RE: My DIY Tool

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You must be sisters with Beyonce, hehe. Indeed, you are as gorgeous and as beautiful as her dear, Milly. And that, I must say that you are confidently beautiful inside and out because that is what I feel about you even if I do not know you personally.

What a great day to know a surprising story that you were here for 7 years. You both are so perfect for each other. A minimalist and an explorer, hehe.

By the way, it's nice meeting the other side if you my beautiful, Beyonce. Much !LUV


You must be sisters with Beyonce,

Hehe! the poor one 🤣
Thanks for your compliment. I think I'm confident because of my accepting outlook on everything in life, and the value I place on intrinsic things.

Yes, the seven years I spent in the Philippines grew me in many ways, so I feel a great connection with the people and the place.

I was new on Hie when I lived there, and only got the chance to meet a few Filipinos when I was there.
It would be great if I return one day and get to have a Hive link up 😍
