Quality Content or Engagement, which one matters most?


I accept that making quality content and real engagement among users are similarly significant for this stage. A variety of quality content is beneficial in capturing the interest of a wide variety of users and investors as well.

Both are vital. Quality posts could potentially drive more engagement among the users. On the off chance that the content doesn't add value to the platform, there would be nothing to keep individuals drew in on the stage. So, quality content and engagement are required since one causes the other to occur.

That being said, there are instances that long-form content doesn't attract that much attention or engagement while short-form content might get hundreds of comments. There are isolated incidents like this in which what we think about high-quality content doesn't necessarily result in our expectations. One good reason for that is when a topic is relevant enough that the others would want to participate in a discussion or even a debate. For this case, quality content becomes irrelevant since the focus of the users is to react by sharing their opinion about the matter.

Not every person is a decent creator, but rather everyone can take an interest in a conversation. There are authors who are keen to create interesting topics and even controversial ones that the others are more than willing to take part in a discussion.

Engagement is made from the content that appeals to the masses. Not many will be attracted if the content in this platform will be too niche or too crypto-ish. There ought to be variety and everybody ought to be offered an equivalent chance to get their posts seen on the Trending page to feel motivated enough to keep participating in this platform.

That way, bunches of individuals would invest more effort in their posts and create a snowball effect across the whole platform.

So, to answer the question... BOTH! It's equally important for the long-term sustenance of this platform.

Have a great day!

Posted via proofofbrain.io


You asked the question and its funny that you still answered for yourself too lol.
And I will also say YES to both. Both are important because no body wanna spend their time reading some bunch of trashes here but at the same time, if the topic are appeasing, people will always come to check out what really it is you have to say about the topic or title you laid out.
And that sparks up engagement.

Posted via proofofbrain.io


Quality and over delivering are things you should always attempt to do in your every day life and more importantly your business. In a way you could say that POB stake or any crpto stake where proof of brain is used that quality in both engagement and content posting are ways to bring more value to the blockchain.

I see POB and Hive itself using the proof of brain algorithm are more important than some other proof of work blockchains. The value here comes from information and products we share with each other. Helping one another and building a strong community.

Posted via proofofbrain.io
