flying skill vs earthquake [ENG/PT-BR] Splinterlands

hey vou compartilhar a batalha semanal splinterlands com a habilidade de voar vs terremotohey i will share splinterlands weekly battle with flying vs earthquake skill

Replay - "FLYING VS EARTHQUAKE" - Battle

Normalmente quando uma das regras é terremoto por incrivel que parece a comunidade nao gosta de usar cartas com habilidade de voar para poder esquivar dessa regra, alguns até usam mas nao em sua maioria veja que meu adversario focou em cartas anti-magia isso porque geralmente as pessoas costumam usar ataques magicos mesmo que uma das regras seja terremoto isso acontece porque se a carta usada tiver escudo primeiramente acerta o escudo e depois os pontos de vida dando uma certa vantagem porem eu foquei mais em 3 cartas de habilidade de voar e como eu pensei que meu adversario fosse usar ataques magicos foquei pelo menos em um ataque anti magia mas vamos ver como a batalha seguinte se desenvolveuNormally when one of the rules is earthquake, incredible as it seems, the community does not like to use cards with the ability to fly in order to avoid this rule, some even use it, but not in most cases, see that my opponent focused on anti-magic cards, because usually the people usually use magic attacks even if one of the rules is earthquake this happens because if the card used has a shield first it hits the shield and then the life points giving a certain advantage but I focused more on 3 flying ability cards and as I thought that my opponent would use magic attacks I focused at least on an anti magic attack but let's see how the next battle developed

Apos as habilidades serem ativadas veja que todos começam coma habilidade divine shield isso quer dizer que se eu nao sofrer dano nesse turno o escudo será removido pelo terremoto meu adversario usou 2 cartas boas uma de cura isso porque apesar do dano sofrido pelo terremoto irei me curar entao pela logica permanecerei com a mesma quantidade de pontos de vida e a "sneak ataque magico" fazendo com que mesmo com a minha carta com habilidade de voar que eu usei pra fugir do terremoto sofrerá dano praticamente ele anulará a habilidade de voar ja que nao da pra fugir de ataques magicos entao enquanto essa carta do meu adversario permanecer vivo provavelmente derrotará alguma cartas minhasAfter the skills are activated see that everyone starts with the divine shield skill that means that if I don't suffer damage this turn the shield will be removed by the earthquake my opponent used 2 good cards one of healing this because despite the damage suffered by the earthquake I will heal myself so by logic I will remain with the same amount of life points and the "sneak magic attack" causing even with my card with the ability to fly that I used to escape the earthquake it will suffer damage practically it will nullify the ability to fly since it does not you can evade magic attacks so while my opponent's card remains alive it will probably defeat some of my cards

No fim do primeiro turno ambos os lados perderam a galinha parece que pensamos na mesma coisa usar a galinha como escudo, porem a minha galinha acabou morrendo pro terremoto e ainda errou o golpe ja a dele morreu pro ataque magico basicamente sem nenhuma mudança ja que todos tinham o devine shield que acabou sendo removido pelo terremoto exceto para aqueles com habilidade de voarAt the end of the first round both sides lost the chicken it seems that we thought about the same thing using the chicken as a shield, however my chicken ended up dying from the earthquake and still missed the blow already his died from the magic attack basically without any change since all had the devine shield that ended up being removed by the earthquake except for those with flying ability

Durante o segundo turno o terremoto ja esta prestes a fazer varias vitimas para o meu adversario veja que eu dou de dano 2 de ataque magico e a carta dele cura 2 ou seja estou tirando 0 pontos nele apenas o terremoto esta removendo alguns pontos de vidaDuring the second round the earthquake is already about to make several victims for my opponent see that I deal 2 damage of magic attack and his card heals 2 that is I am taking 0 points on him only the earthquake is removing some life points

No fim do terceiro turno a carta magica de sneak habilidade foi derrotado pelo terremoto e eu derrotei a carta do arqueiro que curava e ele derrotou uma carta com sneak ataque magico justamente a carta com habilidade de voar porem no proximo turno 2 cartas morreram pro terremoto algo que eu queria destacar e que apesar da minha velocidade 6 nao desviei nenhuma vez nem de ataque fisico e nem de magicoAt the end of the third turn, the magic sneak card was defeated by the earthquake and I defeated the archer card that healed and he defeated a card with sneak magic attack, precisely the card with the ability to fly, but in the next turn 2 cards died due to the earthquake something that I wanted to highlight is that despite my speed 6 I never dodged physical or magical attacks

No fim do quarto turno finalmente a carta que curava foi derrotada pelo terremoto e como me restou 2 cartas com habilidade de voar o que me resta agora e esperar meu adversario ser morto durante os turnosAt the end of the fourth turn, finally the card that healed was defeated by the earthquake and since I had 2 cards left with the ability to fly, what I have left now is to wait for my opponent to be killed during the turns

E no fim do setimo turno eu acabei vencendo e meu adversario morreu pro terremoto!And at the end of the seventh round I ended up winning and my opponent died from the earthquake!

❗️ LAST TIP ❗️

Veja que apesar das regras como "terremoto" veja que eu e meu adversario usou estrategias diferentes ambas boas porem a minha deu certa e a dele nao, um focou em cancelar o ataque do adversario o outro focou em deixar as regras derrotar o oponente isso tambem vai depender das cartas que o adversario ultilizar se poderia mesclar meio a meio mas pode nao dar certo e sempre bom as cartas que o outro usuario pra vc ter um media das cartas que ele usa e se basear nisso, e essa foi a batalha semana splinterlands vejo vc seman que vem ate a proxima!See that despite the rules like "earthquake" see that my opponent and I used different strategies, both good but mine worked and his didn't, one focused on canceling the opponent's attack the other focused on letting the rules defeat the opponent that too it will depend on the cards that the opponent uses if you could mix half and half but it might not work and it's always good the cards that the other user has for you to have an average of the cards he uses and base it on that, and that was the splinterlands week battle see you next week until next time!


❗️ Habilidades da partida ❗️

❗️ Match Skills ❗️

sdf s3432432.jpg25% chance to dodge physical blows and anti-earthquake
jdfshj n4543534.jpgtake 2 damage each turn to all your cards except those with flying ability
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!Lolz !Pgm !Meme

whetever you use...
