal, as it makes more sense 🤪 !LOLZ

I am sure that the planet is spinning faster, as in the old days, an hour felt like half a day. and now an hour feels like 15 minutes 🥴

Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me that we chatted about it before, and it is the truth about what you are saying. Strange how our bodies can accept different temperatures according to the situations. If I grew up there, we would both be walking around in T-shirts and shorts 🤣

So, your van has its own doctor, and I hope that he is not as expensive as our doctors over here. At least the van's doctor won't tell him to take a pill and go home 🤣😁😆

Very hot here my friend, and I so wish that I could put some heat in a big bottle and send it to you.
Hope that your Thursday will be great, as then it's only one day before the weekend 😊

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

yep, but after sitting at the computer for many hours at work I hate turning the computer on at home ... at least for work 😜

Right, our "normal" is the better normal in my eyes 😂 !LOLZ

The work weeks run much faster, but the weekends run even faster 😱

Our van doctor often doesn't even take money - my wife bakes a cake for him and it's all paid 👉👍

Yesterday was another long day at work, but today's Friday and I can already smell the weekend 😁

It's a bit wet here and I would appreciate a bit more warmth, but Spring is already here and even if it snows in April, Mother Nature has begun to put her green dress on 😀

Hope everything's fine and you have a great start into the weekend, my friend 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good morning Hannes,

I know how it feels to turn the computer on at home, as it means more work, and a person is supposed to rest at home. But work likes to steal our resting time 😉

Even though the world is chasing money, no amount of money can buy our normal, as our brains were differently wired because the wire stocks ran out in heaven 😜 !LOLZ

True, and it's because we enjoy the free weekends more, so time flies even faster 😛

Your van doctor sounds like a very good guy, and I am glad that you have such a friend, as they are scarce these days 😊

Hahaha, I hope that you will not be disappointed at any time during the weekend 🙏

Yay! We are at 24C for the next 4 days, including today, and they reckon that Sunday we will have rain. Sky is thick with cloud now. But you must enjoy your new spring and I hope that you will see much new beauty my friend 😲

All of the very best for you this weekend!

Cheers and thanks.


Hi Zac,

I've got a few minutes... 😅

Many, many years ago we opened a bottle of wine or two on Fridays, and from midday on we've been celebrating the weekend 😂 !LOLZ these times are long gone.

Very true, our normal is special and you can't learn it - either you have it or not 😇😜

Our van doctor is also our friend - actually, his wife is the best friend of my wife, and our kids have gron up together.

I want to have a relaxed weekend and will try not to think of work. I have seen photos of green meadows with lots of Spring flowers a bit to the south in Slovenia. Maybe I'll drive somewhere there tomorrow.

24C sounds good, and a little bit of rain sounds nice as well. I hope that your weather forecast is right and you'll also have a relaxing weekend, my friends 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

Yep, many years ago and I am glad that we eventually got a little bit wiser over time. I never liked wine, as it gave me terrible headaches, so I stuck to Vodka. But that was as you say, a long time ago. Now it's only coffee 😊 !LOLZ

Glad that it's not for sale my friend 😜🤪😀

Ah, so it's a personal friend and that's always a good thing. He takes care of your van, and when he gets into trouble with the law, you can help him. Only joking as longtime friends are scarce nowadays and thankfully, I also have a few 😉

Sounds like a good plan and the beauty of the meadows with the spring flowers will certainly take your mind off work. I wish you well on your trip 🙏

They almost got it right, as we ended on 25C and no rain, but some beautiful clouds. So, we went to a new high spot that I found, and I took some sunset photos on the ocean.
Here's an idea what it looked like, and I will soon do a post about it.

I hope that you will forget about work until Monday and that you will also have a relaxing weekend my friend 😊

Cheers and thanks.


Good evening Zac,

I preferred beer and whisky, but whisky made me mad. Sometimes I enjoyed heavy spanish wine, but I drank it like beer, so you can imagine how drunk I got in a short time 😂😜 !LOLZ ... luckily these times are over for both of us, but I prefer tea to coffee 😉

I shouldn't have expected green meadows full of flowers, because there's still not much spring flower growth going on here, at least not at the places I usually visit. Never mind, I have encountered a few new places and this is the only shot of flowers I have got ... the only one that was reasonable good enough to be edited ... the others are really bad:

Here it has got cold and windy and yesterday it even snowed here in town, but it was all gone today. Yesterday a t-shirt was all that I needed, but today I had to put two jackets on.
I have driven to Italy this morning, but the weather was not good - it was so stormy that I even couldn't get out of the car and had to shoot through the window.

So you took sunset photos at the sea and I've been at the sea in the morning. Your new place looks very promising and I'm sure to see more cool photos from there in future 👍

The weekend is over - hope you've had a good time, my friend, and I'm wishing you a great start into the new week 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Oh yes, those were our bad days, and I a am happy that the Lord showed us the error of our ways. I also like tea, especially when I am out in a hot desert 😊 !LOLZ

That flower photo is lovely, but you know that it's still early in the season. So, a bit later and I am sure that you will get a heap of flower photos 😜

Wow, two jackets for you means that it was really cold, and it sounds like there was a cold winter snap. Winter always fights before it goes away, and it's the same here.
At least you could get a few fabulous sea photos, even if they were taken through the car window 😲

Yep! We were both at the sea, and so we think alike. I also returned to the new place, as the clouds looked good, so I waited for the sun to set.
I posted it today.

And this was a bit later.

I hope that your new week started well my friend.

Cheers and thanks.


