Incredible Easter event, although something went wrong... - Lost Relics, Game Blockchain



Yesterday, well, I don't really remember if it was yesterday, but I think it was, Lost Relics came back to life. The maintenance that had lasted quite a long time, was finally finished and everything seemed to be going well, until the fire nation attacked. The game was full of people and not only that, due to the easter event, the whole server was presenting some failures and bugs. Soon we were notified that the server would be closed again to receive tweaks and fix problems.


I was excited, I have to admit. It would be my first Lost Relics event after such a long time without playing. When I started in this fantastic game, I learned a lot of things thanks to Streamers and players who lent their knowledge to new players. These Streamers, who had been in the game a lot longer, mentioned various Christmas events, Halloween, events that were excellent and helped them to get some pretty good items. When I heard about the events, I always wanted to participate in one and try my luck.

There were many things I liked as soon as I started Lost Relics again. One of them was the difficulty of the dungeons. There were dungeons that were too easy and by doing them over and over again, it could seem boring. This time, the difficulty of these dungeons improved considerably, in fact, I almost died for trusting myself, which would mean losing virtual items with quite a lot of gold value. I liked that a lot, since now I have that uncertainty of whether I can reach the end of the dungeon without dying, or if I will die and lose everything. Such difficulty allows me to play with more head, dodge more attacks to evade damage and enjoy the game more.

Another point I loved was the event itself. An Easter event, which is based on collecting eggs hidden throughout the dungeons. You can get them in various ways, even the chests could contain with them golden eggs, which with luck, could contain a golden ticket, which can be exchanged for a blockchain item. In such a case, the rabbit offered us a blockchain weapon and a relic. Both in total make a limited 800 items for those lucky enough to get the gold ticket. For those who are not so lucky, they can use common eggs to redeem virtual items also limited.


If this game interests you and your pc can run it, I really invite you to try it. It is a very interesting game that is improving little by little, let's say it is improving slowly because all the administration, development, everything is done by only one person, Mr. Cliff.

If you don't know Lost Relics, you can read my previous posts:

LOST RELICS! Blockchain game - [First impressions]

Rushing Dungeons! - LOST RELICS, Game BLOCKCHAIN


I will soon get my pendant, one month membership! - Lost Reclis, Game Blockchain

I finally made it! I got my one month membership - Lost Relics, Game Blockchain

An amazing update! - Lost Relics, Game Blockchain

The creator of the game trolled us - Lost Relics, Game Blockchain

Some tips for the return of this fantastic game! - Lost Relics, Game Blockchain


El día de ayer, bueno, la verdad no recuerdo si fue ayer, pero creo que si, Lost Relics volvió a la vida. El mantenimiento que había durado bastante tiempo, por fin había culminado y todo parecía ir bien, todo hasta que la nación del fuego atacó. El juego estaba repleto de gente y no solo eso, debido al evento de pascua, todo el servidor estaba presentando algunas fallas y bugs. Pronto se nos notificó que el server cerraría otra vez para recibir retoques y arreglar problemas.


Yo estaba emocionado, tengo que admitirlo. Sería mi primer evento en Lost Relics después de tanto tiempo sin jugar. Cuando empecé en este fantástico juego, aprendí muchas cosas gracias a Streamers y jugadores quienes prestaban su conocimiento a los jugadores novatos. Estos Streamers, quienes ya llevaban mucho más tiempo en el juego, mencionaban varios eventos de navidad, Halloween, eventos que fueron excelente y les ayudaron a conseguir objetos bastante buenos. Cuando escuché sobre los eventos, siempre quise participar en uno y probar suerte.

Hubieron muchas cosas que me gustaron apenas volví a iniciar Lost Relics. Una de ellas era la dificultad de las mazmorras. Habían mazmorras que eran demasiado sencillas y al hacerlas una y otra vez, podría parecer aburrido. Esta vez, la dificultad de estas mazmorras mejoró considerablemente, de hecho, casi muero por confiarme, lo que significaría perder items virtuales con bastante valor en oro. Eso me gustó mucho, ya que ahora tengo esa incertidumbre de si podré llegar al final de la mazmorra sin morir, o si moriré y perderé todo. Dicha dificultad me permite jugar con más cabeza, esquivar más ataques para evadir daño y disfrutar más el juego, ya que es algo tan automático.

Otro punto que me encantó fue el evento en sí. Un evento de pascua, el cual se basa en la recolección de huevos escondidos por las mazmorras. Puedes obtenerlos de varias formas, incluso los cofres podían contener consigo huevos de oro, los cuales con suerte, podrían contener un ticket de oro, el cual puede ser cambiado por un artículo blockchain. En tal caso, el conejo nos ofrecía una arma blockchain y una reliquia. Ambas en total hacen una cantidad de 800 items limitados para los que tengan suerte de conseguir el ticket de oro. Para los que no tengan tanta suerte, pueden utilizar huevos comunes para canjear objetos virtuales también limitados.


Si este juego te interesa y tu pc puede correrlo, realmente te invito a que lo pruebes. Es un juego bastante interesante que va mejorando poco a poco, digamos que va mejorando a paso lento debido a que toda la administración, desarrollo, todo lo lleva solo una persona, el señor Cliff.

Si no conoces Lost Relics, puedes leer mis posts anteriores:

LOST RELICS! Blockchain game - [First impressions]

Rushing Dungeons! - LOST RELICS, Game BLOCKCHAIN


I will soon get my pendant, one month membership! - Lost Reclis, Game Blockchain

I finally made it! I got my one month membership - Lost Relics, Game Blockchain

An amazing update! - Lost Relics, Game Blockchain

The creator of the game trolled us - Lost Relics, Game Blockchain

Some tips for the return of this fantastic game! - Lost Relics, Game Blockchain


Esos eventos pascuales me recuerdan a unjuegos mmorpg que jugaba antes donde el Admin del juego regalaba monturas si encontraban el huevo dorado en un mapa en especifico
