How to Write SEO Optimized Article - Tips & Tricks


The internet is a vast place with billions of websites and trillions of pages. It can be hard to find what you're looking for, but if you write high-quality SEO-optimized articles that provide helpful information, search engines will rank your content higher in their results.

Writing SEO optimized articles for search engines is a great way to get your content out there while also improving your rankings on the major search engines like Google. There are many benefits of writing these types of posts, such as reaching new audiences and bettering keyword placement within the article. This blog post will tell you how to write an SEO-optimized article that grabs the reader's attention while ensuring that it ranks well on Google's search engine results page.

In this article, I'll teach you how to write an SEO optimized article and show some common mistakes people make when writing them.


The first thing I want to talk about is keywords and keyword optimization. When people are searching for something on Google, they're looking for specific terms that someone might have used when trying to find your article or website. If you write with the intention of being found by search engines and to generate traffic, then you write content for humans first, SEO second.

The next thing I want to talk about is incorporating keywords that are related to your article in your opening paragraph - this will help people who come across your blog post know what it's about right away. Most of the time, these are the main keywords that you want to rank for. You can also use sub-keywords in this manner, too - if they're related to your article and people might be interested in searching for them as well.

The last thing I wanted to mention is writing with a specific purpose. If someone's reading an article you write, it should be clear what they can expect to learn from reading your blog post. If the article's about writing SEO-optimized articles for search engines, then write with that purpose in mind and incorporate things like keywords related to writing an SEO-optimized article at the beginning of your content.

Here are some essential SEO tips and tricks that you don't want to miss!

✅ write high-quality content with keywords in mind.

✅ Be sure to write your article in a linear fashion - don't jump around from idea to idea without any transitions between them, as it can be confusing and off-putting for the reader.

✅ use your keyword as often as possible, but don't overdo it and write an article that reads like a 'keyword soup' of phrases. Instead, write authentic content using the words you are targeting naturally throughout the post. Include keywords naturally throughout your content by repeating them where they make sense to do so or inserting them into sentences using synonyms - this will help keep readers engaged with your article as well as search engines.

✅ include links to other articles or resources on related topics, but don't write a link every sentence. For example, if your article focuses on digital marketing and social media strategy, linking to another post covering search engine optimization is a great idea.

✅ avoid overusing keywords in headlines and subheadings - this is likely to trigger spam filters by search engines and make your content less appealing for readers as well.

✅ write at least one sentence using the keywords you're targeting naturally. Use keywords throughout; this will help search engines find your article when they index it.

✅ write in the first person, using terms that are natural for you and your audience

✅ use internal links to your blog post or other posts on the same topic.

✅ write in a conversational tone and style that is easy for readers to understand. Avoid using big words unnecessarily, but don't write like you're talking with a child either!

✅ write as if you are explaining something to someone who knows nothing about it (or at least write for someone with a basic understanding)

✅ write for your audience, not the search engine. That means you should write to provide value and information that your readers will find useful.

✅ include images in posts, they are more engaging than text alone and research shows that people tend to read articles better when there is an image included to break up the text.

✅ write in posts that are around 1000 words or more so they're easy to read on mobile devices and you can include enough information without overwhelming your readers.

✅ Keep paragraphs short; this way, they're easier to read on screens and mobile devices with smaller screens. Try not to write a paragraph that's more than three sentences long.

✅ Make sure your content is original and not copied from other sources: you want to write articles for the internet, with SEO in mind.


This will help thanks. Very good one, and simple ✍ writed.


Those are really a great tips to make a blog, I will sure try to use few things in my next post 😁🙏
Thanks for the post

have a great day and week


I really appreciate your time. Have a great day too. :)