Hi Zac,

I drink tea when it's cold as well as when it's hot - and it's great that way 😀

This year I want to take different photos: I want to take more macros and smaller scenes... thanks that you like the photo 😀

It was cold, but today I'm wearing a short sleeve shirt again 😅

This morning we had fire in the sky, almost like in your beautiful second photo, but unfortunately I was too late, so all the colors were gone when I left home. Otherwise I would have made a little detour on my way to work.

My days are as busy as usual these days, but that way I am tired enough at night to sleep through 😆 !LOLZ

Hope you're having an awesome Tuesday, my friend 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Hi Hannes,

The wife insists on us drinking Rooibos tea, as it is made from some healthy medicinal bushes that grow in only one area of the country. I don't like it very much, but to keep the peace, I drink the stuff 😜

A change is always good, and it feels great to do some different things for a change, otherwise it is just the same old, same old. I always like your photos my friend 😉

You and your short sleeves in the cold, it gives me the shivers 🥴

Funny how just a few minutes later, things can change in nature. I had the same thing with the full moon last night, as I wanted to get the moon on a mountain peak, but by the time that I got onto the roof, the moon was well clear above the mountains. Thankfully a plane on the moon made up for it 😍

Yep! Hard and honest work like you do, can certainly make one tired at night. But then again, you can get a good sleep as a bonus 😊 !LOLZ

Tuesday was another interesting day weatherwise, and I hope that your Wednesday will be great 🙏

Cheers and thanks.


Hi Zac,

I know this tea and I have tried it, but it's somehow not my taste - healthy things never taste good, do they? I usually drink ordinary fruit teas and sometimes a black tea with milk.

Trying something different from time to time helps me to stay interested in things. That's why I took these shots yesterday after work. I'm still not patient enough for wildlife photography, but these ducks have been so nice and patient with me 😀 !LOLZ

15C today - I'm wearing a t-shirt, of course 😆

Yep, Mother Nature has a lot of fun with us. I'm looking forward to the photo of the moon with the plane.

If everything goes as planned I'll finish work earlier today and maybe take some photos somewhere later, but it's rainy outside, so I don't know yet.

Wishing you also a great Wednesday, my friend 😊🌞

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Hi Hannes,

I believe that my grandma said that anything that is bitter is good for the body. But now who likes bitter things?. Black tea with sugar is great 😉

Oh yes, the differences are what makes us tick, and there is plenty of alternatives to be found in nature.
Those 2 duck shots are splendid my friend, and I hope that soon you will show me some eagle shots. The only difference is that eagles are not as patient as the lovely ducks 😜 !LOLZ

Oh, at 15C, I thought that you would go for a swim and lay on your towel in the sun 🤣🤣🤣

By now you have seen the plane on the moon, and it was so unexpected that I only had a few seconds to get it. Had I known that it was coming, I would have zoomed much closer, and it took me totally by surprise. Another joke on me by Mother nature 🥴😲😉

I hope that the rain stopped to allow you to take some photos my friend 🙏

Wednesday is still durable for a few shots in the garden, but we have another of those hectic winds going to today. Apart from the rain, I hope as I said above, that you will also get some shots in 😊

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

actually, I used to love these bitter things when I was young or healthy fluids like cod liver oil 😜 !LOLZ

Thanks, my friend, and an eagle or another big bird of prey is on my bucket list, of course, but you know my impatience ... and these ducks came to me, I didn't search them 😆

The sun didn't shine and it was wet outside, so laying in the grass was no option 😉

Sometimes I see such things, but when I realize that I could take a photo, even with my phone, the situation is long gone ... kudos to you, my friend 👍

It's still rainy here, but I hope for a nice Easter weekend. We'll be meeting with my wife's family and maybe visit my family too. My daughter will also come for a couple of days, so I don't really mind the weather, although I still hope for some Spring good flower photos.

I'll be not much online in the next days, but I'll try to be here when I can, and I hope that you two guys will also have a great weekend ... some lovely and peaceful Easter holidays 😊🐇

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

I dreaded the tablespoon full of castor oil that my mom used to give to us to drink once every month. Not only does it taste like a hyena's tail, but it also spills one's guts out into the toilet. 🤮 !LOLZ

You will get your eagle my mate, sooner or later and it's always so nice when birds come to pose for one. Here's a heron that posed for me.

So, when you lay on the wet grass, then you don't have to bath later 😜

Oh yes, I call those misses "for my eyes only" and it also happens often to me 😉

Now this sounds so nice, the meetings with the family I mean. I regard Easter as 4 Sundays in a row. So, an old friend visited today, and tomorrow we are invited for lunch by Marian's aunts. Thankfully then the visits will be over and I will have much time in nature.
I hope that you will have a great with your loved ones 👍😊😍

I will see you when I see you, and please forget work over this period and enjoy yourself 😊

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

sorry, but at work I don't have any time these days, and at home I just do the neccessary things, although the conversation with you is more important than the one I have to do with my bank 😆 !LOLZ

I think this delicious fluid was popular all over the world when we were young, and I really liked it, honestly 😇

Until I get my eagly I take the smaller birds, much smaller than the head of your beautiful heron ... Monday morning I was on a short walk and this little guy, an Eurasian Wren, landed on a tree about 20 meters away from me:

Haha, would I have to take my clothes off and roll around in the grass, or if I keep the clothes on while rolling around, I wouldn't even have to ask my wife to wash the clothes later? 🤣

The Easter weekend is already over since yesterday, and I am glad that we haven't been around so much this year. It was a rather quiet weekend, no rushing from relatives to relatives, and I liked it.

