The fights against the "I".- #pob-fundfriday


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We have hobbies, complex or simply basic. Many times, they tend to be the product of battles with the "inner self." And it is that, human thought is so great and at the same time turn out to be so disastrous, that the ideal thing is to cultivate and win internal battles.

The warrior has his constant battle with the thought of him and with the development of the day to day. There, he paves roads and building actions, not always rewarding but very necessary. And this is where our mental prowess plays extremely important roles. Because it is our mental strength, the sword that will help us first win the battle against the inner self, and then take these achievements to the next level.

What should I do?

  • Listen to your thoughts. But learn to differentiate, which are those that promote the best of you. Don't linger on negative thoughts, linger on thoughts of building, tolerance, and emotional growth.
  • Encourage patience. Trust me, this is the best you can do. And it is that, many things are not subject to the times that one wants, they do not come in packages with a bow.
    My grandmother used to say: God's timing is perfect! And believe me he was right, many times we despair over things that have not yet happened, that have not yet happened or that will not come, knowing that we cannot handle everything and the ideal thing is to know how to wait and be patient; everything has its time.

  • Tranquility and peace. This is a very important point, we need tranquility to think fundamentally, so as not to get lost in the midst of tears and despair. We need peace, not to fill our environment with bad vibes, to reconcile everything within us consistently. It is very beautiful, to see and appreciate the peace of people, it is something that spreads faster than any virus.

  • Good face in the face of adversity. Not everything always flows as we wish, things slip out of our hands and we cannot fade. The right thing to do is to put on a good face, think intelligently how to solve the situation that develops and move on. Many allow themselves to be overcome in the face of the first obstacles, but only those of perseverance and commitment reach the desired peak.

  • Coordination of thought and speech. We should not always say in public everything we think, it happens that the occurrence sometimes becoming impertinence, is not exactly a good or pleasant foot. Cultivate positive thoughts, so that what comes out of your mouth is a true reflection of who you are on the inside.

  • Coordination of imagination. It happens that on many occasions what we imagine makes us suffer more than rejoice. We tend to be inclined to imagine disastrous things, of course, I do not mean that you do not pay attention to what your mind alarms you. However, there are people who emphasize the bad conditions and end up suffering in the long run, for things that have not happened. People who have health illnesses such as diabetes, hypertension, nerves and fall victim to their own mind. Release bad images, build, edify and relax; Many times it is difficult but it is the most ideal.

  • Movement without pause. It's hard, but it's for the best. Let's not encourage haste, but if we promote the lack of breaks and take a good acceptable and profitable own pace. Let's not encourage laziness, let's encourage work.


Life is a beautiful stream, it has great setbacks and joys. We have ups and downs, no one escapes from it; But the important thing here is how we make the decision to solve our problems. How we fully strengthen and grow in different directions of our lives.

Emotional intelligence is something that goes beyond the capacity for knowledge that we can store, it is something that combines with all aspects of our life, denotes it and soaks it up.


The important thing is to keep going, learning and building.!


Thanks for your attention, kindly: Ana Pialejo, under my username: @pialejoana.

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