There should be a limit to business relationships and love relationships!

Hello, great men and women in this community of Hive learners.

Image by me

Well, I have not had the experience of mixing business and love before, either with my family, friends, partner, or anyone else. From what I have been hearing about others, their experiences shared, and what I have read.

To me, I would like to say that, mixing business and relationship is not good, especially when you are not convinced of the person you are in a relationship with. Businesses that have been fetching money for you crashed because of love relationships. We should be wise-hearted when it comes to relationships and our businesses. Business is a source of income, so when joking with it, it might ruin our mental health and our capital.

I have this experience of love relationships and academies. It didn't work out well. My grades were so poor because of mixing love relationships and my academics. My academic performance was highly deteriorating, to the point my lecture had to be sent to me. It was so painful that I gave in that way, which wasn't profitable. I learned my big lessons and never to treat it as important. Therefore, the same thing y applies to business. If you are a woman or a man, your main focus would be your business. A man or that woman may fail or disappoint you at any given time. Don't give all your heart into a relationship. Build yourself, boost your self-confidence, boost your business alliances, and make plenty of money as you can. Don't prioritize your relationship over your business.

Nevertheless, there should be a limit or boundaries to love relationships and business. Another secret thing is that your loved person shouldn't know everything about your business, to the point of him or her knowing your Mobile PIN. It is not sensitive when it comes to this point.

Let me share this story of my friend, who toiled with her business because of a man.

This is my male friend who I so much without any strings attached to our love. A time came when he was longing to be in a relationship with a beautiful damsel. Fortune, for him he found one, he was so excited that he going to settle down with them to be his wedded wife. This, my male friend, was blessed with material wealth in his early stages. He loved his girlfriend. He was ready to do anything to get her to himself all. Because of the love he has for this lady, he hands over his business( his oil company) to his fiancee to run for him while he travels to another state to fix a broken establishment to the standard.

His girlfriend was gorgeous and attractive. Other men were fully out to get her attention too. She couldn't condone it, so she started having a date with other men living behind his fiancee's company. Unfortunately, her attention was trapped and she could no longer have an interest in the company again. Before his fiancee knew, things, like money, and customers, were not active as usual. The workers there had to give him a call to rush back that his company would crash.

Mores returned and found nothing left. He tried to meet with his girlfriend, but there was no way to be found.

He broke into tears, regretting how he prioritized relationships over business. Thank God he was so smart to restore his company with his expertise knowledge and skillfulness.

However, he learned his greatest lessons and swore never to be in relationships that would make him poor or unhealthy.

There should be a limit on how to run your business.

This post is in response to Hivelearner's contest.

Thank you for reading through

I love, i care, and I forgive.


Oh yes there be limit on how to run business my dear. This limits will help one to factor certain things and for being focus as well.