Hopefully you have enjoyed the past few days too and have a great day, my friend 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good morning Hannes,

No worries, as I know that you are busy. I don't think that your bank will be happy with this statement, and I am thrilled that you regard me more important than your bank 😜 !LOLZ

That "delicious" fluid got me in much trouble in my younger days, and if I had known then what I know now, I would never have touched it. Thankfully sanity prevailed, and now I am 100% clean 😊

Wow! You got the Eurasian Wren in a singing mood, and these are fantastic photos my friend. A beautiful little guy and well done. 😲

Yep! Mother nature will wash your clothes and I am sure that your wife will be very happy 🤪

It sounds like you had a good and much needed rest my friend, and I am glad that you had a great Easter weekend. We were invited for lunch on Saturday by Marian's two aunts, and that was it. Also, very quiet and peaceful the rest of the time.

I hope that you will have a great week my friend 😊🙏👍

Cheers and thanks.


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Good morning Zac,

oh, my bank is very happy with me - every three months they send me a thank you letter telling me how much I pay them because the numbers on my account are red and not black 😂 !LOLZ

I think you're not speaking about castor oil or cod liver oil anymore ... I'm so very happy that I don't drink any alcohol anymore. My son doesn't drink either, but my daughter does. She's working in a pub and so she can't even avoid it, I believe.

Thanks that you like the photos. I tried to patiently wait for the bird to come closer to me, but after 5 minutes my patience was over 😁

I've got a lot to do today and later we have a meeting. Don't think I'll turn the computer on at home. Yesterday it stayed off too - saves a lot energy costs 🤣

It's Thursday and I'm looking forward to a nice and warm Spring weekend without work. If the weather is right I want to try to take astro photos.

Wishing you a lovely day and good start into the weekend, my friend 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

Wow! Your bank sends you a thank you letter, and mine only sends me letters of demands. A funny world that we live in 😉 !LOLZ

Yuck no, and I am just as happy as you are, as it is a long time now that I also don't drink anymore. So, we have both regained our sanity, the little bit that we have of it. I don't think that a pub is the best place for your daughter to work at. I know that she is happy with all of her friends, but you and I know that alcohol always comes with problems. So, we will pray for her 🙏

Sniff! 5 minutes and I suppose that you are serious. 25 minutes might have been much better, but I know that you are a slow learner 🤪

I would rather have a lot to do than to have a meeting. We had a 3 hour meeting today and at the end, all of us ran away like the devil was after us 🤣
To save more money I think you must also leave the TV and the fridge off 😉

Great that you will have the weekend off and I have no idea what astro photos are 😲

I really hope that you will enjoy the weekend my friend and we will also try to take things easy. 😊

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

it's only the account statement with the quarterly statement that they send me, but I can see their smile between the numbers 😂 !LOLZ luckily working for the government in Austria means you get paid each month.

My daughter is just like me when I was young, but maybe working in the pub makes it a little bit worse because I went to the pub after work and she works there 😱 but I know that just like me, she'll find the right path before it's too late 🙏

Haha, 25 minutes waiting at one place? Maybe when I'm sleeping I'd be able to do that, but I'm trying hard, believe me, and because I want to take more wildlife photos, I'll have to learn a bit more patience, I know.

Since I don't need cool beer anymore, the fridge isn't that important anymore, but I need the TV to fall asleep 😜

I want to take photos of the stars - the Milky Way and such things ✨

Have a wonderful weekend, my friends 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good afternoon Hannes,

Of course you can see their smile, as they charge you a service fee for anything that they send to you. Great that you get a salary payment every month, and the bank is also happy, as you have to pay them fees to get your salary each month 😜 !LOLZ

Great! For some reason I pushed "Enter" after the part above, and now I have to do the rest in "Edit" 🥴
I think your daughter is cleverer that you, as you had to go to the pub after work, and she is already there. Maybe you should try to scare her, by telling her about the bad things that you did when you were drunk. Like the time that you danced naked down the city hall steps for all of Austria to see 🤪

I know that you and Lady Patience are not friends yet, but she is persistent and eventually, she will win the battle to teach an Austrian Mountain Goat real patience 🤣

Astro, I should have known that, but in my defense, I am turning 70 tomorrow, so from now on I can really blame my forgetfulness on age.
I hope that you will get some great photos and I read somewhere that there will also be another eclipse soon, so maybe you also get photos of it 🙏

May you and yours also have a splendid weekend my young friend 😊

Cheers and thanks.


Hi Zac,

let me wish you a Happy Birthday before I reply ... have a great day, my friend, and I wish you to get the most important present of all, especially in our age: health and happiness 🙏

Of course my daughter is cleverer than me, but on the other hand it's easy to be cleverer than me 😂 !LOLZ

Who told you about my naked dance? But it wasn't in the city hall, it was on the ain square in front of the town hall ... I can't remember though 🤣

I have seen a lovely little bird today, but Lady Patience seems to sleep longer on weekends 😉

Unfortunately, the eclipse cannot be seen here, but there will be another some day. Also the Milky Way can't be seen very well here this time of year, but soon 😀

As said in the beginning, I wish you all the best to your birthday, Zac, enjoy the day and weekend with Marian 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Hi Hannes,

I really thank you for all of the birthday wishes and thankfully we had a quiet day. Only disrupted when people wanted to speak to me on Marian's phone. So. I hope that your wish for health comes true 😊

Nah, she will only act exactly like her father would, and nothing wrong with that 😜 !LOLZ

Oh, I apologize for getting the venue of your naked dance wrong, as I am really old now. I knew that it was somewhere where you could get the maximum count of public eyes on you 😲

She is dodging you now, as her name is Patience, and she is not in a hurry to get you right now 🤣

Yeah, I saw a map today and the people in the lower parts of the USA continent will see it. But you are right as even us way down south will also be able to see it someday again. Over here, the milky way can be seen very clear in the Karoo all year round 😉

Frightening wind speeds here the whole day my friend, and warnings are out for floods tomorrow in KZN, where Joan and Lizelle live. Then storms and hail inland towards Gauteng where Marian's parents live.

Thank you very much for all of your birthday wishes and we also wish you a great weekend my friend.

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

you're most welcome, my friend, and if one wish should come true, then it has to be the one for health 🙏

I'm working another 24-hour shift and at the moment it's a bit quiet, so I try to make my overdue replies.

You're probably right, my daughter will act just like I did, and I do hope that fortune is with her, just like it was with me.

I'm getting too old to dance naked in public. Some years ago they might have got great eyes and the women ... but nowadays they might throw rotten tomatoes or eggs at me 😂 !LOLZ

If I'm not wrong then the Milky Way is seen best here in Summer ... I'll see.

We have pretty much the opposite weater here: it's warm like in Summer, but they are predicting snow again. I don't think it will snow here, but I'll wait till May to change my tires from winter to summer tires.
Hopefully the weather down there will not cause too big damages 🙏

I'm wishing you an awesome day, my friend 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

without heath life is not worth living methinks, so thank you again 🙏

Sorry to hear that you are on shift again, and thank you for spending your quiet time to reply to all of us. I thought that you would prefer to rather get some paid sleep 🤣

Oh yes, they say that the apple does not fall far from the tree, and I am sure that her time will come to settle down. Just pray that she will not reach the age of 60 before she decides to settle down 😜

Nah! If you carried on drinking, then they will throw stuff at you, but you are now sober and still in good shape, and sober people don't dance around naked in public 😉 !LOLZ

Yep, and I am looking forward to your photos 👍

You guys are preparing for summer and we are preparing for winter. Good idea not to change the tires too soon, as one never knows what the future holds.
Both the strong winds and the fires created havoc here, and the repairs are going to cost millions. There are still some warnings out and if you Google "Weather, Western Cape, South Africa" you will see what I mean 😲

Thank you, and I wish you a quiet and uneventful night shift my friend 🙏

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

the shift is almost at its end and it wasn't too bad, I'm quite tired though and today's gonna be another long day - my boss is off work and the co-worker in our main quarter is ill.

If my daughter is like me she'll be in her fifties when she will become serious 😂 !LOLZ

You haven't seen me yet, I haven#t done anything during Winter and my shape is like somer kind of bottle - the ones that have a big belly 😆 I really need to do something before my first hike this year.

We are always moaning about our weather and every storm is a disaster. There have been some really bad weather situations lately, but I don't think that any is only near to the storms you have each year.

I thank you very much and wish you a pleasant Wednesday, my friend 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good morning Hannes,

Oh know, and I have just wished you to have a great day in the previous reply. You will just have to tough it out my friend 🥴

Let's hope that in that case, she will be cleverer than her father, and that she will become serious in her 30s 😉 LOLZ

Well then this is no problem, as you just have to follow the bottle process. First, empty the bottle, and then recycle the bottle. Marian reckons that you have such a nice personality that you should not have become a cop. She thinks that you should rather have become a tour guide, as you are good with people 🥴

They have delivered some preliminary stats about the results of the "Black South Easter" storm.
108 uprooted trees thus far removed, 36 house, business, and school roofs blown off, and I forget about the number of damages to houses and shacks in the townships that were damaged by the fires and the floods. They say that this storm was worse than the winter storm of 2023. All our schools are also still closed. We had a hectic time my friend.
Such is life.

So, you also try to have a good day my friend 😊


Good morning Zac,

our new co-workers are awesome, but there's so much to do and so much for them to learn... 😅

I also hope that she's much cleverer than me 😜 !LOLZ

Oh yes, Marian is right as I never wanted to become a cop. It was the wish of my family and after police school I was happy to get a job offer in the head quarter. So I have never been on the streets ... I have never annoyed the people except my own colleagues 😂 but I don't think I could be a tour guide or so, because I prefer to be alone most times and enjoy the beauty of Mother Nature without noisy people around me 😉

We definitely have not a single reason to make complains about our weather - no storm here can be as bad as your storms down there which you have every year again and again.

I'm wishing you a wonderful weekend, my friend, hopefully with best weather and no storms 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good morning Hannes,

I am sure that by the time of your retirement, you will have seen to it that all of the co-workers are fully trained 😊

Life has a way to place us where it wants us, and they must have noticed at the Police school that you have some special abilities. Only the brightest students at Police school are offered jobs at headquarters.
So, you were led into your career by the Spirit, and you were well looked after until this time now. I have a feeling that it will continue after your retirement until the day that you depart this planet.
You will get tons of time to be alone in nature after you retire as a bonus 😊🙏😉

It is what it is about the storms, and there is nothing that we or you can do about it. We just have to accept it, prepare for it every winter and carry on with life, hoping that we will not be the next victims.
Much can be done for the poor people that live in shacks, but that is the government's job, as they have to supply the land and the building material for new houses.

Cool and clear skies now Hannes, and I wish you the very same 😊😀😆

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

I am visiting my daughter this weekend and don't think I will be much online till Monday.

!LOLZ they have seen that I am not suitable for the streets, so they put me behind a desk where I cannot harm anything or anybody. They were quite wrong 🤣

I hope that you will never be a victim of the bad weather 🙏 Yesterday I have seen some news from South Africa, and it was really bad ... I have never experienced such storms and fires and I hope that I never will.

It's hot here with blue skies, but for next week they predict cold weather again. It's still early Spring, so it's quite normal.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend, my friend 😊🌞

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good afternoon Hannes,

I hope that you will have a great visit at your daughter's place, and see you back on Monday 😊

Oh yeah, you have stolen my reply, as I was also going to say that they made the wrong decision, as you might have turned out to be the best cop that they ever had on the streets 😲 !LOLZ

Thank you and by now we know how to stay out of the danger zones, and we also avoid traveling around with the car. We had some near misses, such as on the road in the car and dodging a falling tree, the only scratched the car, I posted about it, and all of the near misses was training for us to avoid trouble. Glad that you saw some of it and there's also a lot of it in videos on YouTube
We also hope that you will never have to experience the freak storms in nature, as it is never very pleasant, and in fact it is very dangerous 😲

Thank you, and may your visit also be sublime on the weekend my friend 😊

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

thank you, we've had some fun, a delicious lunch and later we visited my niece who is living nearby.

Oh no, I could never have worked on the streets - I like to drive faster than allowed and could never stop and punish people for doing the same that I do 😂 !LOLZ

Take care, my friend, a scratch in the car doesn't hurt and can possibly be polished out, but a scratch on the skin hurts and polishing it out is no option.

My weekend was much too short, as always, but I hope yours was awesome.

I'm having another night shift and I'll be working next weekend too, so this week will be a long and busy week.

Wishing you a great week, my friend, hopefully the weather turns to sunshine 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

glad that you guys had a good time, and at the next break, you should maybe think about visiting your parents 🙏

Ha, over here the cops whizz around in their cars like jets, so I am sure that you would have set an example for the other officers to also not arrest speeding drivers 🤣 !LOLZ

Thanks, and we do take care my friend. I managed to polish all of the scratches off before we sold the car. You are right about scratches on the skin, as I still struggle with many since my bike accident long ago 😉

I think that time has stolen a day out of our weekends 🤪

Shame, so now you have to pay your time at work for the fun that you had on the past weekend. Life works like that 🥴

We already have sunshine, and fortunately the days are starting to get cooler to ease us into winter. But I have a feeling that we will be facing more bad storms, as we are in a winter rain area, and close to the Atlantic ocean. I also hope that your week will not be too taxing on you due to all of the workload that you have waiting for you 🙏

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

it has been a quite nice shift and I'm already packing my things together to move back to my own office.

You're right, a visiting my parents is overdue.

We have so many new young cops who don't care who they stop for speeding - policemen, firefighters and even the mayor has to behave 😆

Yep, I remember your bike accident, but these scratches are worse than any scratch that I've ever got.

I agree, the weekend has lost at least one day, if not two or three 😂 !LOLZ

I'm glad that the weather has become sunny and cooler. Here it's also become a bit cooler and it might rain in the next days. Hopefully your Winter storms will not be as bad.

I'll try to get home earlier today because I'm quite tired although the shift wasn't too bad, but the next days will be long days because of a colleague's Blackout project - we are testing if the repaired generators in our headquarter work.

Wishing you a lovely day my friend 😊🌞

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

you are packing up to go to your day office, and I am walking around like a zombie., Only 3 hours of sleep last night, as Marian had stomach and back pains the whole night. So, you can say that I also worked nightshift 😴

Now that's great thinking 😉

Ha, I would love to see the mayor's face when a young cop issues him with a speeding fine 🤣

You don't have such scratches because you hide in your office every day 🤪 !LOLZ

Time works undercover my friend, and before you know it the day is over. And you have not done half of the things that you wanted to do 😊😲🥴

Highest temp here this week will be tomorrow at 25C and the rest of the week will be in the lower 20s.
It seems that the weather is easing us gently into the winter this year. Yes, we also hope that the storms will be calmer, but from what we have seen thus far, it's going to be tough again 🙏

Good that you will try to get home earlier, as you need the rest. It's easy to test if the generators will start up after a black out. Just switch off the main switch of the building and then go and hide if the generators don't start up, because there will be an angry crowd after your skin 😁🤪😇

Hope that you will have a good Thursday my friend.

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

your nightshift was worse than mine, I believe, and I hope that Marian is feeling better by now. Please give her my best wishes for a speedy recovery. I hate stomach ache and although my back is quite fine, my shoulder pain still hasn't completely gone. So I can relate to Marian's pain, but I do know that you care very well for her, although you're a Zombie, a nice Zombie 😉

Here the Mayor would be angry just as anyone, but he would pay.

True, apart from falling from my chair when I fall asleep during work, there's no chance for me to get scratches at work 😂 !LOLZ

Time flies when there's a lot to do, and you're right, not half of the work was done when I left my office yesterday 😜 I got home a bit earlier, but then I slept almost till bedtime 😱

I do honestly hope that you're right and Mother Nature will give you a gentle Winter this year. By the way, it snowed here yesterday, but today it's all gone again.

Haha, that's exactly what we are going to do, but we can't hide, because everyone knows that we are doing it. The main problem is the emergency call center and IT forensics areas and such, because they can't be without energy for more than a few minutes, but for these areas we also have independent power supply, which we hope will work 😅

I'm wishing you a wonderful Wednesday, my friend 😊🌞

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good afternoon Hannes,

I thank you kindly for the care and Marian sends her love. She is thankfully much better today. Long term pain, such as your shoulder, and at times your fingers, cannot be very pleasant, but like me, we just have to endure. I do care for her, but when I am very tired, then I am not a nice Zombie. I am sure that you are the same 😜

He has to set the example and if he doesn't pay, then he will get arrested 😲

So, the only kind advice that I can give you is to sleep on your chair with one eye open, as then it will watch that you don't fall of the chair 🤣 !LOLZ

Yeah, so you did the other half of the work today, and if you sleep until bedtime, then you struggle to sleep during nighttime, so then it's time for playing a bit of rugby, or watching the TV, until you fall asleep, just before you have to get up to go to work 🤪

Guess what? We also had snow in the Lesotho mountains, and today is nice and cool 23C. So, I hope that your hope will come true 🙏

Haha, as long as everyone knows that you are doing it this way, then things will go well. Independent power supply for the emergency and forensics departments is a great idea and I hope that your tests with the generators work out very well 😊

Now it's time to wish you a great Thursday my friend 👍

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

I'm happy that Marian's feeling better and I believe that if we all turned into Zombies, you'd be the only nice one who eats vegetable instead of brains 😆

When I have one eye open I can't sleep because I see all the work piles on my desktop 😉

Right, I have done the work yesterday, but yesterday's work took till the late evening, so no rugby playing possible, and the TV was watching itself, because I was asleep 😂 !LOLZ

Cool, you've had snow. That must have looked nice. Our snow is all gone and we're having about 3C, but it's getting warmer up to 11C on the weekend 😱

The tests yesterday worked very well and hopefully today will be as successful as yesterday has been ... but hopefully not as long as yesterday.

I'm wishing you also a wonderful Thursday, my friends 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

thank you and she is good again, but now you are accusing me of being a vegan, I would rather eat grasshoppers than berries, as I love meat. Btw, sheep brains taste nice, but I don't know what mountain goat brains taste like 😁

One eye open will at least help you not to fall of the chair, and the piles on your desk will remind you not to sleep on the job 🤣

Shame, I tell you that you are one of the hardest workers that I know, and if I could, then I will write a letter to your bosses to tell them that they should give you a medal and a golden watch for time served well, when you retire. Skipping a game of rugby will result in something rusting away and then there would be no fun 🤪 !LOLZ

Nope, not us, as Lesotho is a neighboring country and they have very high mountains. That's where the snow was, and the wind brought the cold weather to us. Marian says that I must tell you that at 22C we wear coats, and at 11C we will freeze 😉

So glad that the tests worked well, and I am sure that tomorrow it will work better over a shorter time span. Well done! 👍👍👍

So may you also have a much shorter day at work on Thursday, and that you will have a great day my friend 🙏

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

although I sometimes think I should reduce meat and eat more vegetables, I still love meat and can't imagine become a vegetarian, and I don't even want to think about how being a vegan might be ... I love my steak medium rare 😂 !LOLZ

I just wonder how one open eye could help me not falling from my chair 🤔

Actually, we get such medals after 40 years, which will be next year for me, but whether you work or not, you get it anyway 😛

Okay, I'll tell my wife that it's only to prevent me from rusting 🤣

This morning there was ice on the windshield ... I know that you feel cooler temperatures more than we do, just as we sweat at temperatures that you feel cozy 😅

Yesterday's tests took even longer, but at 8pm it was all over and everything worked fine - a Blackout wouldn't matter at all, at least for a couple of days.

It's Friday and if I didn't have to work tomorrow I would be looking forward to the weekend, but weekend shifts are more or less easy.

Thanks, my friend, I'm wishing you a great start into a wonderful weekend 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

same here, and I think that we were spoiled from small with meat. Veggies are okay for side dishes and salads, but the main item of a meal should always be some juicy meat. We are fully agreed 😊 !LOLZ

I also wonder at that saying "Sleep with one eye open". and in the army they would use it for us to sleep lightly in case we were suddenly attacked. Nobody slept with one eye open 😅

40 years in the police force! I have to say that I admire you, as the longest that I survived in any job was 5 years tops. So, you are my hero 😊

Lol, no comment to this one 😉

Oh yes, ice on the windshield we are used to, and we will have it again soon. But your weather and ours are miles apart if I may say so, and I will die if I have to swim during winter here in the Atlantic Ocean. You will of course love it. 🥴

Great that it worked out fine, and now you are good to go, so now you have to wait for a real power cut, and that can take a very long time. So, we hold thumbs that you get a power cut soon 🤣 🤪

Ah shame, we feel for you having to work shifts on weekend, and maybe you will have another free weekend soon my friend. Something to remember when you reach my age, every day is weekend, or whatever day you prefer 😊👍😁

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

I wanted to reply yesterday, but after nightshift I drove to Slovenia to take some photos and returned soon because I felt somehow ill. At home I went to bed and slept till this morning. I'm feeling much better today and so I had to go to work 😢 !LOLZ

Yep, meat is definitely needed 👍

Haha, here I belong to the generation of people who stick to their job, I believe, because the Generation "X" and such change their jobs more often than I change my underwear 😜

Here some people make holes into the ice of a lake and go for a swim 🥶

To be honest, I don't look forward to a real power cut or blackout 😱

Next weekend is free and in May and June I'll take some days or weeks off ... everyday is weekend, that's what I'm really looking forward to. When I visited my niece last weekend her mother in law asked what day it is ... she's retired, of course 🤣

Hope you have had a great start into the week, my friend 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

thankfully you felt better today, and I think that the good sleep helped a lot. Take care and look after your health my friend 🙏

Agreed and I can also not do without any meat 😉

Well then, I must also belong to generation X, as I had a ton of jobs 😜 !LOLZ

Yep, I always thought that some of the people up there must be not right in the head 🥴

I really hope that you will never have one, as it is really not a pleasant experience. Especially if after two or 3 days you have to throw all of the food in the fridge away 😲

Now this sounds very good to me, as you are due for a real break and some weeks away will be sure to restore your energy. Like I said, and just like that mother in law, once you are retired the names of the day will not bother you anymore. Even the time will not be an issue, and like me, you can throw your watch away 😊👍🤪😁😆🤗

Cheers and thanks.


Hi Zac,

yep, I'm still alive 😁 !LOLZ

It has been a busy week and I have started a new project at work: renewing our internal database at work. I am programming it completely new, and because of so many restrictions this task isn't easy. I have to do it because next year we'll get an upgrade to our operating system which means that our current MSAccess database will not work work anymore. So, I let the girls do all the other work and try to find into coding again. Maybe I should take one of your coding classes 😉

And there's another renewing project that I have started this week: I am renewing the interiors of my van. That's even more work... harder work, but in a few weeks it should be finished. Why so long? I'm waiting for material to be shipped from France, where I have found a company that builds cheap camper van furniture. Hopefully "cheap" doesn't mean cheap quality too, but their website and videos look promising 🤞

Today was the first day when I have turned the computer on at home this week.
These are from last weekend...

When I have finished my two projects, I think I will have some more time for being online ... and for some time off work 😀

I haven't been wearing a watch for many, many years 👍

I hope you're fine, my friend, wishing you and Marian a wonderful Sunday and a great week ahead 😊🌞

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

I am glad that you are still alive 😉 !LOLZ

Yuck! Data base changes are dreadful, as the law over here has become stricter due to scammers accessing data bases. So, Marian transferred our data base to an offline external hard drive, and she deleted the online stuff. Then a few months later, she wanted to access the data base, but the external hard drive had completely packed up. We took it in to a company for repairs, but they showed us that the drive cannot be repaired. Just as well, as we now have no data base that anyone can access. So, good luck with your new program, and please make sure that it will be available and that it is protected against scammers 😛

I look forward to photos of the van when it's done my friend and let's hope that they supply you with top quality materials. When you mention the word "cheap" my stomach wants to crawl, as invariably cheap means trouble. But there's always hope and let's see if it is good 🤞

Such lovely photos, and you really know how to stir my soul. I look forward to the time that you will start posting again, as so many like your photos, and that's me included. So, get your projects done and then let's have some of the special brand called Piber 😲

We are fine thank you, and all strength to you in this coming week my friend 🙏

Cheers and thanks.


Hi Zac,

I haven't got any error messages when testing the database in the past hour, so I make a little break 😜 !LOLZ

You always should have 2 or three backups of important files on different media. Hard drives fail especially when they are not used, usb sticks fail and dvd's and such fail even more often. This is only my experience though. At home I have a backup of my photos on an external hard drive and whenever I have the time, I'll make a second backup on another device.
At work the system makes every hour a backup of all files, so it should be save. Our system is so very well protected that even we ourselves can't get in from time to time 😱 and next year it will be even more secure, so that even our administrators don't have all rights anymore.

As soon as the van is finished I will show you some photos, of course. It's relatively cheap, but well made. They have used light weight wood and so I have to take more care than with the interior that I've built myself, but it looks cool and I like it.

Every day I think of posting here and also on Instagram again, but somehow I still don't want to. But I thank you so much for your nice words 🙏

Hope you're having a great day, my friend 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Hi Hannes,

You see? I have full confidence in your abilities and well done 😉 !LOLZ

Ah yes, I also have some backups on external drives and usb sticks, and every now and then, I update them. Over time I had some failed external hard drives, but thankfully nothing on the usb's yet. But of course, nothing as grand as you have, as I can only afford the cheap stuff.
It seems that all businesses and government departments are investing in extra security, as some of our government departments have also been hit by scammers. Your system looks great, and it's always a danger to have too many people that have the rights, as much can go wrong.

Great to hear and I can't wait to see the van upgrade my friend. I am sure that you will take care with the installation. Don't forget to hang portraits on the walls, as then it will look like a family lounge 😜

There's a time for everything and you only have to follow your heart. We are having it difficult now, as the hive price is very low, but as usual eventually it will climb again 🙏

Thank you and the day was good, I know you also had a good day, especially with the test, and may you also have a great Wednesday 😊

Cheers and thanks.


Hi Zac,

thanks, it works fine, but I have to make it fool proof, because there's a colleague who is able to destroy any software just by looking at the monitor 😁 !LOLZ

My backup drives are not expensive either, and I wished I could afford a better solutionthat works automatically.

Haha, I will not hang any photos on the walls of my van, because there's not enough space on the walls, and I don't want my family to watch me sleeping 😜

I'm really not sure about the Hive anymore, but I'll wait for some more time and hope like we all do.

Wednesday was a holiday here, but I didn't do anything, apart from a short drive around town, but I haven't been in the moon to take photos. So I had a lazy day at home and did only some work in the van, because I'm still waiting for shipment of the final parts.

Tomorrow is Friday and I have to go to a shooting training, but I am sure I will not kill anyone 😁

I'm happy that you have had a good day and hope that today will be as good as well 🌞😃

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Hi Hannes,

we also have some of those over here, and maybe you must make him wear a blindfold 🤡 !LOLZ

Well, you can always try using the cloud storage, but I don't as if a scammer cracks the cloud, then all of one's stuff will rain down into the scammers pocket 😛

Strange, as Wednesday was also a holiday here, called "Worker's Day". I think it is called May Day in Europe? I also didn't take many pictures and I hope that your van is starting some shape, and that the final parts will round it off into a real showpiece 😲

Just make sure that you are not pointing the gun at anyone while you are trying to fire it 😀
I hope that you will enjoy it my friend 👍

Thank you and please take care at the shooting range 🙏

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

these people are strange ... everything works fine until they use it 😱 !LOLZ

I have some things on the OneDrive cloud, but I prefer to have a real device in my hand.

May 1st is also called Worker's Day here - Tag der Arbeit, but nobody is working on this day 😁

I want to keep the van quite stealthy outside, but nice and cosy inside.

I don't like these trainings at all, but I have to absolve at least one a year.

It's Friday, my friend, wishing you guys a lovely start into the weekend 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

I think that all countries have them and they belong to the international butter-finger club 🥲!LOLZ

Nope, I love clouds, but only the real ones, and we are the same, as if you can hold it, then it's safe😉

You are right, but I think that in our case they should call it National Unemployment Day, as half of our country is unemployed. 😲

That was the idea when you bought the van, and you did well to rig it out by yourself. Now I only hope that the new furniture will be built good enough to last for a few years. Do they give you any guarantee on it?

Part of the job my friend, and a necessary part, especially for the butter finger guys, as they will try to shoot an attacker, and end up shooting themself in the foot 🤡

Now there you go again with one of Piber's beauties, and the scene is magnificent. The water flow looks so real 👍👍👍

May you guys also have a great weekend 🙏

Cheers and thanks.


Hi Zac,

"butter finger"? I have never heard this expression before, but don't need a translation 😁 !LOLZ

The new furniture is well made and quite sturdy. It comes in parts and I have to assemble it together myself. My own work that I had before, wasn't that good built. That's why I have decided to renew it all. I also hope that it will last for many years.

The shooting training was quite fun, but I am happy that it's over and I don't have to shoot again till next year. Of course I could train more often, but I don't want to.

Thanks that you like the image - it is the only one from last weekend that I really liked.

We have best weather here - it's sunny and warm, but after getting up at 3am, because I wanted to see a nice sunrise at the sea, I am a little bit tired. And there was no nice sunrise, of course.

But on the way back home I drove through the Soča valley in Slovenia where I could take some photos of a White throated dipper. At first I thought that the right one was shouting at the other, but the I saw that it is a baby and the other one was feeding it 😊

Hope you're enjoying a wonderful Sunday, my friend 🌞😃

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Hi Hannes,

butter fingers means that a person is very clumsy and they break most things that they touch 😜 !LOLZ

Ah! So it comes in kit form with instructions and that's always good. The only problem that I have with the assembling, is that I always have spares left over after the job is completed. Looking forward to the final show 👌

Yep, we are the same. After my army days, I think that I went twice to a shooting range up to now, and I also have lost all interest in it long ago. My cousin and his son are hunters, but that's not a hobby that interests me, as I don't want to go about killing animals 🥲

Oh man, you still sound a bit tired, and I am sure it is all of the hard work that is draining your energy. But then again, getting up at 3am on a nice warm day is always a good thing. Pity that you couldn't get the sunrise my friend, but there will be many more. Over here I cannot get the sunrise, as the mountains hide it at the East, so I have to drive far out inland if I want to get it 😊

I called Marian to come and look at your bird photos, and as you know her feeding habits, she was over the moon with your photos. Babies and children are the same, as they all scream when they are hungry, and the parents just have to feed them. A great series of shots my friend 👍

Sunday was slow and calm and I hope that you will have a great new week.

Cheers and thanks.


Hi Zac,

I don't know if you know the furniture from IKEA, but if you do know how to assemble these, you must know that my new van interior is twice as complicated 😀 !LOLZ

I eat animals, but I could never kill one, but I'm not so sure about humans, although I would never eat one 🤣

Though I'm always tired at the moment, I cannot stay in bed and have to get up as soon as I wake up. When I come home and lay down I'll fall asleep within seconds though 😴

Thanks that you and Marian like my baby bird photos - I think these are the best wildlife photos I have ever made 😆

My week has started busy, but that's nothing new at the moment. In the evening I have an appointment with the friend who does the maintenance work on my van (oil change, inspection and such), so I will not be online later.

Wishing you a great start of the new week, my friend 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Hi Hannes,

no, I don't know IKEA or their furniture Hannes, but if you did the correct measurements for the supply, then I am sure that you will work it all well in the end. Complications were made for you to solve, and I know that you are good at it 😊 !LOLZ

Nope, I only kill cockroaches and I also don't eat them, everything else stays alive 😜

When my eyes open I also get up, but you are lucky to fall asleep within seconds. Even when I am tired, I still roll around in bed for hours before I fall asleep. But I know that you have a sleeping hobby and that you can fall asleep anywhere 🤡

Excellent shots that tell a good story and you can be very proud of them. So, if you can get the small wildlife, you can also get the big wildlife like an Ostrich feeding its baby. That could be a good challenge for you methinks 😲

Getting colder here and I know that you are always busy. I hope that the guy will sort the van out good, so not to worry about being online, as you have to see to the priorities 👍

Wishing a kinder week for you and much rest.

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

Ikea is a big Swedish furniture company. It's relatively cheap, but you have to assemble the furniture yourself at home, or pay for it. It's very popular here.

I can only fall asleep easily when I am paid for it. At home I'm usually awake for quite some time, but at the moment I think I could sleep anywhere at any time 😉 !LOLZ

Thanks my friend, I will do my best to take more wildlife photos 👍😃

The weather here has become nicer and above me there are some lovely pink clouds ... I'm having breakfast on the balcony with one of our cats. My wife is still in bed because we are going later to work today. Before work we have to go to the passport office to get new passports, because the old ones are valid till this June only (10 years).

Hope you're having a great Tuesday with nice weather 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

okay, now I know, and over here we call the self assemblies kit forms. They come with assembly instructions included, and I think that Ikea would do the same 😊

Hahaha, you are so funny, and I had to laugh at this 😁 !LOLZ

I know that you are very capable with photography my friend, but I like to tease you sometimes 😜

So, you are eating the cat on the balcony for breakfast and that's not a good idea, as your wife will beat you up when she awakes. Passport services can take a long time, as here we have long queues. So good luck and hope that you guys will not take too long 🙏

20Cs here for the whole week and raining right now. Wish you a lot of sunshine 😊

Cheers and thanks.


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!BEER 👍😃


My friend got a heart transplant but regretted it immediately.
You could say he had a change of heart.

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Cheers and !BEER 👍


Cheers and !BEER ???????


Yep, cheers and !BEER and there was another reply before this one 😉


Okay, I found the problem, and no more !BEER please, as I am becoming intoxicated 🤪


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